Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
I hated it also so I didn't even try for a clean lap to submit a time. I race when I find the time and when the combo is fun for me. I don't mind if that means dropping down or off the leaderboard.

What did you hate about it? I also disliked the combo at first, but after a couple of evenings I managed to get some good clean laps and found my way around it. IMO, if you only race the cars and tracks you like, you'll never improve and become a more complete racer.
Ok, nuf said... I wasn't trying to force a change, just suggest one. I asked that everyone keep an open mind, and they did. Thank you.

Don't get me wrong, Like I said Kent and CFM and all the others are doing a great job. I just know that even in Div 3 I will most likely never get a podium unless I am the only one that posts a time.

I do think the suggesstion of pairing down the list to Active and Non-actives is a good suggestion though.

Thank you all for you comments.
De Bolle
What did you hate about it? I also disliked the combo at first, but after a couple of evenings I managed to get some good clean laps and found my way around it. IMO, if you only race the cars and tracks you like, you'll never improve and become a more complete racer.
To say I hated it was probably a little strong. I race for fun and after trying it I did not enjoy racing that combo - so I didn't.

Anyway, back to the real topic of this thread...
To be honest, there is no particular advantage to using a wheel over a controller. The most important thing is spending enough time practicing to master whichever input device you have. I love using the wheel on low powered cars, as it allows finer braking and steering inputs, but then the DS2 allows full lock to lock instantly which is nice for those 1000HP monsters. But really the only major difference to me is that the wheel is much much more fun. As you can see, hOt and holl01 can use the DS/2 quite well week after week. I drove DS/2 through the majority of my GT3 racing career, and I did really well back in the day. Before GT4 came out I took a month or two and made the full time switch to DFP so I've never even used the DS/2 for GT4. I doubt I could even place in D3 with the DS/2 now, just because I'm so used to the DFP.

Bottom line is, practice will make you faster than any type of contoller.👍

If you have some extra play money and a dedicated area to set up a DFP though it's way fun.:sly:

I agree, i use DS2 for drifting and DFP for racing. I used DS2 for the start of my GT4 "career" and got all gold and all missions, now i use DFP i can also get all golds and missions, its not really easier but its so much more fun. The way i look at it is. DFP helps you reach your limit faster than a DS2, but the limit is the same whether you use a DS2 or DFP, just with the DFP i can hit or get closer to the limit than the DS2. Theoretically their is no difference, though if you mastered both controllers, you should be able to be just a bit faster with DFP based on the precision. But thats not why i race DFP, i race it because its 200times more fun than DS2. Even if your a tad slower with DFP than DS2 it more than makes up for it with the fun factor.

Hope all that made sense :lol:
That said, the DS2 does have 255 levels of sensitivity on every button. Which I assume would be more or at least equal to the DFP pedals. And you can reach lock-to-lock, in .05 seconds with the DS2. I don't know the figures of the DFP but it would be about 1 second?

Personally, I can't stand the wheel, any wheel. It's probably what I'm used too, but I just can't change direction quick enough with it. Except in WRC, which I find the wheel quite fun to use.
Its 256 different levels of pressure on a pad actually.

The wheel gives you the ability to turn in to a corner just enough, the pad means its all or nothing, unless you master the in-between points on the stix, but it still doesnt give you the ability to steer in at the required amount instead of full lock, which ultimately will give you understeer, and thus, slower lap times....

There, that should heat things up a bit...
thats where your wrong vexd to a certain extent.

you can never induce forced understeer with DS2, the wheels always turn the optimal angle. You look at the wheel, you press full turn around a corner the wheel doesnt go full lock, however in a dfp it will and the front wheels will smoke, thats why DS2 is better on tires than DFP as in a DFP its a hard skill to turn enough but not to much.
Personally, most of the time I drive with full lock either side for pretty much every corner. Except for long sweeping things, say....well....a lot of the 'ring, where I just repeatedly press the D-Pad on and off really fast (I use the pad, not the stick).

But really, I don't find it too hard to not use full lock using the pad, just takes extra touch compared to the wheel.
Its 256 different levels of pressure on a pad actually.

and in reality due to the 5mm of travel on each button you can only use maybe 4 levels of sensitivity... 6 or so if you're really really trying.
but putting that much concentration into using the controler is not a good thing.
wheels win based purely on intuitive operation. I don't drive my car with a ps2 controller, so i don't want to play my race sims with one.
that theory works well, but many of us have picked up a game controller long before we ever have or in some cases still havnt driven a car. I found the DFP helped me adapt to a real car with things like foot co-ordination. I knew all the basics as i ride motos for 9 years but i just had to do things with my feet that i normally did with my hands, and things with my hand that i do with my feet! lol.
I just wanted to come in and remind you guys that wheels don't win races any more than pads...

Heck, neither win races... It's the driver.

With GT4 things may change a bit, but after 2+ years of WRS old in the GT3 wrs I found that the winners were never consistantly one or the other.

