The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
Nice pictures of Vegas, if you haven't left yet stick a dollar in a slot and think this ones for that crazy opelgt1969 guy. Hope its a winner! Don't even need to share.

Yeah we are on the 29th floor and they are shooting above my eye level. Amazing stuff. We leave tomorrow.
I'm not sure if these pictures are "cool" or "amazing" but I took them over 10 years ago after a large fire swept through my area.

Note: These pictures were taken over 10 years ago with a cheapo single use camera and recently scanned, which would explain why they may look strange.

Upper right corner: Old oval window VW bug (the exact year is escaping me). Before the fire it was in pretty good condition, body was straight, even had both glass bowl headlight covers, just needed a new engine. Torched Celica GT liftback behind it.

Upper left corner: I believe that was an old school bus. The pools of aluminum in front of it are what used to be pistons.

Lower right corner: The headlight melted out making it look like that low mileage (but totaled) FJ40 Land Cruiser was shedding a tear.

Lower left corner: That "thing" in the foreground used to be a boat on a trailer. The Porsche 914 behind it had recently been restored. :(

These four pictures are of my Datsun 620 King Cab that burned up in the fire. I had parked it up at my buddies house when it was deemed a "gross polluter" and I bought my first MR2. Don't ask me about the funky VW next to it...


This set of pictures is what amazed me about the whole situation. These two vehicles, a VW Bus and a 1979 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon, pretty much survived the fire that burned ~40 other cars on my friends property.


The only signs of damage to these cars was: The windshields started to separate between the two layers of glass and a couple of the side markers started to melt. You can see how close these vehicles were to the rest of the ones that burned up in the top set of pictures, they are just behind and to the right of the VW Bug and Celica liftback.

The fire known as the "Poe Fire" in Butte County, California took out 103 homes and 8000 acres of foothills. All of this was caused by a dry tree branch falling on to a live PG&E power pole...
Interesting, I assumed it was Soviet, anyone of those guys in the foreground could have been Stalin!
I've been there.. in fact, I think I took a photo from almost the same angle.

Imperial War Museum, right? I've been there as well and it was crazy to stand next to something that big and imagine it coming at you after being shot out of a cannon. Also, one of the best museums I've ever been to 👍 That alone would have been worth the 8 hour flight.
Imperial War Museum, right? I've been there as well and it was crazy to stand next to something that big and imagine it coming at you after being shot out of a cannon. Also, one of the best museums I've ever been to 👍 That alone would have been worth the 8 hour flight.

I've been there twice now. Though the second time was spent pretty much entirely in the Holocaust section.