Stock car race comparison/challenge

  • Thread starter hispeed
smallhorses : sorry that was my bad, lol.....just stuffed up the is indeed 3.39 :P

im off to try another enduro for 200 points...fuji more than likely coz it looks like noone has done that one yet :D
Well, I've been trying for literally hours & hours & hours to find the one lineup that I know I could beat, but I'm starting to get frustrated and I just worked out the probability of finding it.
There's 15 possible rides for the AI, the same car never appears in a lineup twice, so the probability of getting the right 5 cars out of 15 is something like:-
( 1/15 x 1/14 / x 1/13 x 1/12 / x 1/11) = 1 in 360,360!

So if I sit here for days on end I may find it, but I'm ready to give up, so I'll share the info for anyone else who wants to try and can get lucky. I've based the fact that I think they can be beaten based on the AI's pit strategy for each car in the field which I've researched and posted in a thread in the race reports forum. (its also included as a link in the GT4 FAQ stickied thread.)

Anyway, the race, weapon of choice and lineup required is as follows and should give a storming 200pt race.

Tsukuba 9hr Endurance.
Car: Renault 5 Turbo '80 (0.0mile prizecar, oil changed, S2 tyres) / MR / 168HP / 970kg / 5.8kg/HP

Lineup to look for:-
Alfa Romeo 147 GTA '02, Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04, BMW 330i '05, Audi A3 3.2 quattro '03, Subaru Legacy B4 2.0GT '03.
Needs to have Subaru starting 5th and one of the Alfas on pole. The Subaru is quick on warm tyres but pits around 19 or 20 laps, the Alfas are no contest but block the other cars well! I've had several aborted attempts to find out every cars strategy and can get 23 good laps out of a set of S2 tyres, and only 26 out of S1s.
I was able to lap in the low 1'07s to high 1'06s on S2s.
Good luck to anyone who finds that lineup and wants to give it a shot. :cheers:
Now this isn't a "stock car" but I did get 200 pionts for using it.In the special conditions.Using the Audi A4 touring car in the Tsukuba Wet hard.I was able to beat the R8 buy about .500 sec. :) That was a great one.Give it a try,just remember to set the suspention on the soft side.It helps with the handling.
i think acording to the rules outlines in the start of the thread, its a "stock" long as you dont change anything on it, and use S1/S2 tires, only thing ur allowed is a oil change and can change whateva settings possible (suspension/gearing) except for rideheight, downforce must stay whateva the stock setting is.

im currently doing the "fuji 1000km" endurance race

im in the black R390 GT1 driven as purchased from the shop (no oil change), with S1/S1 tires and a few small changes in the gear ratio. stock everything else

its worth 200 a-spec points :D

field :

Bentley Speed 8
Panoz Esp GTR
Pescario Courage
Audi R8

im lapping slowly obviously being on crap tires, but they are lasting 25laps while theirs are lasting only 14-19laps. im leading by about 6seconds atm.....ive worked it out that i can win it, as long as i dont make any mistakes (harder than it sounds, lol)

ill come back in 2hrs with a update :P
sorry to re-post these...please disregard my previous entries for this series...I'll make sure to only post when I have my max points from now on

Both Subaru Races were against an all Subaru lineup...I can't catch the RUF's...& only got 173 on Hong Kong track with Subaru cause I couldnt win with S1's there..

Professional Hall: Boxer Spirit Race 1 - Hong Kong
Car: RUF 3400S / MR / 306HP / 1300kg / 4.25 / 176 A-Spec Points

Professional Hall: Boxer Spirit Race 2 - Infineon
Car: Impreza Coupe R STI Ver6 / 4WD / 285HP / 1260kg / 4.42 / 194 A-Spec Points

Professional Hall: Boxer Spirit Race 3 - Deep Forest
Car: Impreza Coupe R STI Ver6 / 4WD / 285HP / 1260kg / 4.42 / 187 A-Spec Points
So the 2 Subaru races were on S1 tyres? Is that right?

