The algorithm for penalties is probably as good as they can make it right now.
The car at the Apex is allowed to be there - the car on the outside must give room.
Even in real racing, cars sliding to the outside of the track (a few F1 drivers have recently used the "I just understeered" excuse to explain hitting someone else after an optimistic dive to the inside) is common and it's a judgment call whether the stewards will apply a penalty for it.
I don't think PD can improve this aspect using a purely algorithmic SR system - I suppose they could try and write an AI driving steward - see you in a thousand years for the result
Anyway is there any solution? Well one is defend the inside line - make the driver behind go outside which means you're on the inside and get to choose your line - now if there's contact at the apex it's their penalty. However, the guy behind you might lack imagination and just follow you in and bump you at the apex, but in this case there's a chance they'll get the penalty and not you.
I only say chance - if you are going too slow at the apex and get hit from behind, that is basically brake checking and you'll still get the penalty!
Rules are rules in racing. The key is how you adapt to them. I have been the victim of some aggressive driving, but in no case did the person finish in front of me, nor did I lose safety rating (i'm S). What I usually find is this happens in the beginning of the race, and inevitably the aggressive driver takes themselves off track at some point. They usually end up back in the pack.
I do expect some injustice will be done to me at some point - maybe knocking down my safety rating or losing some points, but hey, this is racing and stuff happens. I'll live with it and move on.
I am also sure things will improve over time, but I do not agree with return to position. Its not realistic and is not racing. In RL racing you have to deal with bad things and this emulates what we see here - even including unfair or bad rules.
The whole "But its not real life rules" arguments are weak and don't translate to GTS because, guess what, its not real life racing, its a virtual online racing. As much as we want a realistic simulator we can't have everything exactly as in real life because there are different sets of consequences and rewards therefore there needs to be different sets of rules. We're not F1 superstars racing for millions of dollars, we're gamers who have paid a lot of money for a game, PS Plus and then for some, hundreds if not thousands of dollars for a wheel and pedals with no monetary reward on the line but only the enjoyment of the game. When that enjoyment is taken away because the SR system is not working as we were told it would and because of disrespectful players exploiting it then yes, people will leave the game. Like I said, we're not racing for money, we've already paid money and PD are the ones making money so they need to assure the majority of their player base is satisfied with the product if they want to continue making money, because judging by these and other forums, the majority are not satisfied. Your experience with this game does not mean everyone else's is the same, that's ignorant to assume. The example you gave of what happens when you play the game is not what people are complaining about, that isn't something to really complain about if there is no consequence from other's dirty driving, what people are complaining about is in their case there are consequences for other's dirty driving and their experience is much different to yours for many reasons. The most obvious in your example is that the dirty driver takes themselves out and your SR or position is not negatively affected whereas the majority of people are experiencing the opposite. You've just been lucky, a minority of people will be lucky in a game like this.
Also the arguments that something suggested as a solution is not realistic and is not racing shows a complete lack of understanding the issues discussed and it shows you believe magical ghosting and indestructible cars are a more realistic and acceptable solution than something that could actually be implemented in the real world with today's technology, ie: automated slow downs on impact or corner cutting. Once again, this is a game, its meant to have elements of realism but at the end of the day it is supposed to be fun and a very large part of making racing games fun comes from also making it fair. We do not need to just put up with unfair or bad rules when PD can easily make changes to make fair and good rules for their paying customers. If you want to compare to real racing again, the incidents we are talking about would have a driver immediately disqualified or completely ruin their car to the point of not being able to finish the race or even writing the car off, where's the realism there? Do drivers in F1 take the inside and use the other driver as their brake when they know they'd hit them with enough force to wreck either car? No, because not even half the field would be able to continue past the first lap. Do the drivers in front move out of the way because the driver behind is trying to ram them off the track every corner? No, because the driver behind would have already been disqualified the first time they tried it.
