The Community Career Creator Thread [Accepting Submissions]

  • Thread starter Nakano219
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I wanted to try something fun and creative, so I've given myself a bit of a challenge here...

Alternative career mode designs have risen in popularity over the last few months. I'm sure you've all seen @Theufcveteran's excellent roadmap, and there are more and more people designing things like that. But as good as they are, they are all generally the mind of one person. I want to see what happens when you cobble together the minds of a community that often has many different ideas as to where they want the series to go. Hence, this thread!

So the premise of this thread is this: You all post in here and submit races and events that you'd personally want to see in a GT career mode. They can be as vague as "I'd like a series in GT3 cars" or as detailed as "I'd like a one-on-one duel, called the Group A Rally Challenge, against the Celica WRC car where you use the Impreza WRC car, at Eiger Nordwand, for 6 laps, with racing hard tyres at 10x wear". Then, once the submission phase is closed, the building phase will begin, where I will attempt to order the chaos of your submitted events semi-logically, polyfill in the gaps as best I can, and hopefully present a smooth community-generated career mode! Or it could be a giant mess, if nobody submits any early-game content and it's all race cars. Who knows how this'll go - that's the fun of it!

The only two submission rules are as follows:
  • Only submit ideas with content that exists in GT7 as of the time of your post - should be fairly obvious, don't submit Special Stage Route 7 or a Lotus. I'm only going to collect the ideas at the end, so if you post and then an update comes out with content you want to use feel free to edit your post. Things like championships where it's not in the game but you can manually tot it up yourself are okay though.
  • Don't overwhelm everyone else's submissions by submitting tons of ideas - I'm not putting a hard cap on the amount you can suggest, but be reasonable please - if you send in 50 race ideas I reserve the right to prioritise people who only sent in one or two.
Have fun! Just... hopefully not so much fun that it makes my life super hard trying to piece your ideas together.