• Thread starter bjl23
To solve the " problem" that occurs due to my pace at last Goodwood challenge am officially OUT of it and please Boss erase my time for that round.
I already erase the times from my posts ,you need just to fix the first page post.
As for the next round don't know how will go but before start playing i will post the records that already exists .

As i wrote to Sniper just came from work and saw the conversation with Bryce for the one second " gift" that may needed.
My record was 59.900 plus ,just a simple gold as the most of them are.
When i try it i saw that i have the potential to compete and honestly i thought that it will be funny that from the one second " gift" go straight to the top and i imagine the surprise that my mates feel after that.

After that i just need a favour from @Thematic which is very good at these challenges to give it a try .
Since is better than me am curious what really could bring as a result .
Also Snow white can take my place to be fair anyway that goes with or without handicap.
@CozmicDragon here is your chance.

So the field is clear to battle for top spot since am out and sorry if i bring a trouble in any aspect.
The only " plan " that can have from time to time is hide my best effort for last day but even that take place quite few times and Bryce knows better than me what am talking about.
Pity that Paddy is out and can't compete cause am sure he could hit almost a dead 54 at this one .
Kisses guys and no harm done , everything is cool.

The only sandbagging i did in purpose ( or better WE all did ) was when we play against COWT team and was only in one session which we all being significantly faster than them and was the Audi at red bull . And in the past when we was running as teams couple of times.
Since we came to the level not to shoot a vid for almost all challenges and use only a single pic. to justify the result ....... Is a bit annoying ( at least) to figure out that someone play tricks in order to gain a victorious result.
The next level could be that may someone borrow his records to someone else and so on ,but i can't even dare to imagine that someone could Think that way.
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Some time back a few of you sent me the Boss Mustang race at Laguna Seca thinking that was the next race and it was not so anybody that sent me the Boss race could you please send it again as I get on average 200+ email a day. The Boss race at Laguna Seca is running NOW!
Some time back a few of you sent me the Boss Mustang race at Laguna Seca thinking that was the next race and it was not so anybody that sent me the Boss race could you please send it again as I get on average 200+ email a day. The Boss race at Laguna Seca is running NOW!

I think you already have mine ,if not please tell me to send it again.
A question for “only some of you”. Is my school way too difficult for you? Give me your thoughts.

Only few times depending on car if is difficult .
For me its just fine ( except that Hugh is permanent winner :lol:) its cool and interesting.
The only problem for me is that i have to occupy the tv for long period and that's not such a good idea sometimes :lol:
Usually i leave this for Sundays but now am working and at Sundays ant thats against play time.
And many times i enjoyed to the Max with your car - track compos.
For me its ok difficult or not i try my best even if its frustrating sometimes destroy a good result due to an error or an annoying and unwanted " kiss" with a rushing AI.
👍 and :cheers: .
Only few times depending on car if is difficult .
For me its just fine ( except that Hugh is permanent winner :lol:) its cool and interesting.
The only problem for me is that i have to occupy the tv for long period and that's not such a good idea sometimes :lol:
Usually i leave this for Sundays but now am working and at Sundays ant thats against play time.
And many times i enjoyed to the Max with your car - track compos.
For me its ok difficult or not i try my best even if its frustrating sometimes destroy a good result due to an error or an annoying and unwanted " kiss" with a rushing AI.
👍 and :cheers: .
Thank you good buddy but you and Hugh are in every race. "You win your share of races too" and you would have won the last one if it was not for what happend mid-way on the last lap. I would like to hear from other that have never race at SkeagRacingSchool. Just so you know if you end up in P1P2 and P3 you are a winner:cheers:
Thank you good buddy but you and Hugh are in every race. "You win your share of races too" and you would have won the last one if it was not for what happend mid-way on the last lap. I would like to hear from other that have never race at SkeagRacingSchool. Just so you know if you end up in P1P2 and P3 you are a winner:cheers:

Am looking forward to grab the win in next race at Spa with the GT Ford beauty .
Please don't change it :D ,i have set the car and looking forward for free time alone in the house, to start lapping at this glamorous track, sweet sliding the SS tyres.
To solve the " problem" that occurs due to my pace at last Goodwood challenge am officially OUT of it and please Boss erase my time for that round.
I already erase the times from my posts ,you need just to fix the first page post.
As for the next round don't know how will go but before start playing i will post the records that already exists .

