Super Tuner Car Championship Season 4

  • Thread starter djchon661
Oh well. I had already backed out of the season anyway. I guess opinions are only ok if you are expressing them against anyone other than the host. Not one time did I ever get asked to tame down when I was going off on any one of the guys that ended up getting booted out. Always raced as clean as possible as well. Thicker skin is needed for some from what I can tell.

I'll just wait patiently for Rash or JT's series.

When arguments in the thread pop up between members I always try to stay neutral and place a general "Do not disrupt the thread, treat each other with respect" notice that is intended for all members which included you. Your statement above is therefore false. I indeed have asked all members to tone it down for the good of the league.

And I wish you the best in future endeavors.
When arguments in the thread pop up between members I always try to stay neutral and place a general "Do not disrupt the thread, treat each other with respect" notice that is intended for all members which included you. Your statement above is therefore false. I indeed have asked all members to tone it down for the good of the league.

And I wish you the best in future endeavors.

And yet, the one time YOU are the one being criticized, this is what you do?? Seems a bit hypocritical.
And yet, the one time YOU are the one being criticized, this is what you do?? Seems a bit hypocritical.

It seems like your intention today is just to tear me down today. Is that it?

I was accused of being disrespectful to the league and of being selfish.

I am going to defend myself. I have been polite though, have done my best not to insult anybody, and have used facts and reason in my posts. That is more than can be said for a lot of posts that I have seen from users on my threads before.

I also care whether or not I insult or ruin anybodies good time. That being said I am done debating this on the thread. I have made my point. If you or anybody else has anything more to say on the subject, please do not hesitate to PM me.
It seems like your intention today is just to tear me down today. Is that it?

I was accused of being disrespectful to the league and of being selfish.

I am going to defend myself. I have been polite though, have done my best not to insult anybody, and have used facts and reason in my posts. That is more than can be said for a lot of posts that I have seen from users on my threads before.

I also care whether or not I insult or ruin anybodies good time. That being said I am done debating this on the thread. I have made my point. If you or anybody else has anything more to say on the subject, please do not hesitate to PM me.

My original post was from you asking when you had ever disrespected anyone. So, I provided what I felt to be an example of that when this flexibility you spoke of wasn't extended to Mike when he was not going to be able to make the race if it was going to be on Friday night. Yet next weeks MR was being moved back a week when YOU weren't going to be able to be there. To me everyone in this league was being asked to be flexible to YOUR schedule only. That was it.

As far as why I backed out. Because I thought these cars and regs just weren't fun. Period.
Just a heads up, I know i've been MIA lately but I still plan on running the next season of STC. We will be limiting each event to 13 participants. The usual suspects are invited to participate. Those wishing to join this season of STC will be required to be flexible as races will be held on Thursdays and Fridays (which ever I happen to have off unfortunately). Racers will also be required to have patience and display good sportsmanship and courtesy. The online glitches should by now be expected. We just gave to grin and bear it till the issues are resolved. No infighting between members will be tolerated.

Also this season of the STC will be difficult and most likely take you out of your comfort zones as racers. plan on racing vehicles you normally wouldn't.

I think that is all for now. If you have any questions or comments reach me at anytime. Thanks!

That is from one of my original posts regarding STC S4 concerning scheduling and other league specific issues. I assume that members in the league agree with my scheduling and regulations when they sign up to race in this league. As for the scheduling, I do this so I can handle all the work. Once a race is scheduled, if I can't make it but do have a host willing to do the work, the race will go on as planned but yes, I do plan the races around my schedule.

Please PM me if you have any other problems to talk about.
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My original post was from you asking when you had ever disrespected anyone. So, I provided what I felt to be an example of that when this flexibility you spoke of wasn't extended to Mike when he was not going to be able to make the race if it was going to be on Friday night. Yet next weeks MR was being moved back a week when YOU weren't going to be able to be there. To me everyone in this league was being asked to be flexible to YOUR schedule only. That was it.

As far as why I backed out. Because I thought these cars and regs just weren't fun. Period.

DJ, most of these guys like to run a hand full of cars on just a few tracks (see any GT series). They claim to have great passion for the game, but are unwilling to do anything out of the norm (thus was created the Fiasco Series). We can race in any ****ty car and still have fun.
DJ, most of these guys like to run a hand full of cars on just a few tracks (see any GT series). They claim to have great passion for the game, but are unwilling to do anything out of the norm (thus was created the Fiasco Series). We can race in any ****ty car and still have fun.

I wish I could participate in more of the Fiasco races. My work and home schedule is so hectic that I hardly have time to do anything. Usually i'm up at 7am trying to get a quick practice in and sometimes even late at night when I get home from work.

My intention with this season of the STC was to showcase GT5's wealth of cars and to race cars we normally wouldn't.

