Test Drive Unlimited 2

  • Thread starter McLaren
Whats your problem dude? We have been officially warned and your still being annoying to me? I asked a question that is frequently asked on a forum, I asked for a source. You cant go in here and say stuff without proof alright? It doesn't work like that at all!

What do you think I did after reading your post mate? Sat there and let you do all the work for me? No I did not, I went on google, I went to the official TDU 2 forums which I am a member of and I see NOTHING! Absolutely zilch. Why do you think I asked you for a source? Cause I am too lazy to bother looking myself? No no no no!!

Look at this Google Search.

If that doesn't come up with results, what will? Gosh man, you really know how to rub people up the wrong way. Now I will ask again, could I please have a source or link to this 'open beta' information.

Does anyone else think that the "police Chargers" shown in some of the images look a lot like they're custom painted? Maybe Cops and Robbers will be a new online mode.


I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just saying that I already looked it up using google and you can to. I don't know why you jumped down my throat, but I need that to eat and breathe.

but...here ya go: link
Sounds like the Open Beta will pop out after the closed Beta and might be out up until few days before the game comes out. They're doing an Open Beta instead of a demo, so...We'll see what that means. But expect more than a couple weeks to play it. :P

EDIT: Also, the 2010 Camaro has been seen in screenshots. I would assume that means the 2009 Challenger is in, as well. I don't think I've played a game that had one, but not the other.
Note how you say the open beta WILL popout after the closed beta. Where does it say in that article it will pop out and where does it say it might be out till a few days before release? Nowhere. You also said, they ARE doing an open beta instead of a demo, it says that was the plan. That article was written just after the game was announced at all, right back in the early days of the year when no one knew much about anything. Since then they have opened a closed beta and no one has heard anything of an open one since May.

I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just saying that I already looked it up using google and you can to. I don't know why you jumped down my throat, but I need that to eat and breathe.

but...here ya go: link

I was saying that I did use google, hence why I asked you for the link!
As I have just said, that link is not a reliable source due to its age, thanks for getting my hopes up 👍.
Well, judging by that link, we still might see an "open demo" more or less. If I were them, after I had gotten the information I wanted out of the closed beta, I'd literally just put it up for download on PSN and Xbox Live.
Well, judging by that link, we still might see an "open demo" more or less. If I were them, after I had gotten the information I wanted out of the closed beta, I'd literally just put it up for download on PSN and Xbox Live.
Then it becomes a sales issue, people won't buy the game if they have a very good demo. They could put it out for a few weeks after release but any longer than that and it kills sales.
I reckon if you haven't got a key now, you won't get one at all. They have absolutely got to have started the beta at least 2 weeks ago, otherwise what would be the point? Over a month before the game's launch wouldn't allow them to get feedback, and then go through and fix all of the bugs/improve aspects of the game. If they did that, the game would be delayed.
You know, I know it's a closed Beta, but I've only seen one video from said beta. I mean, I know there's a non-disclosure agreement and all, but even with that, you'd expect a plethora of Beta vids if they were handing out keys. I think the "Closed Beta" is all in-house. And there will be a more Open Beta soon. I mean, we have over a month before the game's released. I'd expect an open beta within a week or so.
You know, I know it's a closed Beta, but I've only seen one video from said beta. I mean, I know there's a non-disclosure agreement and all, but even with that, you'd expect a plethora of Beta vids if they were handing out keys. I think the "Closed Beta" is all in-house. And there will be a more Open Beta soon. I mean, we have over a month before the game's released. I'd expect an open beta within a week or so.

What video, I want to see it. I have only seen videos of the main menu screen.
You know, I know it's a closed Beta, but I've only seen one video from said beta. I mean, I know there's a non-disclosure agreement and all, but even with that, you'd expect a plethora of Beta vids if they were handing out keys. I think the "Closed Beta" is all in-house. And there will be a more Open Beta soon. I mean, we have over a month before the game's released. I'd expect an open beta within a week or so.