As i wrote to Sniper just came from work and saw the conversation with Bryce for the one second " gift" that may needed.
My record was 59.900 plus ,just a simple gold as the most of them are.
When i try it i saw that i have the potential to compete and honestly i thought that it will be funny that from the one second " gift" go straight to the top and i imagine the surprise that my mates feel after that.

After that i just need a favour from @Thematic which is very good at these challenges to give it a try .
Since is better than me am curious what really could bring as a result .
Also Snow white can take my place to be fair anyway that goes with or without handicap.
@CozmicDragon here is your chance.

So the field is clear to battle for top spot since am out and sorry if i bring a trouble in any aspect.
The only " plan " that can have from time to time is hide my best effort for last day but even that take place quite few times and Bryce knows better than me what am talking about.
Pity that Paddy is out and can't compete cause am sure he could hit almost a dead 54 at this one .
Kisses guys and no harm done , everything is cool.

The only sandbagging i did in purpose ( or better WE all did ) was when we play against COWT team and was only in one session which we all being significantly faster than them and was the Audi at red bull . And in the past when we was running as teams couple of times.
Since we came to the level not to shoot a vid for almost all challenges and use only a single pic. to justify the result ....... Is a bit annoying ( at least) to figure out that someone play tricks in order to gain a victorious result.
The next level could be that may someone borrow his records to someone else and so on ,but i can't even dare to imagine that someone could Think that way.
I'm not letting you quit, you have done nothing wrong and none of this is because of you.
I'm not removing your current times.
To solve the " problem" that occurs due to my pace at last Goodwood challenge am officially OUT of it and please Boss erase my time for that round.
I already erase the times from my posts ,you need just to fix the first page post.
As for the next round don't know how will go but before start playing i will post the records that already exists .

As i wrote to Sniper just came from work and saw the conversation with Bryce for the one second " gift" that may needed.
My record was 59.900 plus ,just a simple gold as the most of them are.
When i try it i saw that i have the potential to compete and honestly i thought that it will be funny that from the one second " gift" go straight to the top and i imagine the surprise that my mates feel after that.

After that i just need a favour from @Thematic which is very good at these challenges to give it a try .
Since is better than me am curious what really could bring as a result .
Also Snow white can take my place to be fair anyway that goes with or without handicap.
@CozmicDragon here is your chance.

So the field is clear to battle for top spot since am out and sorry if i bring a trouble in any aspect.
The only " plan " that can have from time to time is hide my best effort for last day but even that take place quite few times and Bryce knows better than me what am talking about.
Pity that Paddy is out and can't compete cause am sure he could hit almost a dead 54 at this one .
Kisses guys and no harm done , everything is cool.

The only sandbagging i did in purpose ( or better WE all did ) was when we play against COWT team and was only in one session which we all being significantly faster than them and was the Audi at red bull . And in the past when we was running as teams couple of times.
Since we came to the level not to shoot a vid for almost all challenges and use only a single pic. to justify the result ....... Is a bit annoying ( at least) to figure out that someone play tricks in order to gain a victorious result.
The next level could be that may someone borrow his records to someone else and so on ,but i can't even dare to imagine that someone could Think that way.
The Goodwood event needs a whole new rethink so it makes the player "try", instead of a cat & mouse game for the next hole.
I got a better time at hole 3 at Goodwood but I will not post it, because why try your best at a hole when one player can not try hard, so he/she can take an advantage for the next hole with a handicap.
Handicap or not ,fair or less fair ,plan or not i know exactly where i stand competing my mates.
Winning is an option , getting " better" is my purpose and have fun thats all.

