Steam sale thread: Summer 2017 Edition

I haven't purchased much, just Hotline Miami, Euro Truck Simulator 2, and the GTA Complete Package.

I still have things from previous sales that haven't been played yet, finished, or even installed.

I think it's more about collecting the games some times than actually playing them or even installing them. At least that's how I justify it :lol:
Another day, another batch of discounts I'm safe to ignore.

Far Cry 3 is decent and there's a lot of content there, and I only played the singleplayer. When I say 'decent', I mean the gameplay is fun but the story is just the worst thing.
XCOM: EU is nice, I don't usually go for turn-based games but I like what I've played so far. There's a lot of depth to it.
Magicka is something I personally can't get into, I don't really know why...
Garry's Mod is hilarious but kind of a waste of time unless you can be bothered to learn it and make things, kind of interesting though.

As always, avoid Infested: Survivor Stories as if it was, somewhat ironically, a zombie. I've just found out that as a side-effect of the title swap from War Z to what it is now, the 20/100 Metacritic rating is no longer shown on the store page. That's just shocking.

The flash sales are equally dry. The Binding of Isaac is a decent roguelike, if roguelikes are your cup of tea, but it's a bit, er, revolting at the same time. I don't know anything about the other three but I've heard nothing good about RE6.

I think I'll look into Mount & Blade: Warband though, it's apparently not what I thought it was. Oh and Risen 2 won the vote. New options are CS:GO, Arma II and UT3.
I think it's more about collecting the games some times than actually playing them or even installing them. At least that's how I justify it :lol:

That... works. :P

And why do I have two copies of GTA 3, SA, and Vice City; one with the icon and the other without? :odd:
That... works. :P

And why do I have two copies of GTA 3, SA, and Vice City; one with the icon and the other without? :odd:

Mac version. Everyone has them regardless of how you feel about brushed aluminium and glass computers.

Oh, it might be worth pointing out that Blood Dragon is also discounted, making it £7.19. If you want to play Far Cry 3 but either enjoy 80's sci-fi or hate games with lame stories that try to be profound but end up just being basically offensive, Blood Dragon is a pretty good alternative. Not as long, but it nails all the core gameplay elements that make Far Cry 3 fun... Except the wingsuit. Then again I always hated using the wingsuit anyway. I got about five hours of game out of Blood Dragon and felt it was well worth the full price.
Hitman Absolution :)

Finished Portal and Half-Life 2 already. Portal 2 is almost done ^^

Episode 1 and Episode 2 are next.
Should I buy EUro truck sim 2 for 9.99? Sim city 4 for 5.99 or just buy sim city 5?

If Sim City 5 is the latest one, I'd avoid it if I were you. It doesn't sound particularly good and there's some obnoxious DRM that means you can't play if you can't connect to the internet for whatever reason. Then again that may not bother you, I don't know.

And there's a demo for ETS2, a lot of people seem to like it but I didn't at the time.
If Sim City 5 is the latest one, I'd avoid it if I were you. It doesn't sound particularly good and there's some obnoxious DRM that means you can't play if you can't connect to the internet for whatever reason. Then again that may not bother you, I don't know.

And there's a demo for ETS2, a lot of people seem to like it but I didn't at the time.

Yeah, I just read about that. They have a mod to play offline though. Civilization V maybe? Never played it before. Can anyone shed a light about the game? From the looks of it, it's like Simcity, but with enemies and other region agreements? Sounds interesting.
SimCity 5 is great....

Only downside in my opinion is the size of the area you can build on...

When getting 400-500 000 citizens it gets crowded and often goes to hell because traffic becomes an issue etc etc...

If it had 4-6 times the size of the area, it would be just awesome!

Still worth the purchase I think.

SimCity 4 is a long time since i've played, but I remember it was a great game and really addictive.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is actually decent fun. It can be a bit tedious and boring at times, but also a great experience and when you progress and unlock more stuff it becomes more fun.
Also, real life radio channels are a great plus!
Yeah, I just read about that. They have a mod to play offline though. Civilization V maybe? Never played it before. Can anyone shed a light about the game? From the looks of it, it's like Simcity, but with enemies and other region agreements? Sounds interesting.

They're quite different. For starters, Civ 5 is competitive and a game has an ending (although you can play indefinitely) and a winner. Simcity 4 has no defined objective and no victory conditions. Civ 5 is a turn based game, while Simcity 4 isn't.

In Simcity, you play as a dictator/mayor in charge of a city. You zone areas for residential, commercial, or industrial use, provide utilities and services, set tax rates for different income levels and types of industry, decide how much funding to allocate to different departments and utilities, build roads and highways, public transit, etc etc. It gets complex pretty fast, and it's fairly daunting to new players to have so much to manage.

In Civ 5 you're once again the dictator except you're in charge of an entire civilization of people. You start off with one city in the Ancient age (4000 BC), and grow your civilization over the years into the year 2050. You can win by being the last player controlling your original capital city, by becoming a social utopia (or becoming a world famous tourism spot in the newest expansion), building a spaceship to send to Alpha Centauri, being voted the head of the UN, or by having the most points in the year 2050. At the highest difficulty settings the game is full of micromanaging and is incredibly complex, but at the "normal" difficulty or easier it's pretty simple to start playing and figure it out as you go.