The solution would be to 1) bring back 24 player races and groups them closer by qualifying time and DR, currently with less players on the track the dirty drivers can get away with a few nudges and punts per lap because they can make up for it with clean sectors once they've overtaken and are catching up to the next bunch of racers that are far ahead. If the races were closer due to players being more equal in driving skill, qualifying times and due to 24 drivers, these dirty drivers would have more opportunities to ram and use dirty tactics so they would take them as that's what they do. This would mean more incidents to lower their SR and less clean sectors to make up for it, eventually their SR would drop, the system would go back to the way it was when the game started with 24 player races and the trash would take itself out.
I honestly had the best races from SR C upwards when it was 24 player races, now the number of drivers on the track has dropped I'm getting rammed and nudged off the track way more and my Sr is S. I've even tried it myself, had a shocker of a race where I've exploited this fault by driving dirty just to prove my point and still able to increase my SR at the end of the race. That's why everyone is Sr A and S, the system is flawed and needs to be changed or its pointless, only the absolute cleanest drivers should be allowed an SR of A or S. Its not a high score for people to aim to achieve, its a system to put like minded and skilled drivers together and currently its not doing what it is supposed to do. Once PD go back to 24 player races and group people by closer DR and closer qualifying time, this issue will be fixed like it was in the beginning.
2) collisions need to be punished more severely, a greater drop in SR. Currently it is very easy to get away with dirty tactics in S races which should not happen at all, accidents once every now and then, yes. Intentional bumping to use another driver as your brake so you knock them off the track and they get a 12 second penalty instead of you, the offender, and improve your position every chance you can (which you can get away with a few times a race in SR S), no. It should be incredibly hard to achieve and also hold an SR of A or S and only the cleanest drivers should be in those classes. If these threads full of incidents were only happening in SR B and below then no one would have the right to complain, it would mean the SR is working, but when it still happens constantly in SR S then the system is broken and needs fixing.
3) This one isn't perfect but will solve 80% of the issues with people using the racer ahead as their brake as this seems to be the number 1 complaint: on a straight, both parties are at fault if one is rear ended. On a turn in the track, the car behind is at fault if they hit the side of the car ahead at least, this is the major tactic used by dirty drivers to overtake when close, hitting the back could still lead to brake checking exploits but that should be penalised quite severely to prevent either doing so just like on the straight. It would need to be a zone that is into the turn so it can't be exploited by brake checking but enough that if a car hits the side from behind it is because it is obviously travelling too fast for that corner. Anyone who has raced in real life will know that they are always told it is up to the car behind to make sure they can overtake safely and cleanly. Using the car ahead as your brake and taking the inside when you know the car ahead can't see you and is following the racing line is not fair, clean or safe racing, its exploiting the system. If you're that much faster than the car ahead then you shouldn't have any trouble waiting and finding the right spot to overtake. You can't have the same awareness of what's behind you in this game as you can in real life, nowhere near. The person behind clearly knows where you are though, they're watching you to find a chance to overtake remember. No this isn't F1 rules but once again we're not racing even close to real F1. As much as there are powerful cars in the game the drivers are very amateur and amateur rules state that the person behind must ensure they overtake safely as they have the better field of view.
4) Have more races with a higher number of laps. These 3 - 5 lap races only encourage the "I need to do anything to overtake because the race is nearly over" mentality. There's much less of this in the 10 lap races, although still too prevalent but the above solutions would also fix this. Still have the lower lap races for those that don't want a longer race but there should be more than 3 races to choose from. There should be 9 and they should change after a few days rather than daily. Having a track up for only one day also compounds the issue because people don't have enough time to fully get to know the track and other drivers behaviour on that track.
I view bumper-car-drivers as simply another driving challenge that, by overcoming, will improve my skills.. I also find the game much more enjoyable if I don't take it so seriously...and/or personally
Once again, not about taking it personally or seriously but when a lot of people have forked out a lot of money (a lot of money for them can be any amount depending on their financial situation) on the game, PS Plus and peripherals to play a game that is not working the way it was marketed and sold to them then they have the right to be annoyed and suggest solutions for PD to take on board, assuming PD are actually reading these boards like any smart game producer would lol.