I always try to participate at school lessons even if know that Hugh or Davor will grab the win ,but that's not bother me cause both are way better than me ,the main thing is to be better for my shelf and even if i win sometime they are still better than me but as in real life ,the best is not always win and the same applies here.
We have fun , learning and became better due to competition thats all.
Have a good day all.
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My Great Capture Screenshot 2020-04-30 16-49-26.png
My Great Capture Screenshot 2020-04-30 16-50-09.png
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Hello, everyone. I'm new here.
I'm having some trouble understanding which challenges are still on. I want to participate, but I'm afraid of sending info on a challenge which is not happening anymore. Can anyone help me?

All the challenges on posts 1-3 are all open, expect for the GOODWOOD event, you missed the start of that one.

The TRIPLE CROWN event started last round but you can still enter in this one.

They all end in roughly 10 days, there is a count down timer on the 1st post.
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Hello, everyone. I'm new here.
I'm having some trouble understanding which challenges are still on. I want to participate, but I'm afraid of sending info on a challenge which is not happening anymore. Can anyone help me?

Welcome new mate ( at least i hope so) to our company.
We are a group that still keeping alive gt6 with some challenges , competing each other some times all together and some times in two different divisions which keep separate the " wolves" from the " lamps".
Feel totally free to participate what pleases you and don't make the mistake to afraid cause of your times against the competition.
Since you don't know yet who is who don't hesitate to run whatever you like and please don't compare your self if your times are not in the levels that you might see at other players here..

We are here for fun first of all ,we appreciate honestly and as in real life some of us are grubling and whining for various reasons ,for example they don't like the car , the track ,the fact that they loose for fractions or whatever.
Am one of them :lol: especially when i don't like the car we drive as happens now in 3 crown .
@bjl23 aka The boss or Bruce Lee is the person that is responsible to organise what you see there and all of us try to help him and also we have the chance to organise " our own " event and that gives the opportunity to each one of us to design an event that suits him or like the most.

Only one thing you can't avoid here :
The thing that after 3 continually rounds that someone participates in our hub ,makes inevitable that he will have a nickname as everybody has here .:lol:
So don't feel surprised if you read , Boogeyman ,Sniper, wash machine, Tinkerbell ,Snow white ,The Saint etc...

A big welcome again our new friend.:cheers:

Not forget to mention that we have THE LUCK to have with us a real life race instructor @skeagracing in life they call him Noel ( known also as wash machine) which have Huge racing experience and have race most of the tracks for years in his life.
This is definitely a special luck and is the responsible for the School lessons that take part every 2 weeks .
Its a quite different event from what most people think and deffinetly isn't about who's faster or not .
Its an honour to have him evaluating our runs and personally i have Huge respect to him since he eat thousands of miles in racing conditions where the restart or reload are simply don't exist.
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Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. :cheers:

Since I'm a virgin here (maybe that will become my nichname now... oh, well...) I'm gonna try my hand with the Mustang and the Jaguar challenge. Should I post the replay (for the Mustang clean race) and the pics (for the Jag fast lap) here? Or should I send it somewhere else?
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. :cheers:

Since I'm a virgin here (maybe that will become my nichname now... oh, well...) I'm gonna try my hand with the Mustang and the Jaguar challenge. Should I post the replay (for the Mustang clean race) and the pics (for the Jag fast lap) here? Or should I send it somewhere else?
For the Mustang you have to send your replay ( replay view ,all instruments on ) to @skeagracing and not here . Here we put it when the round ends and Noel announce the winners each time.
Everything else you put it here ,just read carefully the first page posts that has the challenges to go by the rules which are quite simple .
If any question exists don't hesitate to ask to clear something .
Happy riding ......Virgin ? We shall see :lol:
Enjoy your self and the rest will follow.
I have good/bad news.. I set everything so I can play again.. tested and it works.. played Grid for some reason to make leaderboards. Thing is I won't be able to play much because its really hot and no AC in that room so Ill just try to to something every round for the hub but don't think longer stints will be possible soon...

