Tablets(and Android Smartphone sideloads and Bluestacks on PC&Mac)Only, How Does That Make You Feel?

  • Thread starter syntex123

only a few people can use the app. How does this make you feel?

  • It makes me feel cheated. PD should make the app available for everyone.

  • I have an iPad, it works for me, so meh. I don't care about the whiners.

  • I guess I feel sad about it, I really wanted to try it.

  • Looks like I'm getting a tablet..

  • All this time I was hyped for this feature. Now I'm unsure anout my future and Gran Turismo.

  • ??? What do you mean not all of us can use the app?

  • I'll just emu it when it works. I really don't care that much.

  • Meh!

  • If it comes to other devices, I'll be really glad. I want to use my smartphone and/or PC.

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Providing an ADDITIONAL option of using a tablet would be great. Artificially locking out players to force them to use a tablet is simply terrible.

The course maker should be in game first, peripheral support should be second.

Perhaps they were waiting for the people who still didn't have a tablet 2 years ago to finally catch up and get one ready for the release? Everyone I know has a tablet or at least a PC to emulate one on so I don't see a problem releasing it like this.

I very much doubt the console had the resources to have a full featured, fully integrated app anyway. They're already squeezing blood out of the stone with the PS3 with what's already in it.

No need to reply to this as your negativity towards PD and GT6 is the polar opposite to mine. Better to agree to disagree with someone who still enjoys it and doesn't care that much how PD do things.

Perspective. It's just a game. Not a conspiracy.
Well at least it's something then. If it's not a pain in the buttocks having to zoom in and out all the time it might work.

It's not , it's just as easy as zooming in and out on your browser , give it a try.

See if this link works.

Now i get why the course maker is on mobile , it's just intuitive to do it on a touch screen (IMO)
Does anyone gets the error "net:::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" while trying to sign in in the PSN via bluestacks? I can't do it :S
I was able to get it working on Andy OS (emulator), my Verizon 7 in tablet tabled and I downloaded the APK to my NOTE5 all working just fine.
With .apk works on smart phones too, at least my Samsung Galaxy S5 runs it smoothly, however its a bit tiny :)
I have a Droid Turbo and the app I DLed from the above mentioned link works fine. I've already uploaded a track.
Now, that said. I am miffed that PD went this route. Actually, I'm not, this makes sense. They have mentioned wanting to make mobile companion apps, this is a great start. That said, going from having beta and being labeled as "coming soon" at GT6 launch too what we have here two years later, as someone else said, I am sure they ended up scraping the version and starting from the ground up. I'm guessing the dev machines are probably a bit better than the commercial ps3, to allow for more overhead for debugging consoles and programming tools and what not. My assumption is on one it worked fine, on the other, not so much.
So, two years to rebuild this component, and they got it working well off of the PS3. Sure, you dont have absolute control, but it is an honest course maker.
That said, I have qualms. First, this could be run on the PS3. Nothing about this creator is that complex or resource hungry, and it appears that the game itself builds the track of supplied data from the CM. This should really be something you can get off the PS store.
Second is communication. My biggest peave really. Just let us know what's going on once in a while. Leave us hanging that long with nothing? That's going to make a lot of people mad and not like you.just a little blog post. "Hey, things didn't work. We are starting from scratch." That would have been TONs better than what we got. Silence.
Third, if it runs on a phone, do not try to make it tablet only. Give your customers the benefit of the doubt. We are not stupid. We are not blind. Small icons are not going to break this app. It all works fine. You may want to restrict it becuase you feel it looks and works better on a tablet. But look PD, look what we've resorted to. Figuring it out anyway, and becoming very perturbed with you.
Just reading the comments on this thread, its apparent the CM has polarized a good number of its customers, myself included. And they have no one to blame but themselves.
Ultimately, I like the app. I may pull the game out and give some tracks a go. I doubt I'll be hooking the ps3 back up to the rig though. This was just too little too late. Given all of the above, this will go down as PDs biggest mistake for sure, everything with gt6 seems to have been done poorly. From the coiner bit right into the credit glitch, sounds, standard cars, crap bspec, now this. GT6 has been a troubled child from the start. And PD really dropped the ball I feel. I wish I could fan boy, but just to many bad tastes.