I mean, I know we can hold a Corvette RM race every week and people would be happy but that gets boring to me.
I wish I could participate in more of the Fiasco races. My work and home schedule is so hectic that I hardly have time to do anything. Usually i'm up at 7am trying to get a quick practice in and sometimes even late at night when I get home from work.

My intention with this season of the STC was to showcase GT5's wealth of cars and to race cars we normally wouldn't.

I mean, I know we can hold a Corvette RM race every week and people would be happy but that gets boring to me.

I want to issue a public apology to all the STC members and anybody else that might be creeping through our thread.

I was very frustrated with the power outages yesterday and when I woke to the comments that were posted I let it bother me more than it should have. This league is nothing without its members and I want you to know I will do better in the future. I hope everybody will look past this ugly incident and get back to normal.

I also want to point out that Dangit and Bo have been great members and are always welcomed to race with us. (as long as they keep the griping to a minimum!!! LOL j/k!)
I want to issue a public apology to all the STC members and anybody else that might be creeping through our thread.

I was very frustrated with the power outages yesterday and when I woke to the comments that were posted I let it bother me more than it should have. This league is nothing without its members and I want you to know I will do better in the future. I hope everybody will look past this ugly incident and get back to normal.

I also want to point out that Dangit and Bo have been great members and are always welcomed to race with us.

DJ, I want to say I'm sorry for stressing you out and letting this get as ugly as it did today.
Everyone else not so much, you're welcome for the entertainment. Now put the popcorn away cb.
Share please??

And where is freshseth when you need him??

I start rambling and getting angry.

This should help to "freshen" things up.

No I meant please share these magical pills you speak of.

It's just heroin mixed with corn starch and a little egg nog. Let the mixture rest in an old wine barrel for 9 days after dropping one lit match in and plugging. After which you grind it up in a Molcajete. Eat a bunch of tootsie rolls but save the wrappers. They have a good waxy property to them. Wrap up the pulverized mixture in the tootsie roll wrapper, just like you would a tight 1971's style joint. You know a nice skinny pinner, the stuff that got you into this mess in the first place. Anyway. After wrapped freeze them next to the carton of cigarettes in your freezer you save for those off days. In about a day they are ready. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Ripple and AWB. Maybe some bacon.
It's just heroin mixed with corn starch and a little egg nog. Let the mixture rest in an old wine barrel for 9 days after dropping one lit match in and plugging. After which you grind it up in a Molcajete. Eat a bunch of tootsie rolls but save the wrappers. They have a good waxy property to them. Wrap up the pulverized mixture in the tootsie roll wrapper, just like you would a tight 1971's style joint. You know a nice skinny pinner, the stuff that got you into this mess in the first place. Anyway. After wrapped freeze them next to the carton of cigarettes in your freezer you save for those off days. In about a day they are ready. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Ripple and AWB. Maybe some bacon.

You had me at heroin.
You had me at heroin.

On my way to picking up the heroin, I usually stop to get the bacon first, the temptation of crispy bacon is so overwhelming I just plunge the drippings straight into the vein, thus saving the trouble of all the other steps.
Uh, is the race gonna be tomorrow at 5 ET? I have a nap penciled in at that time but I can make other arrangements.
Uh, is the race gonna be tomorrow at 5 ET? I have a nap penciled in at that time but I can make other arrangements.

If everybody agrees with that time.


If you can race tomorrow at the above time please let us know on this thread.

1. DJ chon
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I will be working tomorrow and I'm going to be very busy next week, but,Please, Please, feel free to run without me. While I always enjoy all of our events, I really would be upset if you guys didn't proceed, because of my goofy schedule. Besides, if I run many more laps at Madread, the entire populace will be without power.
I will be working tomorrow and I'm going to be very busy next week, but,Please, Please, feel free to run without me. While I always enjoy all of our events, I really would be upset if you guys didn't proceed, because of my goofy schedule. Besides, if I run many more laps at Madread, the entire populace will be without power.

Lol, we can't have that!
If you can race tomorrow at the above time please let us know on this thread.

1. DJ chon
2. ncrthree
So far we only got 4 confirmed to race tomorrow. If it is more convenient to hold the race in the week please just post a date and time suggestion that we can vote on. If the race is during the week I can ask someone else to host it and record the results for me.

If you can race tomorrow at the above time please let us know on this thread.

1. DJ chon
2. ncrthree
3. JT (definite maybe)
4. cB
1. DJ chon
2. ncrthree
3. JT (definite maybe)
4. cB
5. Mike, I can race anytime
6. Brett
1. DJ chon
2. ncrthree
3. JT (definite maybe)
4. cB
5. Mike, I can race anytime
6. Brett

Race is on then! Backup host will be jt. Lounge open at 3et qualify at 3:30et race start @4et

Oops turn that up an hour lol.

Lounge open at 4et qualify at 4:30et race start @5et
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