Both games are excellent and will suck hours of your time away if you're not careful. Civ 5 is particularly addicting, because things happen on a timescale of turns, so you can easily get caught into the trap of "oh just one more turn until I research flight, I can't quit now!"
CivV is one of those games you find yourself saying just one more turn, then it's 4am and you wonder what happened to the last 6 hours.
Thanks for the input Noob616. I am well aware of SimCity since I played SC3K for such a long time. However, didn't get to play SimCity4 and I just knew about SimCity5 recently. Civilization seems interesting. I'm an RTS guy back in the days, especially with my addiction of C&C, most of it due to the Red Alert series. I spent so much time with SC1 too. Currently have SC2, but my interest for gaming has been going down as days go by so I haven't booted that up for at least a year now. I might try to get both for the heck of it. Maybe play simcity when i'm at school during class breaks when I have nothing else to do. Civ V during the long ass hours of winter or when i'm travelling. I should be able to control myself, thanks for the concern guys! Haha. I went through that phase and have managed to do great in the last 7-8 years.
Been enjoying the crap out of the new Tomb Raider. It feels great, even the the mouse/keys combo (although I'd prefer a controller for a reply through later on).

Looks great, too. This is one of the better reboots in recent memory. Easily in my top games played this year.

Btw, what's the current price of Syndicate on Steam? I'm at work atm.
Btw, what's the current price of Syndicate on Steam? I'm at work atm.

Neither the old one nor the new one are on Steam. The former is on GOG for $5.99 and the latter on Origin for $?.

I just saw CS:GO (the Community Choice winner) at £0.11, did anyone manage to get it at that price? Also, new flash deals are up; Chivalry, Age of Empires 2, Dungeon Defenders and Borderlands 2. All you need to know about how I feel about Borderlands 2 is that I've played it for over 500 hours.

New voting options are Trine 2, Payday and Amnesia. I've voted for Payday, mainly because I've played it a tiny bit but stopped because playing with randoms wasn't all that fun. If some of you guys have it we should play some time.

Now, though, I must get back to work. It's already 2:10 and I have to be up in five hours...
The AOE II is also the HD one. I'm tempted, but I don't know if I would ever actually play it. At the same time, Euro Truck Sim. 2 is also $10. Still have a couple days to decide on that one.
I might try to get both for the heck of it. Maybe play simcity when i'm at school during class breaks when I have nothing else to do. Civ V during the long ass hours of winter or when i'm travelling. I should be able to control myself, thanks for the concern guys! Haha. I went through that phase and have managed to do great in the last 7-8 years.

That's kinda why I'm stocking up on the strategy games now too. I have a long winter ahead of me and I'll have a lot of free time, so it's a good chance to play some of those time consuming games.

Played some Torchlight 2 tonight with my brother and I've been loving it so far. Feels so much more open than Diablo 3, and it's incredibly customizable. If you liked Diablo 2 I highly recommend grabbing Torchlight 2, especially because it's only $5. Played Bastion a bit tonight too, it's an interesting game. The ongoing narration is a bit weird but it makes a single player game feel a lot less solitary.
Okay this is not part of the Steam sale but...

Rocksmith crapped out on me. It suddenly wasn't able to read the old profile or write a new one anymore. Plus when it could write, it would be deleted after I exited the game. :confused:
Checking the game's file integrety didn't work. So I uninstalled the game and got a weird code. :odd:
A guy from Valve said on the forum it was because Steam couldn't (for some reason) update to the latest version. 💡

So what did I do? I uninstalled Steam. What happened? My 1TB drive full of Steam games became an empty drive again. :ouch: 🤬 :ouch: 🤬 :ouch: 🤬 :banghead:

So now I have to download EVERYTHING again during the Steam sale period. :crazy:

Good thing I have a 120/10 Mbit/s (down/up) connection (will be 150/15 next month). Else it would be even a bigger headache. :scared:

Oh well... let's get on with it I suppose. :dopey:
Sorry for taking up some bandwidth guys. :ouch:
In future, if you want Steam to sort-of reinstall itself, all you have to do is open your Steam directory and delete everything that isn't the steamapps directory or the Steam exe itself. Launch the exe and it regenerates all of the files and stuff it needs to run and all your games will appear as if they're paused or suspended whilst downloading an update. You can launch them as usual and there'll be a brief file scan and then you can play normally.
So is Deus Ex: Human Revolution a good game? I couldn't resist the 85% off so I just hope it's good. It got good user reviews and such when it got out at least.
In future, if you want Steam to sort-of reinstall itself, all you have to do is open your Steam directory and delete everything that isn't the steamapps directory or the Steam exe itself. Launch the exe and it regenerates all of the files and stuff it needs to run and all your games will appear as if they're paused or suspended whilst downloading an update. You can launch them as usual and there'll be a brief file scan and then you can play normally.

Thanks for the tip. I've got to remember that.
Oh well, the install lasted me about 2 years now I think. As long as I got Windows 7 installed ever since I build my new PC based on a launch day 2600k (still love that cpu, its a beast).
Skyrim, $35.00 with all DLC included plus some awesome mods? Worth it or pass?
Skyrim, $35.00 with all DLC included plus some awesome mods? Worth it or pass?

Since the sale is nearing the end, you might as well buy it if you really want the game. 35 bucks is not bad for a epic title plus epic DLC plus epic mods. I actually would love to have the game now, but I don't want it badly, so I decided to pass on it.
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I bought Euro Truck Simulator 2, oh dear...

Be sure to grab the latest patch via the Beta tab (for early access to 1.4.8 stable). It's already a finished one, but Steam releases take a bit.