The only thing consistant about the winners were their names- regardless of controller. :sly:

Fact is, if you are good enough at the game to win with your wheel, then stick to it.
If you are good enough to win with your DS2, stick with that. 👍

Plus, if you look at this it is pretty clear that one does not dominate the other. :D

Till next time,

I would like to suggest we get back on topic...
Wheel vs Pad is something for the chit chat thread or the "wheel forum" found off of the main page. 👍
For a suggestion. I suggest that some time in the future we have a DS2 vs DFP race/little series. I don't how it would work, but it could be interesting!

Other then that...we still havn't done chamiox....(nudge, nudge)
i'm all for leaving the rally racing to colin mcrae where it belongs.
gt's rally is horrid... always has been.
How about running Tsukuba Wet in an Alpine? 💡

I was gonna suggest the same thing but on dry pavement.

I just wanna see how much my work at Tsukuba will pay off in WRS, I've been doing pretty well there in the Minolta, now I'm gonna try the F1, then some other slower but fast cars.

How about Tsukuba Wet Tsukuba Wet in S2000s?

The Amuse R1, Amuse street, Mugen, Spoon, Normal and Type-V... Tune them all in arcade to have nearly identical stats... 👍 👍

Problem is, we already did an S2000 a few weeks back at Cote. :ouch:

Still might be a fun race (and something that has been done in real life I bet).

Also, another great combo...
GT Mode...
"The Ring"...
RUF BTR: Stock power & Drivetrain.
Semi-racing suspension.
Weight reduction stage 3.
RSS tires

That combo is fun as hell and really gives you a sense of respect for the BTR.
It's also another one of those "happens in real life" sort of combos.
Oh and I forgot, that exact same setup for the RGT is awesome as well... Even better if your not into loose rear-ends. ;)

The RGT doesn't have as much slide as the BTR.
However, both of those on RSS tires and 0 tcs can make for some really fun racing. :bowdown:
if you want one heck of a challenge and it would make a race to really seperate the men from the boys, it would be this.

Holden Monaro, Stock, No driving aids, Road, Economy or Comfort tyres, any tracks with turns.

The back-end goes out so easily you really have to fight the car.
if you want one heck of a challenge and it would make a race to really seperate the men from the boys, it would be this.

Holden Monaro, Stock, No driving aids, Road, Economy or Comfort tyres, any tracks with turns.

The back-end goes out so easily you really have to fight the car.

As odd as this may sound... I've never thought of those kinds of races as the type to seperate the "men from the boys."

I've always thought of them as a sort of handicap for those who never practice on "bad" tires.

Part of the reason I say that is because I'm a grip racer with no tolerance for simulated traction loss.
Admitedly this is a bias on my behalf.
However, can you blame me? :lol:
I've driven enough in real life that I have a hard time fully accepting a video game's interpretation of traction loss and traction delivery. :indiff:

Hey, that's just me though. :lol:

Btw, regarding the Holden mentioned above...
After all the theorizing in the "fastest road car" thread, I would have to say the Holden is best suited to rolling on N3 out of any "N" tires.

My take on the whole thing boiled down to this...

N tires are equal to various real world street tires.
N1= Daihatsu move, scion, etc etc
N2= integra, celica, alfa 156 etc etc
N3= Vette, viper, tuscan

Sports tires are tires made primarily for track use and each of the various levels (s1,s2,s3) are for different race requirements (such as time trials vs multi-lap races).
Real world cars that would might have tires fitting into this category would be "super cars, tuner cars, and 'whatever you would reffer to a Porsche GT3 as." :lol:

Then racing tires which are pretty much illegal on real world public roads and carry no use other than track racing (each type being specific to the race conditions).

Of course like I said, that's just my take. :dopey:
But trust me, I spent some time researching and thinking about this stuff.
That doesn't mean I am right about it, it just means that I'm prepared to talk about it. ;) :lol:
I like your take on the tires situation Kent, and whole heartedly agree. I'm also a fan of grip driving, although drifting and stuff for FUN only is fun, not for competition IMO. Some cars on N tires are ok, while others are completely pointless. Try driving a Yellow Bird around Trial Mountain on N3 tires. WORTHLESS! Try driving a Miata around on N3 tires, NOT WORTHLESS! Haha, peace guys. I'm up for most stuff, so I'm looking forward to next week, the week after that, and so on. I need to expand my experience, so I won't put in any more suggestions for combos.
yeah i do see what your saying, the car still pretty tricky to drive on sports tyres, N tyres are just what ive been using recently :P
How about the Audi LeMans, in the 'gone like the wind race'. Or any car really that isn't just going to destroy them or get pumped. Would make for some interesting slip streaming statergies.

That or that race and submit your highest top speed....

Or we could do Mission 23.... :) (I can already hear crying)
I'd still dig a real world race, as in road cars, for example the M3 vs. Mercs vs. Audi's and the like ...

But P/W ratios will have to be adjusted, otherwise the M3 will probably eat the others for lunch ... :nervous:

Or an all Japan test, Scooby vs. EVO vs. Integra Type R vs. Skyline ...

Something like that ...
supra 2.5lt twin turbo on S3's @ grand valley east
GTR Mspec Nur S3's @ seattle

sallen S7 in S3 on Seattle
audi R8 in Seattle
lancer EVO8 Rally supercar in Seattle

just some combos we can do at this track...

just for a change, maybe a escudo pikes peak somewhere? (even in rally tracks if that´s the case)