Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
I have been thinking about GT4 and WRS a lot recently since I haven't had time to play and it occured to me what the perfect cars for the WRS are. Its all those stupid special cars. The cars themselves aren't stupid, its the fact that you can't use them for anything, its like "what's the point". WRS! That's what those cars are for! The Caterham 7 is my favorite so far, but I have only tried it, the Nike, and the Prowler. If I had time I would have used one of those for the special WRS anniversary at the Ring. I see someone used the Patent Wagon... that was a bit too extreme, but at least the car got some mileage (kilometerage?).

So what does anyone else thing about this?
Mojo Rising
I think it says his real name is Lucifer, in his profile. hehe :) Because that would be drivers hell.

No, it says Darren not Damien! :)

I have got these funny markings on the back of my head though??

Just for a laugh I tried a couple of laps round the ring in a midget and it's not funny, I was falling asleep down the final straight!:dopey:

How about something front wheel drive?

Edit: At last someone else who likes the Caterham, I'd jump at the chance to give this little beauty a decent outing. 👍
We had the Lupo recently (week 52) but I was planning to have another FF car soon (Next week perhaps, I'll see what combo I already have in store)
Lets run a multilapper with no AI!!

Duke found a way.

Simply just run in free run mode and save the session. You have 1 warmup lap then the timer starts on the flying lap, then do the required amount of laps, then allow 10 - 15 seconds after you finish to exit out of the session, save your replay and it will be the total of the laps you ran.


start session do a full lap
as you start the next lap this is when the "race" starts.
do another lap
do another lap
do another lap
cross the finish line and wait 15 seconds then exit

Replay will have 4 laps of data.

Flat-Out should test this better to make it easier to explain but further dicussion can be found here post 84 - 94 👍
Lets run a multilapper with no AI!!

Duke found a way.

Simply just run in free run mode and save the session. You have 1 warmup lap then the timer starts on the flying lap, then do the required amount of laps, then allow 10 - 15 seconds after you finish to exit out of the session, save your replay and it will be the total of the laps you ran.


start session do a full lap
as you start the next lap this is when the "race" starts.
do another lap
do another lap
do another lap
cross the finish line and wait 15 seconds then exit

Replay will have 4 laps of data.

Flat-Out should test this better to make it easier to explain but further dicussion can be found here post 84 - 94 👍

Indeed, the replay will show the exact race time for completed laps. Both unfinished laps (warm-up lap and what you run after crossing the finish line) don't count in the total).
I've been using that feature for ages to check what car setups have similar performances on a given track. I'm running 10 laps with each setup or each car and then I compare the overall time.
It never came to my mind that we could use it for a race without AI.

I'll look for a proper car/track to experiment this.
Can we please not ever do a multi-lap again?! Or GT Mode, Thanks!

I would like an Arcade race on New York, or Hong Kong, both of which we havn't used for ages. In a real road car, Mustang, Corvette for New York. Anything with good handling will do for Hong Kong. None of these gay Race cars with R5s, or FFs with anything.

Hahahaha, I'm up for whatever, if I have time. Speaking of which, I have a half an hour to get a clean race in for this week's WRS...! Peace!
And actually, I kind of like the AI races now... It adds another dimension of difficulty. You just have to learn where they slow down, and then figure into your line where you need to pass them. When you DO get around them, most of the time, if you take their line right in front of them, they'll slow down instead of running into you. Where you have problems is when you leave the inside line open... ;) Which is just like real life actually, having the same issues at LAN meetings... :) It does add some time needed for the week's session though. I still manged to get one clean race in for this week's race in the past 10 minutes... Including maybe 4-5 restarts...
I'm not sure why so many people have a problem running with the AI cars, yes, they're crap drivers but we all know that, the AI's been rubbish since the first installment of gran turismo? I like running in GT mode because it means I'm getting to drive some of the cars I've had for age's but not driven yet!

Keep up the good work Flat-out. 👍

Edit: just been looking back through the archive, week 48 looked like fun, plenty of submissions too. 👍
How about something really underpowered like the Fiat 500 or Subaru 360? No tuning or suspension mods, just a standard car round a nice technical course like Motegi or Seoul?

