One thing I can guarantee though, you won't regret playing it. Amazing game, truly.
I'm sure I won't, I'm just never really in the mood for horror games. Same with horror films, it's not really a genre that interests me, but with Amnesia there's the unique appeal of the fact that it's genuinely scary, that's why I bought it... But yeah, I never sit down and think 'Hey, I think I'll play Amnesia tonight!'.
Valve did an oops and leaked today's deals a whole 20 minutes early:
"Today's Daily Deals include:
Grand Theft Auto IV 75% off
Dead Island Series 50 - 75% off
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition 75% off
Fallen Enchantress Series 66 - 75% off
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition 80% off
Batman Arkham City GOTY 75% off
Ace of Spades 75% off
Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword 75% off
Evoland 50% off
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 85% off"
That's from their news blog. GTA IV (and presumably the older GTAs as well), Arkham City (and presumably Asylum), Dark Souls, Ace of Spades and Deus Ex: Human Revolution are the interesting ones today, for me anyway. Dead Island is acceptable, it plays quite a lot like a poor Borderlands clone with melee weapons (the sequel is, apparently, not a lot better than the first) but is fun in co-op, I have no experience of the others. I might see how much Evoland is, I'm kind of interested in that but not very. If it's like £1-2 then I might pick it up.
Edit: It'll be £3.49, that's a no from me.