Anyways sinc I am back, and rusty, my routine offtopic.. managed only 6th places out of 145 anyways with some rubber burning at the beginning..

Will be testing races to design events for next round NEXT.. :)

Time for a wild rollercoaster ride!

Matterhorn Rotenboden.jpg

Matterhorn's several layouts have ups, downs and all arounds. The Rotenboden layout, especially, has quite a lot of elevation changes, so if anything, the challenge name is quite fitting, as this track feels like a natural rollercoaster.

Now that reminds me, I've never been on a rollercoaster before. It's on my bucket list, but I never had the opportunity.

Our wild beast for this challenge is GT4's eternal gold mine, the Toyota RSC Rally Car. Immediately I realized: Comfort Softs and no SRF. Yeah, just staying on the track is tough. Fortunately, there's a 500PP restriction, which means this buddy is a little easier to tame since it will have less power than usual. This is what I used:


Upon driving this thing, I feel the back wanting to step out at every corner, and so, since tuning is allowed in this one, I jacked up the rear downforce a bit to keep the rear end stable. Since we're on tarmac, and not dirt, drifting will only lose us time here.

The uphill chicane of turns 1 and 2 is particularily troublesome, as you want to do this turn in fourth gear, with just a little tap on the brakes, but if you enter it too fast, you'll either fly into the grass, or hit the inside kerb of Turn 2 too hard and make the back end go wild. On a pad, catching these slides is quite difficult with SRF disabled.

The downhill towards Turn 7 is also very difficult, as it's a hard braking zone after a long downhill straight, which means your brakes are less effective here than usual, as the car wants to continue rolling down the hill. It's very easy to end up running wide or even hitting a wall here due to braking too late.

I didn't do much here, as I'm not that skilled with SRF off, but I did a few laps, and came up with a time of 1:45.695. Not too bad, but I'm not very confident about this one.



I hope the tires are readable enough in the first pic, because when I went to take the photomode pic in the replay, my game crashed, and so I lost the replay of that lap.
3 Crown entry

Very difficult to get use the way it steers a single seater and thats no exception with the Lotus.
Mostly. I try not to get a halt on this and might try it again if am on the " right " mentally condition cause this track need concentration to have a flow.
Don't know what Snow white did but his time is out of reach ,not only need to be absolutely faultless but also quite accurate and repeatable.
So hats off to our new member :bowdown: ( am afraid we create a Monster :lol: )

I might catch Boss ( i might ) but there is no chance to get that low on that compo.
Have a good morning guys from Oceania and good night all the rest.
Don't know what Snow white did but his time is out of reach ,not only need to be absolutely faultless but also quite accurate and repeatable.

Ask and you shall receive.

Triple Crown, Round 2: 9:53.534


When I did my first run, I knew it wasn't that great. I knew there was still time to be gained and a sub-10 minute run was possible. And I got it.

Lap times per lap:

Lap 1: 1:27.799
Lap 2: 1:25.481
Lap 3: 1:24.941
Lap 4: 1:23.805
Lap 5: 1:23.817
Lap 6: 1:23.499
Lap 7: 1:24.192

And below, a screenshot of the live timing screen of the saved replay, to show I used the correct tires:


This was played with SRF on, TC at 2, ASM off, Active Steering off, and manual gears.
(For the love of Senna, if you are using automatic gears in this challenge, I pray for your sanity...)
Because you really want to avoid using first gear here. It's basically a dud gear that only serves to slow you down. Even in the hairpin and at Rascasse, I just stay in second gear. Also, you get better top speed down the main straight if you exit Antony Noghes on third (by shifting to third while off-throttle, which you can't do with automatic gears), which can save you a bit of time.