Not a multi lapper though, might nod off down the straights as I do most of my WRS racing before bed? :dopey:

Edit: Whoops, sorry bout the double post, didn't notice till I'd done it. It's the first time I've done it, honest. :dunce:
And, as a suggestion for the next time we go around the ring... Or actually, anywhere really... An older car, RWD, between 100 and 280hp, in arcade mode, not with HP turned up, would be freaking sweet. SS tires, or MAYBE SM tires depending on the car, because all of these old cars have skinnnnnnny tires and don't have much grip. They're mad fun slippy and slidey though, not many of them understeer, some of them oversteer! Soo much fun to drive though, seriously.
here's an idea from mr. bottomofthelist. it's to be a sort of mini tournament over a number of weeks, say 4.

mode: gt (arcade if no consensus)
track: 4 real life race tracks over the continents
cars: it's all road cars. you get to pick a country and run an ff, fr, mr and 4wd car from that country on one track
mods and tuning: one type of tyre (ss or rm), standard hp, other free

on my second mem card i did a german cars only-cycle (reached about 60%, 2 exceptions in beginner races) and reallllllllllly enjoyed working with the limitations of car choice.

if flatty finds this no good idea it could be reduced to a one-off race.
4 real life race tracks over the continents
cars: it's all road cars. you get to pick a country and run an ff, fr, mr and 4wd car from that country on one track.

This sounds like a good idea, 👍 American muscle car round Laguna Seca :nervous:, German performance round the ring :eek:, rice racer around Twin Ring :D but how about we do it with classics, say 70's road cars only?
I like the idea, but it simply doesn't fit into the weekly format.
One of the specifications of the WRS is that it's never compulsory to race. And organizing several races into a mini-series just goes against that principle.

Yet, why don't you set up a series of yours based on that idea ?
The 'Short Race Series' forum in the OLR section is just made for that.
Post an interest check over there, set up your series, and just do it :D

Anyway, I'll consider the one race option you mention at the end of your post 👍
How about this. A generation that's really never been touched by a track we've only ever raced once.

Karmann Ghia at Cote D'Azur.

I think it would be a fantastic race, because to have fun at cote d'azur you don't need to blast past everything at 150mph+. I think it's one of the few tracks you can have a lot of fun in a car thats insanely fast.

And the Karmann Ghia represents one of the most famous eras in a manufacturers history, in this case, Air Cooled VW.

Now sure, I'm a bit biased here, because I have a '79 Super Beetle, but still, I think the combination would be great.

And if the Karmann Ghia is deemed to be a bit too slow. Perhaps the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IV Rally '97. Just started a new file last weekend, and have gotten to the special conditions hall, and I'm utterly stunned at how good this car is. Very controllable, handles exactly how you want it to, and the speed and reflexes are exactly what you want for this type of track.
On the topic of old cars. The Lotus Elan is a mighty fine steer, even on N-Tyres.
We could do with something a bit slower, might give us slower guys a chance to get round in one piece. :lol:
Here is one, the car would be the Suzuki GSX-R/4 in GTmode.
The track would be Autumn Ring in the GT All Stars, the one with 9 laps.
Why I say this race is because all you race is high speed race cars like the
Nissan R92CP, Peugeot 905 race car, Jaguar XJR-9 an so on.
Allow all mods but NOS and any tire. I did this race and it's hard, it could be
called Mini Monster. If you did this everone could see how hard this race is to win.
u should use xlink and actually lan race eachother...i dunno if this has already been suggested but yea its a pretty cool program that allows u to hook up with people over the internet without ps2 online...
Here's an idea that could revolutionise the WRS.

It's called GT4 'Power-Play', and it works like this.

Instead of the fastest time. It's who can break a set time barrier with the least power. Example, the time set could be 1'20.100, now you have to beat that time, with as little power as possible. In the tied power levels, fastest time wins.

Final times could still be posted. But your power level can not, so looking at the leaderboard, you may see that someone is just behind you, but are they running the same power as you? Who knows...

Colby had suggested that we could run on Motorland Reverse, which I think it a good idea 👍. He also suggested the Caterham as the vehicle to drive, which I think is also a good idea. As it's lower power gives a greater chance for people to run different power percentages below the stated time.

