TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
I have seen Roy's console and I love it, I was inspired by it and would like to incorporate elements into my rig.

You sort of lost me on wiring your Frex shifter into your button box, could you elaborate please?

Hi Left888 ,

basically Frex shifter have 3 bare wire to be connected to usb board ,
so you can
1. cut the wire from your Fanatec Seq Shifter and connect them to the ps/2 and direct to your wheel
or 2.
Much easier is to connect the barre wire comming from FRex Sequential to my button box here ( just by wiring directly to any of those point on the board HERE :dopey:->
Damsel in distress:
Please test the shifter in sequential mode with the spring tension set to maximum.
Is it EXTREMELY hard to shift/pull?
Please try pulling/pushing from the knob and the rod.
Many thanks
Damsel in distress:
Please test the shifter in sequential mode with the spring tension set to maximum.
Is it EXTREMELY hard to shift/pull?
Please try pulling/pushing from the knob and the rod.
Many thanks

I have mine in H pattern set to the maximum and it's hard to shift ........But I like the feeling of it. Doubt my GF could shift it and she works out
This is something I've been debating doing, taking about an inch or so off the shaft and just permanently affixing a shift knob.

Why not have someone make a new shorter shaft/lever? I mean you can easily remove the upper part of the lever by unscrewing counter clockwise. It'll separate below the black plastic spacer.
Finished my TH8RS mount / console today (to fit between the modules of a sofa and use with a Wheelstand Pro). Pictures below.


  • GT5 Shifter
    1 MB · Views: 139
  • GT5 Shifter
    1.4 MB · Views: 53
Why not have someone make a new shorter shaft/lever? I mean you can easily remove the upper part of the lever by unscrewing counter clockwise. It'll separate below the black plastic spacer.

I've got it all taken apart, but I'm at work now. I'll have a look later.
I'll see it at some point in time tomorrow probably then. I'll be sure to check back. ;)
Hi everyone, have you already connected the TH8 using a usb hub on with t500rs?
I haven't noticed issues with that.

the manual says that you have to connect using separate ports, why?

On PlayStation®3, when using the Thrustmaster shifter with the T500 RS racing wheel, we recommend that you connect both devices (the racing wheel in particular) directly to your PlayStation®3's USB port. However, if you are using a USB hub, connect the T500 RS racing wheel to the PlayStation®3 and the TH8 RS to the hub.
I think I want to get this shifter. It's not clear to me where I can buy it from within Canada. Any suggestions?

It's not available in Canada, I've tried e-bay and amazon. One got lost in the mail from e-bay and I cancelled the one from amazon after they jerked me around for 3 weeks. We should see them up here around March?
Hi everyone, have you already connected the TH8 using a usb hub on with t500rs?
I haven't noticed issues with that.

the manual says that you have to connect using separate ports, why?

On PlayStation®3, when using the Thrustmaster shifter with the T500 RS racing wheel, we recommend that you connect both devices (the racing wheel in particular) directly to your PlayStation®3's USB port. However, if you are using a USB hub, connect the T500 RS racing wheel to the PlayStation®3 and the TH8 RS to the hub.

This is purely to make sure there is enough power to drive the electronics in the wheel and the shifter. The powersupply with the wheel is purely for powering the force feedback motor. Anyhow, the reason they have this warning is not to say it is impossible, it is just that there are USB hubs on the market that draw too much power themselves leaving too little to power the devices.

I hope this answers your question? ;)
It's not available in Canada, I've tried e-bay and amazon. One got lost in the mail from e-bay and I cancelled the one from amazon after they jerked me around for 3 weeks. We should see them up here around March?

Dang. Thanks for answering.

OK, not sure how the other guy did it, but I couldn't figure out how to not use the black surround piece and maintain rotation for switching between h-pattern and sequential. I don't mind having it there though. Obviously this is a work in progress but you can get the basic idea. I might move it over. I left lots of extra space for other stuff such as buttons and LED's which will start being installed as soon as my SLI-Pro gets here.

It was important to me to have the location of the shifter be similar to a real car, so it's probably far away for some people's tastes, but it feels very accurate.

Very happy here, knowing my TH8RS already delivered by pagnian to my friend's place in Australia.. Apart for being more expensive than the rest of the world, it seems the best solution for now... Next week he will bring it to me.. can't wait :D :D
OK, not sure how the other guy did it, but I couldn't figure out how to not use the black surround piece and maintain rotation for switching between h-pattern and sequential. I don't mind having it there though. Obviously this is a work in progress but you can get the basic idea. I might move it over. I left lots of extra space for other stuff such as buttons and LED's which will start being installed as soon as my SLI-Pro gets here.

It was important to me to have the location of the shifter be similar to a real car, so it's probably far away for some people's tastes, but it feels very accurate.

I'm planning to hide the black part of the shifter by using 3 millimetre board. By taking the metal H plate off, drawing the out line then cutting the shape with a jig saw ;)
I mounted my Th8 RS on the Playseat shifter mount with the method NeoAgent showed. Worked perfectly, took about 2 minutes once I actually fitted the mount to the seat:yuck: and is very stable. I will now start to practice heel toe shifting and try to use it more when I'm not doing WRS. It is a beautiful shifter and looks great on my Playseat GT.
Last time I ordered something from japan (usb slippers and gloves so I'm cozy warm behind my computer) it took about 3 to 4 weeks from Japan to the Netherlands.
So maybe 2 to 3 weeks to USA if your lucky?