It's important to list if tyres were changed since most cars come with S2s, and someone looking at the list could spend ages trying for those high point races with the regular car, only to discover it can't be done!
That's why I try to avoid changing to S1s for short (2 - 5 lap) races, and only use them for longer races & enduros if possible.

Let me know before I add them to the list. :cheers:
i think acording to the rules outlines in the start of the thread, its a "stock" long as you dont change anything on it, and use S1/S2 tires, only thing ur allowed is a oil change and can change whateva settings possible (suspension/gearing) except for rideheight, downforce must stay whateva the stock setting is.

Its S2 or S1 tyres for road cars, with the exception of some of the tuner cars, the Delorean and the RUF3400S, and possibly a couple more which come stock with S3s. (Most cars come stock with S2 tyres.)
You should not use R tyres on a road car, except for R1 which are allowed for Laguna Seca 200 Mile Endurance only.

If you have a race car, like your Black R390 GT1, then you can use R1 - R3 tyres, as well as S1 - S3 tyres. (Most race cars come with R1s as stock tyres, although some have R2s, and some R3s as stock.)

You can change any setting you like if the car comes stock with adjustable brakes, suspension, transmission, differential and downforce.
The only thing you should not touch is the ballast & weight balance settings.
You cannot add any adjustable parts if the car doesn't come with them in its original form.

There. Clear as mud isn't it! :lol:
someone looking at the list could spend ages trying for those high point races with the regular car, only to discover it can't be done!
And with that in mind...

I'm struggling to find a 200pt lineup for the Schwarzwald Liga A race vs the Speedster. Tried switching to S1's, but the best I can get is 187pts (haven't bothered racing it, it was getting late last night ;) ) Anybody got any idea what cars to look out for - I know I could go find another race to get me into Club 200, but it's bugging me now :)

GT4freak32492 - if you see this, I don't suppose you can remember the lineup you ran against? Thanks in advance :cheers:
No worries LeadSlead#2!
What you've done is well within the rules, and quite understandable for getting the points, but I just have to make sure its noted on the main list so that someone doesn't end up doing this -> :banghead: trying to repeat a high point race using the wrong tyres!

I'm having no joy finding a stock ride to run in the Tuning Car GP, since the AI entrants are running on R3s, and most of my stock garage cars come with S2 or S3 tyres! :grumpy:
If you have a race car, like your Black R390 GT1, then you can use R1 - R3 tyres, as well as S1 - S3 tyres. (Most race cars come with R1s as stock tyres, although some have R2s, and some R3s as stock.)
ahhh crap

so u mean to tell me that im driving this R390 GT1 on S1/S1's for no reason! ahhhh almost finished the darn race too...looks like i might win it! but its very on lap 203/228 and im leading by 8seconds...close!

still its been a awesome race.....

ill come back when ive finsihed :)
@ hispeed, I think he means the BMW 320i Touring Car, yes. However, I don't have that kind of cash to waste yet, so I'm working through my garage to find something competetive.

@ CBR250RR that's OK, if you win on S1 tyres just include that in your submission, but next time read the rules a little more carefully!
Oh, and in the post above to get the quote to work, it should say [/QUOTE]
You missed the slash out so it doesn't end the tag. :)

Upping the ante on the World Classic Car race by a massive 10 points!!!

Professional Hall : World Classic Car Race : All Races.
Car: Isuzu 117 Coupe '68 / FR / 119HP / 1050kg / 8.8kg/HP / 71 A-spec points

vs. Lotus Elan S1 '62, Chevrolet Corvette Convertible (C1) '54, Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66, Mini Marcos GT '70, Nissan Silvia (CSP311) '65.
Had to qualify for every race to beat the Elan.

*edit* Gone back to Special Conditions to win a Rally Car to attempt Tuning Car GP in!

