TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
Now rumble or FFB would be ideal!!! Just by keeping your hand on the shifter you would feel the clutch picking up when you lift your foot. Or when you miss a gear by releasing the clutch too early you'll feel the gears grinding against each other.

When we talk about realism, that would be droolingly nice. ^_^
If TM would make a TH8 RS with FFB next year I'd definitely buy it.
I have a reply by Thrustmaster Support today regarding whether can be use alone or not, please read below:

Dear Mr. XXXXX
Thank you for your E-Mail regarding TH8 RS Shifter.

Thank you for your interest in our products.
We would like to apologize in our delay in responding to you.
TH8RS will also work with other wheels, not only T500R, also the racing game must support the clutch and gear shift functions.
A list with compatible games will be made public next week on our sites and
Thank you for your patience and collaboration.
Feel free to contact us for any other information.
Did you specify your inquiry was for PS3?

Otherwise it's useless to us, we know that it'll work on any game supporting H shifters on the PC.
This is my original message:

Dear Support,
I cannot locate the compatibility list for the TH8 RS Shifter on your technical support site. Since I am writing to you, I would like to ask, does the shifter works on PS3-Gran Turismo 5 independently or it must be use with the T500RS Wheel? Thank you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,
So in actuallity by saying that the shifter works on PS3 with any wheel, while asking for GT5 specifically and getting an answer that says "yes". They also say that it is already al will be supported with Spec 2 (even though they try to dodge in the second part of the answer).

That puts my mind at ease ^_^
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I know, but a game developer has to request the SDK for any TM device from Thrustmaster as to be able to implement it into the game. So TM knows exactly which games will be supporting the shifter in this case. ;)
I'll definitely test it out with my G25 in a good week when I get my shifter. I'll let you guys know asap.
Did GT5 Spec 2.0 add a configuration menu for the TH8 RS just like a previous patch added the menu for the T500RS?
Did GT5 Spec 2.0 add a configuration menu for the TH8 RS just like a previous patch added the menu for the T500RS?

No there isn't a TH8 RS menu. The FFB of the T500 RS has improved though, instead of driving at 4 I'm now at 10 since 10 is more natural now. I found 10 to be overpowered in the past.

Physics are just so good now. It's really a lot more fun to drive and far more realistic in my opinion, although the details of improvements are too small and too many to point out exactly, but the overall effect sure as hell makes a difference.

The AI is also very well done now. They actually will drive defensively and close a gap if needs be. Also they won't hesitate to give you a nudge. Yes, a nudge and not ramming into you like before because they were simply driving in their fixed pattern.
They also will slam on the brakes and try to avoid you when you spin out in the middle of the road in front of them, causing collisions in some cases between the AI drivers.

Weather, haven't checked yet.

Lancer Evo X - Has been fixed. No more swaying on the straights. Now also has AYC (Active Yaw Control) system installed, instead of a normal sper differential.

Menu's are much faster.

Tracks load while you're working on your car setup after starting an event.

Too much fun stuff to yap about. I want my TH8 RS now if possible... I want to drive stick. >_<
No there isn't a TH8 RS menu. The FFB of the T500 RS has improved though, instead of driving at 4 I'm now at 10 since 10 is more natural now. I found 10 to be overpowered in the past.

Are you saying they have reduce the power or just changed the way it feels?
Are you saying they have reduce the power or just changed the way it feels?

They haven't changed the power as I found out today. I just had an adrenaline rush from excitement and worked the wheel with ease. lol

Nah, it's the same power but it's more realistically adapted. When the wheel wants to break some bones, it will... don't worry. lol
In a situation where the wheels turn the other way all of a sudden, the steer will be ripped out of your hands still. But in a way that does feel real.

Sorry, I'm not very good in objectively describing feelings.

When I grab a Evo X for example with the settings in options to (Realistic, Power steering - on, FFB - 10) and play with (Tract. ctrl - 1, ABS - 1, rest - off) or without aids it feels the same way as I hear Jeremy Clarkson describe the car in this video:

Jordan Tresson at Mondial de la Simulatione 2011 (playing with TH8 RS):

Here is a video of Jordan Tresson who played to RFactor on Spa Francorchamps racetrack with TH8rs shifter during the "Mondial de la Simulation" in Paris.
The day before I filmed him, he beat the world record of RFactor Spa Francorchamps racetrack!

Here is a video of Jordan Tresson who played to RFactor on Spa Francorchamps racetrack with TH8rs shifter during the "Mondial de la Simulation" in Paris.
The day before I filmed him, he beat the world record of RFactor Spa Francorchamps racetrack!


puuuuh that shifter looks sooooo sexy *.* Mine will be shipped at the end of this week from, cant wait to get this sexy bitch :D
He won it? Darn, there are always people that are so annoyingly lucky. Aren't there?

I am in the same position with the shop sending it to me at the end of the week, so I can't really complain. The only complaint I have is that my hands are itching to try it out, but that time is always fast when you don't want it to be. But now that I really want time to fly by, it's slow as friggin' hell. :/
Thrustmaster is the worst company ever when it comes to release dates.. -.-
They said that the T500 RS will be released in January 2011.. It was available 2 months later here in Germany and in the UK..
Now they said that the TH8 RS will be available mid october.. now says that it is out of stock.. they estimate it will be available in december this year!
man, that sucks!
Amazon being out of stock has nothing to do with the hardware's release date. The people who placed their orders early will naturally get their shifters before the rest.
Amazon being out of stock has nothing to do with the hardware's release date. The people who placed their orders early will naturally get their shifters before the rest.

I ordered the first day had started pre-orders and now they wrote that they estimate it will be available mid december -.- I will not get my early placed order and I cant find other sites to buy it..