In my opinion I'm not expecting anything now.
What video, I want to see it. I have only seen videos of the main menu screen.

It says "Beta" but it's obviously early development gameplay but...

I found another one the other day that showed off a few cars, but it tree models were cartoony and the "fog of war" was pretty thick, which probably meant it was early development gameplay, as well.
It says "Beta" but it's obviously early development gameplay but...

I found another one the other day that showed off a few cars, but it tree models were cartoony and the "fog of war" was pretty thick, which probably meant it was early development gameplay, as well.

Dont mean to rain on your parade but thats not TDU2.
Dont mean to rain on your parade but thats not TDU2.

not TDU1, either. Not even the 360 version looked like that. And...and...so...where are the media leaks? I mean, do you REALLY think they'd hand out CLOSED Beta codes to the general public? Do you REALLY think the general public can keep a secret? I know better than that. You know at least one person would be stupid enough to release video of it. or blab about it or something. But nothing. I don't think ANY codes have been passed out...yet.
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Reading through the TDU2 forums and the PC Beta has, indeed, started. However, the Console beta has not. I'm sure they'll want to test that version out as well...so...here's hoping....
It says "Beta" but it's obviously early development gameplay but...

I found another one the other day that showed off a few cars, but it tree models were cartoony and the "fog of war" was pretty thick, which probably meant it was early development gameplay, as well.

Yeah....just no. Want to read the stuff before posting it?

Also, I do believe that the PC Beta codes have been handed out, as you said and I also believe that the consoles have not started yet. I am pretty sure you are right with those ones as I read around about a week ago regarding that stuff.
You won't be able to know when this 'beta' has started. Whoever it has gone to, whatever it is, it just makes be laugh that people are trying to guess about it. You won't hear anything about it. Anything you see on YouTube is fake. Just check your emails everyday and hope for the best, that's the only thing you can do.

Or just wait for the game. It's not a long way away.
And now the final sneak preview from Badned including functional car wash this time around and racing schools. :sly:

I noticed that the Map pic there is of Oahu...and all the dealers and in the exact same places they were in TDU1...which is nice, actually.
Anyone who doesnt want bad news look away right now, alt - f4.

I am serious, this is REALLY bad news.

TDU 2 is delayed, till first quarter of next year. This means that the game will be better, we will have more time for the Beta and for them to iron out bugs. My main problem is that GT5 will be taking up my time, therefore less time for TDU2. On top of that I was hoping this would fill in time for that, seriously making me consider taking my preorder off and using that money for GT5 or Black Ops. I will then preorder it later on when it gets sooner. Here is the thread link with many links in it or just a main link below.



You can add this info to the thread title for more attention.
I just found some good news in this, if you have applied for the beta before this announcement you get an unknown as of this moment special free item for your game. It could be a free car or house, we dont know yet :).
I expected this actually. A lack of news, and remembering how PS2's TDU was pushed back from when it was expected to have been released to the following year. While it's sad it does mean I'll have more money for other games that are coming out this winter.
I guess if we look at the bright side, the game will in the end be better quality. If thats the case I am happy, I am just gonna be bored till the new games start coming out.
I expected this because of the Beta situation. I knew, if the release date was still in September, the Beta wouldn't have enough time to make any impact on the game, also as I said meaning many people were left out. Now we have a reason and I am happy for Atari to take this step.
I'm kinda glad that this has happened, there are quite a few decent games coming out between now and the end of the year which I want, so this gives me a chance to enjoy them(and TDU2) for longer and save my money to actually buy them in the first place.👍
By the time I've prised my fingers off the DFGT after GT5's release TDU2 will likely be Platinum so this has saved me money in the long run and means I might get something else before November.
I half expected this. I mean, they JUST started the PC Beta and there's about a little over a month to go before the full game was to be released...yeah, there just wasn't enough time for the Console Beta. But that's actually good news. That means the console Beta will be longer than a week.

I hope the free in-game item is one of the exclusive club cars for our garage. :)