Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
I totally agree that this week as a multilapper would've SUCKED hardcore, there's not nearly enough room on most of the track for more than one car when trying to go fast... :)

Anywho, I'd definitely be down for racing some old cars! Like that first gen corvette... fully modded in GT mod, or in arcade mode with road tires or something, it's an awesome drive, just needs more power! Lots of grip, even on the harder tires. A race in the RGT would be fun as well... When's the last time we had a mid-engine car?(well, other than a balls out sports car)
I want to see a car that has barely any understeer.

Something like a RR or MR car id say.
More of a tip than a request.

Ive seen a few combos now using covertables, which enables you to select to race multilappers with top down or up, with the top down you only get 1 other AI. This can make tedious Multilappers much more fun with only 1 ****head to worry about instead of 5.
Don't know if you guys have done one with the formula cars, but I htink that would be an awesome test of reflexes and skill. And lightning quick speeds would certainly make lap rounds alot quicker and create more practice time in a short time space.

Only if everyone has one of course.
We used one a while back on Tokyo, can't remember which week it was, but yeah, we've used it once before. I don't know how long it'll be before we use it again, probably a good long while though, because there are soooooo many other cars to try out.

PS. About the Legacy GTB wagon, I think we need to use it in GT mode, fully tuned, Race tires, mediums as the softest tires allowed or something. Around Grand Valley Speedway. In memory of my favorite combo in GT2... 👍
i wouldnt mind returning to le searthe (unchickaned) drving a fast lemans race car, like audi r8, or perecaslo (spelling?). just something different, le searthe is one of the best tracks in the game IMO
i wouldnt mind returning to le searthe (unchickaned) drving a fast lemans race car, like audi r8, or perecaslo (spelling?). just something different, le searthe is one of the best tracks in the game IMO

Probably been suggested before. But I think it needs a bump.


On a twisty track, that we havn't done before. Like say, Autumn Ring Mini? And NOT on racing tyres. I'm sure roads/Sports Hards would suffice.
Righty-O...I got an interesting suggestion....I've had a look around the drifting section of this site and there seem to be some pretty damn good drifters around, if you've never had a look check this link out for starters, in particular download the video of Putte Tutte's...some freaky drifting in that and also check out the thread I started here.

My idea is to have a race that could be done equally well drifting vs gripping? Don't know of a good one off the top of my head but I'm sure others will know and we get the drifters to compete with the usual WRS crew??? Whatya reckon???
I'm mostly a drifter, but I can race. I think I'm fast (80 golds in licenses). I'm interested in this competition. I don't know if any other drifters will join into this.

You WRS races will race any car on any track, but I need to set the car/track where I can do a fast drifting.

MisterWeary, I'll contact you on MSN, so we can talk better about this.
Okay that sounds cool, I'll put my MSN on when I'm online, I leave it off frequently :)

I think it would only be fair that the drifters got to choose the combination, I think it's tough to keep speed with drifting on most tracks
I reckon this is an excellent week for drifters to show up. 👍
Rarely do we see races in the WRS that are faster with drifting techniques and this week is one of those weeks.

If I were a drift nut, this would be my week to really put some time into the WRS.

As for suggestions, I have one. :sly:
GT Mode street car on racing tires.

Something fast too.
VW Nardo :mischievous:

Ah, what about a mix of suggestions...
VW Nardo @ Sarthe 👍 👍

I posted that combo for racing in my "N,S,R" spot race event but since that racing didn't get much of a response I am going to have to say it might be a bad idea. :confused:

I'll let you all decide. :D
We definitely need something at La Sarthe again 👍
I agree completely.

Something fast, really fast. And on the unchicaned version, as well :D

The Wizard.
I agree with Wizard.
However, in a different way I'm sure... As in, he probably wants to see something like the Audi R8.

I, on the other hand, would like to see something like the VW Nardo.
There are two reasons I'm asking for the Nardo.
1) I've tried the Arcade combo and it was fun. 👍
2) I would rather see the R8 on a course that is more technically demanding.

On Sarthe II (the non-chicane version) it would be better to use a car that has a concentration of straight-line speed- the Nardo has just that.

