The 2020 George Floyd/BLM/Police Brutality Protests Discussion Thread

That would only show more prejudice. Much more prejudice if people are being convicted solely for priors.

Uhm... but, of course priors can and should have an influence in your chances of conviction. That's the whole point of keeping a criminal record.

If the same guy ends up in front of a judge for the 15th time, even if it's all for small crimes, it means the lesson still is not being learned. So, it follows that the measures taken to correct the behavior must be increased. That can mean that you may face a harsher sentence in the ruling, for the same crime, than if you had no prior instances of it.
Uhm... but, of course priors can and should have an influence in your chances of conviction. That's the whole point of keeping a criminal record.
No. They should have an influence in your sentence. You are presumed innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty of the crime, not previous crimes. Once convicted, any prior convictions should play a role in the length of your sentence.
No. They should have an influence in your sentence. You are presumed innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty of the crime, not previous crimes. Once convicted, any prior convictions should play a role in the length of your sentence.

During the O.J. trial, a major element of the prosecution's case was the allegations of domestic violence Nicole made when they were still married, which O.J. pleaded no contest to and was put on probation. Would that not be considered taking into account a previous crime?
No. They should have an influence in your sentence. You are presumed innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty of the crime, not previous crimes. Once convicted, any prior convictions should play a role in the length of your sentence.

Mixed the two terms up then. What I mean is exactly what you said. The sentence should be influenced by your record.
During the O.J. trial, a major element of the prosecution's case was the allegations of domestic violence Nicole made when they were still married, which O.J. pleaded no contest to and was put on probation. Would that not be considered taking into account a previous crime?

Was he innocent? :confused:
These figures line up very closely with the conviction rates for guilty suspects. I would wager that's because most violent crime in the US is intra-racial, but also because when you're looking for a suspect whose race has been corroborated by witnesses, questioning and arresting people outside that race is pointless and a waste of time. When an innocent black person is wrongly convicted of a crime, there is a very good chance the guilty party is black as well.
You're talking about falsely accused. And it shows even more prejudice because falsely accused often do not get exonerated.

Not to mention more internal failures inside police as well.
Was he innocent? :confused:

The judge put him on probation so they at least thought he was.

You're talking about falsely accused. And it shows even more prejudice because falsely accused often do not get exonerated.

Not to mention more internal failures inside police as well.

I guess that depends on how many falsely-accused whites get exonerated compared to blacks.
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You don't have your location up so I can't tell if you're in the US, but what you just said is a big no-no in North Korea... not that you could say it on an internet forum because it's off the North Korean quarantined internet.

Yes, North Korea is vastly different from the US, even right now.

English (no idea how to show my flag) and was comparing the leaders in both countries, not the countries themselves. Sorry for the confusion.

It's just that seeing that clip made me more angry than seeing the looting and vandalism (mob mentality took over like it does here) perverting the protest's message. Full on tub thumping and posturing by an egotistical man who is woefully out of depth in all things political. To put you fully in the picture, Trump isn't portrayed well in our media. Far from it.
The judge put him on probation so they at least thought he was.
No, he pled no contest. He admitted something happened but doesn't want to contest the charge. I've pled the same before... You are still considered guilty, they just give you a slap on the wrist for not wasting the courts time.
No, he pled no contest. He admitted something happened but doesn't want to contest the charge. I've pled the same before... You are still considered guilty, they just give you a slap on the wrist for not wasting the courts time.

Yeah sorry I should've said wasn't. It still counts as a conviction though?
Yeah sorry I should've said wasn't. It still counts as a conviction though?

What is a “Nolo Contendere” plea? “Nolo” means “No Contest”. This plea means you are not pleading “Guilty” or “Not Guilty”. You are allowed to enter a “Nolo” plea once every five years in the state of Georgia.
I wonder how much socioeconomics has to do with this, rather than just race - I don't want to suggest race has nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, black people make up a disproportionate amount of people living in poverty. It's hard to get a good lawyer when you're poor. Read another way, I wonder if the same trend would remain if you looked at only middle class Americans or high earning Americans. Even if this is true, it doesn't really make it better because the result is the same. We need to work on poverty and education.
Absolutely. And poverty is probably the most devastating and defining symptom of oppression. It's a vicious cycle.
Absolutely. And poverty is probably the most devastating and defining symptom of oppression. It's a vicious cycle.
I recommend an immediate fix with $14,000,000,000,000 in reparations.
And that's just for openers.
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This could've turn really ugly in downtown SLC.

