brettceeIf power is back on by 6:15, then we should be good for 7:00.
7 it is. I'll update the thread as soon as power is restored. I'm really sorry about this guys.
Sorry bout what? It's not your fault...unless you effed something up...did you? I'm content starting a tad bit later but I'm not sure if I can make it or not. I'm super beat and sleepy as hell.
DA6righthandSorry bout what? It's not your fault...unless you effed something up...did you? I'm content starting a tad bit later but I'm not sure if I can make it or not. I'm super beat and sleepy as hell.
thloganso, DJ' lounge opens at 7pt ?
thloganI am Really bad on this track. While most of you will be driving on Circuito de Madrid, I will be sliding around Circuito de Madread.
thloganI am Really bad on this track. While most of you will be driving on Circuito de Madrid, I will be sliding around Circuito de Madread.
djchon661Apparently a car took out power pole to my area. The power is on now, but my cable and internet connection are down. What are the chances that the power pole that was struck also carried my cable lines?
If i'm unable to get online by 6:15 I will have to cancel the event. I Am soooo disappointed right now.
DA6righthandIts like a higher power doesn't want us to race ff cars. Even god despises ff...
boshuterThat does suck. Why not just postpone it instead of cancelling it? I'm no FF fan, but we've put a lot of work into this race.
boshuterI don't understand why the race was cancelled anyway, everyone was ready and had put in a LOT of time practicing. There was no reason the race couldn't have been ran last night. I know it sucks your internet was down, but cancelling the race because one person couldn't make it just isn't right. We have one or two every week that have to miss the race for various reasons, we don't cancel every time that happens. If you want respect, you have to show a little respect.
anybody up for doing the race tomorrow?
I can't do it tonight and after tomorrow I work six days straight