Well.., I ended up buying this game today while at GameStop. I got the PS3 version and wanted to share my thoughts with those who are curious about the title.
Graphics (PS3 version): I have to say that the graphics overall are pretty good for this title on the PS3. What really stood out to me though is that it seems that SMS used Shift-1 and built upon that.., rather than Shift-2. The reason I say that is that I'm not seeing the "Mushroom" trees that are in Shift-2. The trees look like "cleaner" versions of the first Shift title.
I am however seeing the very common issue with SMS's titles on the PS3 in regards to the frame-rates. They can get a little choppy when you have a full grid (even less than a full grid at times too).
Overall.., I have to say that in terms of appearance.., this is a NFS Shift title ALL THE WAY. It literally just looks like NFS.., but ALL Ferrari.
Sounds: Well.., once again this sounds EXACTLY like the SMS's Shift titles. The sounds aren't dead on accurate, but like SMS's previous titles the sound is very "aggressive". Tire scrubbing is fairly decent too. Maybe it's me., but I thought I even detected a change in the scrubbing sound when I went off track on to another cement surface.
Physics: Oh boy.., where do I start with this one
First let me say that this title is not, and was not marketed as a SIM. It's really just an arcade racer that caters specifically to one brand of car (and those who like myself LOVE Ferrari).
I spent hours on the title using both a DS3 and my DFGT. With the DS3 it is very obvious the physics lean way more towards the "arcade" side. SMS's titles are well known for that "floaty" feel, and TD Ferrari definitely suffers from this. I will say however that even though they have that typical floaty feel to them., I found the vehicles fairly reasonable to control.
However.., when I hooked up my DFGT to the PS3 and went with the default settings.., all I can say is "Holy freakin crap.., it's like driving a boat on the road". That floaty feeling with the default DFGT settings was HUGE. To be honest I felt like I spent more time chasing my own car on the track rather than chasing down the AI. It just felt so floaty. It's like every car felt like driving a big boat 1970's Cadillac.
Sadly, several known issues that are present in SMS's last title (Shift Unleashed) have been carried over to TD Ferrari. One is the "vacuum effect". That same "off track suction" is in this title. You slightly go off track and SHHWOOP.., you're sucked right into the wall and you have to fight like hell to get off of it (even when you've slowed down considerably you'll still be fighting to get back on the track).
Another carry over problem is MAGNETIC cars. I'm also finding that upon contact with the AI the same issue of "getting stuck together" is there, and if an AI car happens to make contact with you and goes off track.., well hang on because you're going for the ride too.
Now here's a HUGE problem that relates to the physics. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO TUNE A CAR. Just like Grid, you are stuck with what you get. Not even the most basic tuning options either.., and this IMO is a pretty big drawback to this title.
Sure I can understand not having finely detailed tuning.., but this title doesn't even have something as simple and basic as you find on Codemaster's Dirt-3 title. This title would GREATLY benefit from the most BASIC sliders that at least allow you to tighten/loosen the springs, increase/decrease downforce, and right height.
Car Selection: Obviously you're not going to get 500+ cars in this title as it's geared specifically towards one auto maker. You do get a good list of car though that take you from Ferrari's beginnings to more current day models. I think the selection is very good because there are quite a few models in this title that you do not see in other titles that have Ferrari on their lists.
AI: WOW.., ok the AI has to be broken down by Campaign and Quick Race here because I've found that the two are totally different. For example.., EASY in campaign mode is just that.., an easy grid of AI cars. However.., EASY in Quick Race mode is a FREAKIN NIGHTMARE! I guarantee that MANY out there will complain about this too.
The AI (in Quick Race Mode.., which many offline players will obviously want to dial in on because it allows you to set up custom races against the AI) is the EXACT SAME over aggressive, cheating, run you off the track crack heads you find in ALL of SMS's titles.
My goodness I can't believe how many times I restarted a race using the F40 in a quick race. NO matter what I did (even when driving extremely clean and cautious) the AI was just down right intentionally smashing me off the track. At one point I was happy because it looked like I was finally going to finish a race.., and just when I was about to take a CLEAN overtake for first place.., the AI car intentionally slammed me right off the track. That's just utter freakin nonsense. What's worse is that this was in EASY mode.
You're also going to find that the AI in Easy mode can be lightening fast..., and I mean lightening fast to the point of CHEATING. Just like all of SMS's titles., the AI take corners at impossible speeds, brake check constantly, have impossible stopping distances, and rubberband like mad.
As I said., the AI in Campaign doesn't seem to match the AI's behavior in Quick Race. It's just something you have to experience for yourself.
The game IMO certainly needs a patch.., and I'm really surprised that there wasn't one ready on release day (considering this essentially the norm now). However.., I'm not sure what to expect either. SMS was previously tied to EA, and I'm sure I don't need to go into detail how shotty EA's support has been for the Shift series developed by SMS. They've moved on, and have a different publisher now. So it's really anyone's guess at this point. I hope the support for this title is better than EA's when they were associated with SMS.