2 men with numerous guns were headed to Salt Lake protests, police say

Two men with numerous weapons who were allegedly on their way to the protests in Salt Lake City were arrested Monday. Four weapons — including an AK-47 and an Uzi with a silencer attached — were recovered from a vehicle, Vainuku said.

In the home of Yuri Neves Silva, 27, of West Valley City, more weapons were found and seized.

Information about a potential motive was not immediately available, but police believe the two were headed to the protests to cause trouble.

“We had every reason to believe that’s what they intended to do,” Vainuku said.

Silva had posted “multiple threats of violence against police, specifically Salt Lake City police and West Valley City police” over social media and “encouraged others to take up arms against police as well, and had reportedly listed the names and addresses of specific officers to be targeted,” she said.

Silva was arrested for investigation of making a terroristic threat. Police say Silva was making multiple posts about harming police officers and was seen in one picture holding a gun, according to a police affidavit.
That's pretty scary once you read about it and give how quickly unrest started up in SLC on Saturday, I would've hated to have seen what would've happened if there was a mass shooting on top of it. Protestors, Guardsmen, and police officers would've all likely been killed in the chaos.
FBI Asks for Evidence of Individuals Inciting Violence During Protests, People Respond With Videos of Police Violence

The FBI on Monday posted to social media a request for photos and videos of individuals provoking violence during the nationwide peaceful demonstrations over the killing of George Floyd last week. But many on Twitter quickly began sharing video clips and photos of police cracking down violently on protesters.

"The FBI is seeking information and digital media depicting individuals inciting violence during First Amendment protected peaceful demonstrations," the FBI wrote on its Twitter account. The post included a link to get more information on the bureau's website.

"To help us identify actors who are actively instigating violence in the wake of George Floyd's death, the FBI is accepting tips and digital media depicting violent encounters surrounding the civil unrest that is happening throughout the country," the webpage explained. "If you witness or have witnessed unlawful violent actions, we urge you to submit any information, photos, or videos that could be relevant to the case."

Although it appeared that the bureau was looking for information on violent protesters and outside agitators taking advantage of the demonstrations, many social media users thought that the FBI should be scrutinizing the police as well.

"Here's some," Twitter user Jordan Uhl wrote, sharing a compilation clip showing officers attacking demonstrators and driving a vehicle through a crowd of protesters.

I was under the impression that Chicago wasn’t a open carry city, why was this guy just allowed to just leave?

Black kids with toy guns get shot, yet a member of the 69th Incel brigade here just walks away when actually breaking the law.
@Scaff you know right that he was hired to protect a shop? A small research is all you need. And it's not that black/brown people are not allowed too.
@Scaff you know right that he was hired to protect a shop?

The difference, to my non-expert eye, is that the white dude is in a state where open carry of weapons is not allowed. The video you posted of the black dudes says it's in Minnesota, which has no such restriction.
The difference, to my non-expert eye, is that the white dude is in a state where open carry of weapons is not allowed. The video you posted of the black dudes says it's in Minnesota, which has no such restriction.
I don't know. Is a licensed security guard not allowed to open carry a weapon in Illinois?
I don't know. Is a licensed security guard not allowed to open carry a weapon in Illinois?
He not on private property, so no he would not be allowed to, he’s on a public road in a none open carry state, he’s clearly breaking the law.

Ikr. Guilty until proven otherwise.
No, you made the claim, you back it up.
He not on private property, so no he would not be allowed to, he’s on a public road in a none open carry state, he’s clearly breaking the law.

No, you made the claim, you back it up.
Your kidding me right. In Chicago. Go into the inner city of Chicago. Every damn day someone is shot and killed. Little kids,moms,dads. There are more smuggled guns in Chicago than anywhere. Clearly nobody's life matters in Chicago. Read up,this is no stupid link.
Your kidding me right. In Chicago. Go into the inner city of Chicago. Every damn day someone is shot and killed. Little kids,moms,dads. There are more smuggled guns in Chicago than anywhere. Clearly nobody's life matters in Chicago. Read up,this is no stupid link.
All that does is make it all the more strange that someone who is clearly open carrying in a non-open carry state is ignored and allowed to walk away!

The use of firearms is indeed a major issue in the city (and I've not stated any place that it isn't), as such would you not agree that anyone breaking the law with regard to firearms should be held accountable?