The R8 would be great on a course like Motegi, Grand Valley, Souel, or even The Ring.
To me it would be a waste of the R8 to use it at Sarthe without chicanes.

Save the R8 for something with lots of turns so we can really use the R8 where it shines. 👍

On Sarthe II, if I had to pick a Race Car to use, I would pick something like the Toyota GT-One (great car for top speed).

I would still preffer to see the Nardo. ;)
On Sports Soft tires traction can be an issue but that's still a fun combo, and challenging thanks to the sports tires.
On Racing tires the Nardo would have plenty of grip so the traction wouldn't be much of an issue but the straight line power of the Nardo would give us the top speed we are looking for on a course like Sarthe II.

All in all, as I've said before, I have faith that Cyril will hook us up with a race that is both fun and challenging even if it isn't straight from the suggestions thread. :sly:

Good luck with the picks F.O. :cheers:
There will be a race at La Sarthe soon, and I want to add that this race was ready weeks before someone (was it holl01 ?) first mentions the track in this thread. Thus the :) in my initial answer.
There will be a race at La Sarthe soon, and I want to add that this race was ready weeks before someone (was it holl01 ?) first mentions the track in this thread. Thus the :) in my initial answer.

:lol: 👍
That's enough to keep me happy. :)
(that would be a ":mischievous:" smiley but I don't feel confident about being fast on Sarthe :lol: )

I'll be waiting for your new race anxiously (sp?).
nice, i see there will be a le searthe race (chiackane or unchiackaned it doesnt matter) soon, its a pitty i cant use the wheel though as nothing beats driving with the dfp at 300+km/h!
Another underated car that i reckon very few people will have used (although i notice Casio used it in Week 13) is the Proto Motors Spirra (found in the Korean cars hall). I'd never even discovered it before the other day. I thought it was going to be a POS but i found it quite the opposite. Go's well with the supercharger fitted 👍
ROB 256R
Another underated car that i reckon very few people will have used (although i notice Casio used it in Week 13) is the Proto Motors Spirra (found in the Korean cars hall). I'd never even discovered it before the other day. I thought it was going to be a POS but i found it quite the opposite. Go's well with the supercharger fitted 👍

That was a fantastic lap I did in that, one of my best. It's a really fantastic car, you can get a really nice drift on it. It's kinda like a little Zonda.

Can we use that on A-Ring-Mini? Please Flat-O?
how about a ten lapper race at super speedway with a fast car on RM tires

there will be drafting going on, and the times will be very close

sounds like a good idea for a future wrs, something completely different, yet fun!

and also, we should really be racing the nurb like every 1 in 5 weeks or something like that as it is by far the best track in the game, so lets use it alot!
sticky car, autumn ring mini... but no AI, it would makes us go crazy...

also, those 10 or plus lap events are really cool:tup:
how about a ten lapper race at super speedway with a fast car on RM tires

there will be drafting going on, and the times will be very close

sounds like a good idea for a future wrs, something completely different, yet fun!
Where have I heard that before? :P

and also, we should really be racing the nurb like every 1 in 5 weeks or something like that as it is by far the best track in the game, so lets use it alot!
How about we don't do that. Because the 'nurb' is silly. Everyone knows that it's just like a long version of Infinion.
hahaha, yes i forgot to mention that u thought of it first (the super speedway idea) credit to casio! and the nurb idea, well u may suck at it, but i was wondering how other people feel about the nurb?
hahaha, yes i forgot to mention that u thought of it first (the super speedway idea) credit to casio! and the nurb idea, well u may suck at it, but i was wondering how other people feel about the nurb?

i love it, but i never really put time into, so i suck there...
so it would be a good time for me to learn

but please, no more aston martin or any other junk-arcade car there...
but please, no more aston martin or any other junk-arcade car there...

I have to argee. If it is going to be done, I feel it needs to be in a car that's forgiving and you can make mistakes. You don't want a car where you brake 40cm to late and you go spearing off into the grass, or get on the thottle to early and power into the wall.

A nice low-powered race car. Even better if it's FF (Kent jumps for joy).