Dont know if anyone brought this up , but its pretty simple in my opinion that is , to avoid people getting mixed up with , sorry for the word , but , idiot drivers - they can not just let people see 2 videos about sportsmanship and then just think that people have learned what sportmansship is after that and just let them join all the fair and clean people , it's simply too ridiculous in my opinion I was speechless when I found out that there were no more you should do other than watch 2 videos , I must admit I had hoped for more regarding sportmansship ...
Just so there isnt anything to misunderstand , it should be for everybody new to GT Sport to "qualify" somehow , instead of just watching 2 videoes (most people probaly havent seen them , just turned them on and done something else untill they were done)
Some sort of qualification would do nothing, the changes need to be in game and constant. A "Qualification" would simply be like a mission or challenge to complete then they could revert to their crappy behaviour without consequence when in Sport mode.
Let's revisit this topic in a month or two, but here is my belief:
The hard truth is that if you have a SR of D, or C, or S, you are placed where you belong. You need to use the mirrors, use the radar, and not expect cars around you at low SR to do the rational things. Having a high SR is not just about driving cleanly, it's about having excellent situational awareness over a long period of time.
So many of these rant/complainer threads are from people who expect every single opponent to drive the ideal line, to not make errors, and to not miss braking points. That's not really embracing reality. Motorsport at a grassroots level in real life is a ******** too. You have to drive defensively if you want higher SR over the long run.
I agree with you if people are complaining about this happening in SR B or below races but it should be absolute rare cases in A and S which its not, its almost just as common. Yes the racers in S and A should have great situational awareness but in those classes you also shouldn't have to watch your back every corner because you know the guy behind you is going to try follow you regardless of where you are on the turn because he wants to use you as his brake to advance his position, just like he did the last 5 corners he tried it on you. That's not why the majority of us bought this game, there's other racers we could've stuck to if that were the case. We bought a racing game with less tracks, less cars and limited content all round because we were told it would make up for it with amazing online play. A broken Sr system (the most important part of online play) is not what we would call amazing online play or even covering the shortfall of the rest of the game.
I am probably not going to make a lot of friends with this but i feel i need to say this.
As i see things right now we have three distinct groups of Players:
1st and probably smallest group consists of the guys that take delight in ruining everyone's game, the bangers and dive bombers, guys that in the words of Alfred J. Pennyworth 'just want to see the world burn'
The second group is the A listers, the Aliens, the super fast and sometimes Elitists Players, the ones that object to being on the same track as people that drive with a pad, or can't run a lap 10 seconds faster than the rest of the planet, the ones that by all accounts have never made a mistake or miscalculated a braking point.
And then there is the group that i am in, the largest group, the one that is not very fast, but try's to do their best not to shunt anyone off, that try to do their best to run a clean race but that also sometimes make mistakes. For a lot of us this is our first real experience with e-sports and truly competitive online racing.
The game is out barely three weeks and already you guys are doing nothing but raging and quitting, just give PD a chance to work out the wrinkles, maybe you could show us great unwashed masses some understanding and patience, i am pretty sure that none of you were born racing Gods.
I understand that you get frustrated but jeez guys it's a GAME, I'm old enough to have learned that life is full of Bull***t, we do not have to carry all that over into something that at the end of the day is supposed to be FUN.
You're missing the group that most of these threads are about, the people that are exploiting the broken SR system and not ramming and trying to have a demolition derby but the racers that are strategically nudging people off the track and racing dirty to advance their position, using moves that would either wreck their car or have them disqualified in real racing but exploiting the broken SR and penalty system. The group you you say you're in is actually 50% these guys, you just think most of them are accidents because you're new to racing games and can't spot the difference between and accidental and a strategic hit, or you're stuck in a low SR and DR and don't get to see these drivers in your races. Yes this isn't real life but the SR system is supposed to make it fair for those that want to drive fairly by grouping the fair with each other and the dirty with each other. Currently the dirty and fair are being grouped together which means the system needs fixing. I don't get mad if someone is new like yourself and its an obvious accident, what's annoying is when people in SR S are purposely using dirty tactics as they shouldn't even be allowed in S races. PD can easily fix this but they'll need to do it soon because a lot of people will get sick of it and leave like they did with Project Cars.