If deemed unsuitable for WRS. Would anyone else be interesting in competing in such an event?
Cool idea man, really neat...make for an interesting race week 👍

One other suggestion could be to put each division on different tyres as well, so D1 = R1, D2 = R2 and D3 = R3, I reckon it could be heaps of fun.
That sounds like a interesting twist, I'd be up for it. Even if it was run as a seperate event from the WRS. 👍
i would be in, mr. swatch, but maybe you should talk to cyril if your idea could be integrated into his wrs. every say 4th week could be a 'casio' week where its not time you have to beat but an hp number.
this also because otherwise there'd be too much weekly s*it to compete in (eg i am now in wrs, arc and gtx str).
you should consider that all gt4 versions (pal etc.) are to use the same hp/bhp/ps numbers 💡
Yeah me too.
If only I had time to race :lol:

Casio, did you mention this somewhere I could have read it ?
I was just thinking about this idea of using the minimum power to break a certain barrier last week-end. It's not exactly a traditional WRS race, but since the purpose is still to go as fast as possible, I guess it still fits into the format.
Yet, the Caterham is not really appropriate, since its loooooooooong gearbox makes it undriveable in Arcade Mode.
Motorland reverse is a good track for that because it has no split time, so you have to allow final lap discussion or else you kill the thread (and all the fun).
What about an RX-7 on this track ? I think a mid-powered FR would be a perfect car for such a combo.
my guess is that you'd pick a heavy car with a wide band of hp power change so that you could, say, reach a PTW ratio of between 1 and 5.
i'm thinking of audi rs6, caddilac cien and jaguar xkr.
casio, veeeerrrry innovative thinking!
I didn't want it in the WRS everyweek, just maybe a one off to mix things up a bit.

The reason I thought the Caterham is because the power difference between each percentage is lower. If we ran the Minolta, there might only be a few clicks either side 0 which would be competitive? I actually thought about the RE RX-7 last night too, in my chat with Colby. But I do like Bigracers XKR idea too. I'm going to do some testing tonight and see what I can find.

Casio, did you mention this somewhere I could have read it?
I was just thinking about this idea of using the minimum power to break a certain barrier last week-end.
Nope. Obviously great minds just think alike Cyril. Maybe it's a sign.... ;)

~Love Brad
Nope. Obviously great minds just think alike Cyril. Maybe it's a sign.... ;)

~Love Brad

This back channel things starting to go a bit too far now, phsycic's (<<sp?) in the WRS, whatever next? :lol: :sly:

Edit: Flat-out, I meant mind readers. :sly:

Edit 2: Apparently physcic is the correct spelling. :confused:
Kinda ruined my own joke there didn't I?
I'm looking forward to reading the results of your testing Brad.
I see your point about the wider power range of the XKR or RS6, but since the power in Arcade Mode is a percentage, a wider power range means a higher basic power. And I'm not certain a 500/600hp car would do fine on Motorland. 350hp is IMO the limit between pleasure and pain.

Edit :
@ Darren > physics

Edit 2 :
Next week (59) will be the last race before BC starts (June 5th), so I was thinking it would be time to use the Formula GT, so that our BC drivers have a final opportunity to sharpen their reflexes, and still have a race that can be enjoyable for every one.
So, those who haven't unlocked the Formula GT yet, you'd better get an &#252;bersave (PAL one here) or start the N&#252;rburgring enduro soon. :D
This back channel things starting to go a bit too far now, phsycic's (<<sp?) in the WRS, whatever next? :lol: :sly:

Edit: Flat-out, I meant mind readers. :sly:

Edit 2: Apparently physcic is the correct spelling. :confused:
Kinda ruined my own joke there didn't I?

Actually guys,

And this is a first, mind you it'd be better if it was Famine I was doing this to, but........


adj 1: pertaining to forces or mental processes outside the possibilities defined by natural or scientific laws; "psychic reader"; "psychical research" [syn: psychical] 2: affecting or influenced by the human mind; "psychic energy"; "psychic trauma" [syn: psychical] 3: outside the sphere of physical science; "psychic phenomena" [syn: psychical] n : a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception.

But who's splitting hairs?:D :D :D

And Brad,

FANTASTIC idea matie!

Also the XKR is a good call too!
