So the PS3 is powerful enough to generate a track using the instruction data from the app downloaded off of PSN, and the PS3 is powerful enough to render a field of cars in a simulation racer on that generated track, but you very much doubt the PS3 is powerful enough to run what is essentially a vector paint program to make the instruction data to begin with?
Check Ameers thread. You don't even need to send an frWell I was looking forward to trying this out until my dad was being ignorant, thus casting my vote.
How? Well, he says that it's "not secure". Why you may ask? Well, he says that Sony has been hacked too many times and he doesn't want to fool with both PSN and at the same time. 🤬 ME I'M DONE WITH THIS UPDATE! Just kidding, but I am seriously let down by PD at the moment. I mean yes this new way is innovative and is quite cool, and it is quite less frustrating to do with your fingers instead of joysticks, but at the same time makes less people want it due to it not being built into the game, mainly because they don't have a tablet, and for some their parents are quite protective over certain things.
Here's where I'm mad. I'm mad because we got "Run Sackboy! Run" for my iPad and in order to get those exclusive costume(LittleBigPlanet stuff, off topic) and I had to sign into PSN via iPad in order to get the codes. Here we are at the Course Maker, SAME EXACT PEOPLE WHO GOT RUN SACKBOY RUN ONTO THE APP STORE! And yet he doesn't want to fool around with that but with the LBP app? I'm sorry but that's 🤬 ignorant!
Sorry about me going on a mini-rant but I am quite mad right now.
I'm gonna have to add @nascarfan1400 and @GTRacer22 for their NASCAR tracks![]()
Sorry bro but what do you mean I don't have to send a friend request? Wait I didn't read what you saidCheck Ameers thread. You don't even need to send an fr![]()
Nuuuuu it won't work for me!!!!! I'm sending a friend request tomorrowCheck Ameers thread. You don't even need to send an fr![]()
I'm sorry to hear that. Try to restore your system. You know Vista is not the best OS, right?Two and half hours later, all drivers updated, still a failure, with the bonus of my internet connection being lost. Now I have to use a kindle to try to Google a fix. This sucks.
What else could the word "resources" possibly mean in the context you're using it in besides the system not being powerful enough, especially now that you've reiterated said context?What I said was resources and a possible lack of them with everything else in the game. Eventually, a straw can break the camel's back.
So they don't have to do nearly as much work if the feature shows up again, as the UI is completely modular. So they don't have to have anyone even involved with SCEI or PD maintain it. So they can use it as a carrot to force people to move on to GT7 when the GT6 servers are shut down. So they can try and push Sony tablet sales. So they can track the usage rate for the feature through PSN and the popularity on Google Play. So they can take better advantage of Remote Play on the PS4 for GT7. So they didn't have to bother designing a UI around the DS3. So they didn't have to bother implementing the GPS function separately from the track designer. So you could edit tracks on the fly while you were still testing them. Because Kaz thinks tablets are cool.Can you think of another?
And yet he doesn't want to fool around with that but with the LBP app? I'm sorry but that's 🤬 ignorant!![]()
What else could the word "resources" possibly mean in the context you're using it in besides the system not being powerful enough, especially now that you've reiterated said context?
Several. One of them being that PD couldn't be arsed to build something themselves because they moved on to PS4/GT7, so they outsourced this (or insourced it) to a different team/developer. The could also have made the decision to have it as an app so you can use it at the same time as you are using the PS3/GT6. And I can come up with a few more if I want to. All speculation though.It's the only valid reason I can think of why the editor isn't in the game itself. Can you think of another?
I tried Andy the emulator. Works fine. I manged to transfer the track to my PSN. I used an old laptop. Hope it will help you. Unless of course you are one of the haters and don't want to play with it no matter what!There will be a lot of people out there, me inclusive, who won't buy a tablet just to create a track in a game on a last generation console. I don't know anyone with one either.
Was quite looking forward to this, and now i can't even use it. Epic fail PD.
I also don't own a smartphone fyi, not that it would matter if i did since that can't even be used.
All of you haters with smartphones need to click the link on page 9 like I did. This is more addicting than crack.
It is very interesting that you can use those tracks only if you are online.Several. One of them being that PD couldn't be arsed to build something themselves because they moved on to PS4/GT7, so they outsourced this (or insourced it) to a different team/developer. The could also have made the decision to have it as an app so you can use it at the same time as you are using the PS3/GT6. And I can come up with a few more if I want to. All speculation though.
To what?Can we change the thread title? It seems most people are reading that alone and taking wrong information from it.
Tablet no longer a valid excuse, what do you hate now? Maybe?To what?![]()
Add something like "Emulators and Android phones do work though"To what?![]()
I didn't say the PS3 wasn't powerful enough. What I said was resources and a possible lack of them with everything else in the game. Eventually, a straw can break the camel's back.
It's the only valid reason I can think of why the editor isn't in the game itself. Can you think of another?
I don't think some people understand that the ps3 only has 512 megs of ram. Actually, it has two blocks of 256 megs. One handles system memory, the other handles video. Wanna know why engines sounds suck, and standard cars are in the game? Mostly because of this. The overhead needed probably keeps it from being viable in game. Now, as a companion app released for the PS3 would have been a better option, but, its not the way PD is going with its add ons I don't think. I am will to bet a lot more things will be done through a smartphone/tablet. Look how many PC racers utilize them already for button boxes and displays. It's sort of the nature evolution.I didn't say the PS3 wasn't powerful enough. What I said was resources and a possible lack of them with everything else in the game. Eventually, a straw can break the camel's back.
It's the only valid reason I can think of why the editor isn't in the game itself. Can you think of another?
If you wanna go that route, but it is working on smartphones and emulators, so, I mean, there is a much cheaper option out there. The price of downloading chrome, bluestack and the APK.Best I can tell this is only available from the Google play store (so no kindle support yet).
I would personally avoid super cheap Chinese tablets. Good deals can be had over at or woot. Asus makes some decent budget tablets. If you can find a nexus 7 2013 for cheap those things are pretty fantastic.