Special Conditions: Whistler Ice Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Subaru Impreza Coupe WRXtypeR STi Version VI (GC) '99 (Used, oil changed) / 4WD / 285HP / 1260kg / 4.4kg/HP / vs. Toyota Celica Rally Car (ST185) '95 142 A-spec points
ok all done

i managed to win it :D but only margin was 2.6seconds!

total time of 5hr 14min 40.242sec

black R390 GT1 driven as purchased from the shop (no oil change), with S1/S1 tires and a few small changes in the gear ratio. stock everything else

Fuji 1000km endurance race
Car: Black R390GT1 / 531HP / 1000kg / 1.88kg/HP / 200 A-spec points

field :

2nd : Jag XJR-9
3rd : Pescario CourageC60
4th : Audi R8
5th : Bentley Speed 8
6th : Panoz Esp GTR
ok all done

i managed to win it :D but only margin was 2.6seconds!

total time of 5hr 14min 40.242sec

black R390 GT1 driven as purchased from the shop (no oil change), with S1/S1 tires and a few small changes in the gear ratio. stock everything else

Fuji 1000km endurance race
Car: Black R390GT1 / 531HP / 1000kg / 1.88kg/HP / 200 A-spec points

field :

2nd : Jag XJR-9
3rd : Pescario CourageC60
4th : Audi R8
5th : Bentley Speed 8
6th : Panoz Esp GTR

Awsome. 5+ Hrs, 2s win. :rolleyes: wouldn't have time or courage to try.
heres the screen shot :D

CBR250RR That's phenomenal! A great ending to a small misunderstanding about tyres!
S1 tyres for nearly 6 hours on a race car! Very brave! :bowdown:
What did that car come with for tyres when you bought it?
Thanks for the screenshot too! Though proof is never usually required, I can't blame you at all for wanting to show that one off & share it with us!
it came with R3's, lol

question : does this put me as the 1st person 2 complete the fuji 1000km race for 200points in a stock car?

im already thinking bout my next challenge really getting into these 200pt stock car races much more fun than just blitzing the competition
....question : does this put me as the 1st person 2 complete the fuji 1000km race for 200points in a stock car?....

Yes it does, it's been added into my text file so it'll show on the list next time we do an update. It would've counted as a stock 200pt race even if you'd run it on R3s, R2s, R1s, S3s, S2s or S1s. You just picked the hardest deal out of the lot!

Remember when you come to Laguna Seca 200 miles, there's an exception to the tyre rule for road cars, you can use R1s on a road car for this race, and this race only.
Thanks for the pit strategy updates for that race too. ;)
@ kart racer. Yes, that'll put you on the list as long as there were no other modifications to the car except for an oil change.

But before we do, can I ask that you post the stats for the car in this format? As requested in Post #1:-

Car / Drivetrain / Power (HP) / Weight (kg) / WPR (kg/HP) / A-spec points.

Take the HP & weight values from the selling screen in the garage, do not use main garage values, as they're wrong!

No stats = No Entry!

It helps us to verify you were using a stock car and is easier to paste into the list when it's all on one line like that. :cheers:
Laguna Seca 200miles Endurance Race

Car : ASL ARTA Garaiya (JGTC) '03 (new/oil change) / Drivetrain : MR / 238(ending HP) / Weight 1125(kg) / 4.72 (kg/HP) / 167 A-spec points.

on R1/R1 tires

Field :

1st : Me - ASL ARTA Garaiya total time 2hrs18min22.935sec best lap 1:28.768
2nd : Saleen S7 '02 - finished 1.5laps down
3rd : Shelby Series 1 supercharged
4th : Proto Motors SPIRRA 4.6 V8
5th : Ford GT '05
6th : Chev Corvette ZO6 (C5)

i pitted every 23laps which means only 3 pits in the 90lap race, the saleen pitted every 22laps so had 4 stops to make.

the shelby, SPIRRA & ford were fast enough but pitted 5,5 & 7 times respectivly so were never in the running.

I was outgunned in the straights, but easily out braked them, having to do one less pit than the S7 helped alot too.....finding a car for 200 a-spec points will be a challenge, but it will have to be a race car of some sort, to make up the deficet in power, u need something that handles & brakes well, with low weight so the tires last a decent length of time
Another good race CBR250RR 👍

I'd better tell you this before you get jumped on by the moderators though:-

Your signature should be no more than 6 lines!
(read Acceptable Use Policy or Terms of Service, I can't remember which one stipulates this.)

