A single typo and a challenged time which is proven feasible when a video is supplied are one thing, others are not.
I'm sure I read somewhere
Flynn77 that you have a Gameshark device.
Did I get that right?
If so, you're in a far, far better position to provide replay evidence (if requested) than most others as a Gameshark save can be attached as a .zip file to any GTP post. Such a file could be downloaded by someone like me that has a MAXDrive, run through the
.xps/.sps* to .max converter program and viewed as a real replay within GT4 which you could then not possibly edit while I was viewing it thousands of miles away. It would provide open & shut verification of your time and whether it meets the rules for cleanliness of a series, far better than a single screenshot of a finishing time which cannot show HP or tyre type or any forbidden use of NOS or shortcutting, for example, or a video capture of several laps stitched together to create 1 clean one (as was tried in the past and lead to the banning of a GT4 WRS driver.) I'm just citing examples of what's possible here, based on prior experiences, not leveling accusations at anyone.
For the most part everyone that's active here is in it to win it, but with the good grace and honesty to submit proper times within contest boundaries and have the humility to accept where they come in the weekly or final standings knowing that they've done their best and had fun competing.
You could also do the same with my laptimes, just request a replay and I'll have a .max file up here within 24hrs. Run it through the .max to .xps/.sps
* converter program, and
hey presto! you can, via the magic of "Replay Theater", ride in-car with
It's a useful tool for improving as you can use a Ghost Replay save as a ghost to follow in Time Trial or Practice Mode, and learn where you're losing time.
I used to do it a lot with GT3 & GT4 WRS replays from faster drivers when they submitted replays for podium positions.
In this case
AndersonG22 was making an observation to assist another driver in gaining some time, and it reflects in his own submission that clearly R5 tyres weren't used (I'm guessing in this instance with the voracious appetite that Nurburgring has for tyres, that R5s despite their initial quickness would actually have been a hindrance due to the fact that you'd have driven most of the 2nd lap on tyres redder than a baboon's rump, which doesn't usually have positive effects on handling or laptimes.)
* there are differences between Gameshark & Sharkport, one produces .sps files and one produces .xps files. One is in NTSC format & one is in PAL format, though I can't for the life of me remember which way round it is. I do know, however, that unfortunately PAL & NTSC replays in any format are not interchangeable, so it means that only another NTSC driver can verify an NTSC replay and only another PAL driver can verify a PAL replay. (There's a few notable exceptions to this rule that I know of, folks like Sphinx or Famine that have multiple PS2s in multiple formats and can thus check just about anything.)