E46Envywhat time Sunday? Afternoon EST would work best for me. I'm not sure I could make a night race on Sunday.
ncrthreeI'd rather do it sooner than later too. Going out of town this Thursday and Friday-it would be fine w/ me any night from tonight till Wednesday. We've had some fun sprints the last couple nights, looks like anything could happen in a long race.
Not sure about the ticket for the Merc JT.
djchon661Wow bo i'm sorry you feel that way.
The reality of the matter is I would have had the race go on as planned except I didn't have anybody to host the race. I didn't plan for a backup.
As for showing respect, I think you are being out of line. When have I ever failed to show anybody respect.
AllinWitJTJust stick to this rule. Find it all in all my OP's.
Regular league members please notify the league president when you know you may not attend a race. League members may also propose to have the race postposed until the next scheduled race day. If a proposal is made all of the league members may approve or disapprove with the majority vote to rule. It's more fun if everyone is around.
djchon661Wow bo i'm sorry you feel that way.
The reality of the matter is I would have had the race go on as planned except I didn't have anybody to host the race. I didn't plan for a backup.
As for showing respect, I think you are being out of line. When have I ever failed to show anybody respect.
What about 5pm ET? I'M OPEN for suggestions. anytime except for 9pm ET TO 9:30pm ET. I HAVE to drop off my daughter back to her moms at that time.
Well it seemed like you had kind of a "too bad for you" attitude when you changed the race from Thurs night to Fri and it was gonna screw Mike out of the race even though he put in a lot of work for the race too. And then keep putting everyone else on hold when you aren't available. Even the person who sets up a league should be treated like anyone else who just happens to not be able to make it, or doesn't show up on time.
djchon661Agreed. Unfortunately in my case yesterday, the outages were totally unexpected. I should of askEd for volunteers to host yesterdays race
Have you wanted to join one of the many GTP leagues, but are worried that you might not be good enough to compete? Or that your schedule doesn't always permit being online at the right time?
Are you tired of searching the open lobby for a good race?
Is digging through the endless lists of PSN ID's more trouble than it's worth to find a good race?
Do you want something more organized than simply signing on and racing at random for 2 laps?
Well welcome to...
The Super Tuner Car Championship!
Have Flexible Race Schedules. Discuss the date and time of the next event to ensure participation.
Be Laid Back. If you can't make it, it's okay.
Be Organized. It's not just randomly showing up to race, we already do that, with varying success.
Provide a Fun Racing Environment
AllinWitJTWhere was this original post? I don't see it.
Originally Posted by boshuter
"I don't understand why the race was cancelled anyway, everyone was ready and had put in a LOT of time practicing. There was no reason the race couldn't have been ran last night. I know it sucks your internet was down, but cancelling the race because one person couldn't make it just isn't right. We have one or two every week that have to miss the race for various reasons, we don't cancel every time that happens. If you want respect, you have to show a little respect."
I didn't accuse the lack of respect. All I did was point out what I personally found to be an example. Because I find this flexibility to only go one way.djchon661If i'm sounding defensive its because I feel like I have invested so much time and money and effort and to be accused of lacking respect for you guys is really, REALLY upsetting me.
Exactly what I wondered. Thought maybe a pm was aired for all to see.
I didn't accuse the lack of respect. All I did was point out what I personally found to be an example. Because I find this flexibility to only go one way.
Nope it was edited by Bo. I would not make a private conversation public.
If my passion for this game comes across as crying, then so be it. I make no apologies. These are the only 3 leagues I have ever raced with, so I have no official league to take any reference from. So when I see something that I feel is taking away from the experience, or needs to be brought to light then I am damn well going to do so even if one might take it the wrong way. I never set out to offend anyone, but I sure as **** don't avoid it either.
I edited it because I didn't want it to turn into a big deal, I'm sorry you chose to repost it.
I apologize for expressing my opinion, but I don't apologize for having that opinion. It's your series, if you feel it's right to cancel a race because you have to miss it, but not cancel a race when anyone else has to miss, then that is up to you.
Wow your actually going to kick them for voicing their opinions??? Damn. What the hell??