Try condensing it a little before the moderators catch on, for your own sake. ;)
thx 4 the sig info...hopefully thats a bit better

any idea's on what i could use for the laguna race for 200pts? the ASL ARTA garaiya was close and i reckon the race can be won with something similar...a little less power but needs the same handling/braking power
any idea's on what i could use for the laguna race for 200pts?
Try the Cusco Subaru Advan Impreza or the Honda S2000 LM Race Car 👍

Also I think that you number for the ASL Arta Garaiya are off a little, mine shows 319hp stock so I'm thinking that you just made a typo and that the hp is 338 with an oil change instead of 238 with hp/kg of 3.3 , maybe!?!?! :scared:

thx 4 the sig info...hopefully thats a bit better

any idea's on what i could use for the laguna race for 200pts? the ASL ARTA garaiya was close and i reckon the race can be won with something similar...a little less power but needs the same handling/braking power
fiat panda would prob work! :dopey: 👍
Try the Cusco Subaru Advan Impreza or the Honda S2000 LM Race Car 👍

Also I think that you number for the ASL Arta Garaiya are off a little, mine shows 319hp stock so I'm thinking that you just made a typo and that the hp is 338 with an oil change instead of 238 with hp/kg of 3.3 , maybe!?!?! :scared:


ahh indeed, getting all confused because i have the Pal version, it reports things in kw instead of HP......i just put it down like it was......stock mine says 220kw which is yeh 320 with a oil change. with a oil change meaning

1125/320 = 3.51kg/hp

i think im on top of it now...just gotta remember to convert it right 👍

ill have a play around with those other cars, probably need a Power to weight bout 3.8kg/hp-4.0kg/hp for 200pts
@ kart racer. Yes, that'll put you on the list as long as there were no other modifications to the car except for an oil change.

But before we do, can I ask that you post the stats for the car in this format? As requested in Post #1:-

Car / Drivetrain / Power (HP) / Weight (kg) / WPR (kg/HP) / A-spec points.

Take the HP & weight values from the selling screen in the garage, do not use main garage values, as they're wrong!

No stats = No Entry!

It helps us to verify you were using a stock car and is easier to paste into the list when it's all on one line like that. :cheers:

Audi A4 Touring car, 1080kg,214.8 miles,I am using the hp from the garage screne as the stat from the sell screne just shows a blank,484 hp with oil change.Tires are R3's. They came with the car.
Ok ive done it :D

Laguna Seca 200miles Endurance Race

Nissan C-West RAZO Silvia (stock, new), no oil change, downforce @ 23/35, tranny autoset@4/ FR / 300hp / 1150kg / R1-R1 tires / 3.83kg/hp / 200 A-Spec points

If anyone wants to try this race again, to get 200 A-Spec points offered u need to have the 3 fast cars in the field (SPIRRA,SHELBY/GT40) but no Saleen S7!! (quick AND has long tire stints), also i had to adjust downforce down a little stock it was 185points, with 23/35 downforce...i was offererd the 200 points....

Field :

1st : Me (RAZO Silvia) -- Margin of Victory 45.574seconds
2nd : Proto Motors SPIRRA
3rd : Shelby Series1 S/C
4th Ford GT '05
5th : Dodge Viper GTR
6th : Chev GRAND SPORT

Once Again the pit stops come to the rescue, i could comfortably lap @ 1min31/32- pace but the SPIRRA/Shelby were doing 1min30/31's.......they were pitting every16/17laps while i was pitting every 23laps, the low weight of the JGTC cars allowing long stints. The field lined up with the Chev & Dodge in position 1&2 this helped CONSIDRABLY, in blocking the other faster cars, i was able to get a lead of about 20seconds b4 they passed them.

All in all a TOUGH race, i had to concentrate slip into the grass could have stuffed it up...thankfully i only made a few small errors and it didnt cost me the a happy chappy :D

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