Are you trying to be deliberately misleading?
ACLED is associated with the International Peace Research Institute* and has received funding from the World Bank, the U.S. Department of Defense through the CCAPS program, and the European Research Council." is associated with the,Raleigh (University of Sussex).
So no it's not funded just by the DoD in the US, and not even funded directly by the DoD either, but via the CCAPS program, which is (and I quote)
"CCAPS is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense's
Minerva Initiative, a university-based, social science research program focused on areas of strategic importance to national security policy." analyzes how climate change,importance to national security policy.
Which makes it at least two steps removed from the DoD and oddly enough the World Bank and European Research Council have nothing at all to do with the DoD!
None of which changes the intrinsic fact that even if it was directly and only funded by the DoD it wouldn't be a rebutal to it's data at all. Well unless you think it's a big conspiracy by the DoD to undermine the US by making BLM look like a predominantly non-violent group focused on an end to police brutality and the militarization of the police (which would be odd as the DoD keeps giving its military hardware to the damn police). Oh wait, is that what you actually think is going on (in which case see my final point in this post)!
*Who also have bugger all to do with the DoD
We have a separate thread for conspiracy theories, don't derail this one.