TLDR? it works on Android phones. Follow the above links. It's great, especially if you still play. But PD sucks.
Maybe they put it on mobile devices because I think it works with a smartphone's motion sensors. Remember that teaser for the app? Where that guy does some tricks on a BMX bike and it makes a track?

If that's the case, I have a fun idea/experiment.

1) Install the app on your smartphone
2) Open the app
3)Just before you start to make the track, get on a roller-coaster!
4) Bring the finished product to your PS3 and see what happens!
Maybe they put it on mobile devices because I think it works with a smartphone's motion sensors. Remember that teaser for the app? Where that guy does some tricks on a BMX bike and it makes a track?

If that's the case, I have a fun idea/experiment.

1) Install the app on your smartphone
2) Open the app
3)Just before you start to make the track, get on a roller-coaster!
4) Bring the finished product to your PS3 and see what happens!
Oh holy crap. O_o Trackmania with more realistic physics, anyone?
This should've being a in game feature. Not this Tablet only rubbish. Uhh this is a disgrace. I not even have a Tablet & I not planning to get one for the sake of it. Why Polyphony Digital why?
Try to run program Slim Drivers and update your drivers.

Two and half hours later, all drivers updated, still a failure, with the bonus of my internet connection being lost. Now I have to use a kindle to try to Google a fix. This sucks.
Maybe they put it on mobile devices because I think it works with a smartphone's motion sensors. Remember that teaser for the app? Where that guy does some tricks on a BMX bike and it makes a track?

If that's the case, I have a fun idea/experiment.

1) Install the app on your smartphone
2) Open the app
3)Just before you start to make the track, get on a roller-coaster!
4) Bring the finished product to your PS3 and see what happens!
Funny, but nah. Won't work. :indiff: Track can't cross over itself, and even not come near itself either. And the track is flat, you have to trace the GPS file thingy you just made so it wouldn't work.
My father in law has a ridiculously cheap Polaroid tablet and IT WORKS THERE ¬¬
I can't use it even on Xperia devices, one would just assume that it will work on Sony products but no....
I was absolutely surprised to found out that.... I don't get it, PD needs to decide what they want to do, make videos for their YouTube channel (they're are awesome) or just make lazy sims as they've been doing....
When I looked earlier, it showed as being incompatible with all my Android devices (but not unavailable in my country). Now it shows as compatible with my Nexus 7, which is good - I assumed they didn't consider a 7" tablet big enough for some reason. Strangely also shows as being compatible with my ancient Galaxy S2, although not with my Nexus 5 despite it being bigger and better in every way. Maybe they're slowly enabling supported models.

Had tried it earlier on my old work iPad too - I'd assumed it made more use of the touch interface to draw the track hence not being suitable to run on the PS3 itself, or even in a browser on the PC. But just a mouse interface would work fine with it - would be too fiddly I think to do on the PS3 with a regular controller though, but with a mouse it would be ok.

Haven't tried a custom map yet though, just get 'Transfer failed' when I try to upload a circuit - and yes, it is signed in (after 15 minutes spent trying every permutation of password before realising I'd set up my PSN account with an @googlemail rather than @gmail email address...)
Weird my first track uploaded fine. But I did not enjoy making it, the restriction for getting too close to the track is annoying...
I very much doubt the console had the resources to have a full featured, fully integrated app anyway. They're already squeezing blood out of the stone with the PS3 with what's already in it.
So the PS3 is powerful enough to generate a track using the instruction data from the app downloaded off of PSN, and the PS3 is powerful enough to render a field of cars in a simulation racer on that generated track, but you very much doubt the PS3 is powerful enough to run what is essentially a vector paint program to make the instruction data to begin with?
So it's finally working on my Samsung tablet that apparently incompatible last night.

Had a play and it is a major meh unless your a genius you can't scale properly, trying to make eastern creek and it ends up being half complete when I run out of track.

actually I did manage to make something
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Downloaded the apk to my Moto G smartphone and it works perfectly. I might try using it with Bluestacks to work with a bigger screen, but I'm just glad that there's ways to easily work around the tablet only thing.
While I still think that a simple ingame program would have been 100 times better I can see why its an app its a shame, alot of trail and error to make a track, as I just made Australias Eastern Creek Raceway given its nearly 9km long instead of the 3.9 it has potential