The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
You need to find out about the Skooma dealer.
Thanks I will have to check that out.

I've been keeping up with this thread a while, and it seems like an addictive game.

My only RPG experiences are Final Fantasy series but I doubt it's similar to this game. I might get it somewhere this week, something to keep my busy during the Christmas holidays.

I will probably get it on PS3 since my PC is probably not going to cut it.
I heard the PS3 is having some problems with Skyrim in terms of frame rate dropping and other issues but is supposed to be patched soon. I have the 360 version and it runs very well. BTW I loved FF13.

If there was ever an RPG to get into and to try out, its Skyrim. By far one of THE best RPGs I have ever played. I already have 88 hours into this game and have a very hard time putting it down. I also loved Fallout 3 and would highly recommend that game too. Its also made by Bethesda. Skyrim does a great job of introducing you slowly into the game and all its features. They did a really good job with that. There is a lot to learn but the game allows you to learn as you go. Introducing a little more at a time so you are not overwhelmed.

You can make your character any way you want. If you want to use swords you can do that, if you want magic and swords you can do that, if you want all magic you can, or bow and arrow you can, if you want to sneak you can. Bethesda keeps using the term "You are how you play" and thats very true. As you play using those weapons or magic, it rewards you in that area of those weapons. Using magic increases magic, using swords increases swords. Sneaking increases sneaking. You are rewarded for everything you do.
As an outside observer, I have been watching this thread, and also, my friends game progress when I pop round to his place.
He has decided to start fresh recently, and I watched him level his mage up from 15 to 18 last night.
We were doing some quests for some boox to find for some guy back at his college, and also we popped into an earthen mound to discover we needed a claw to open a door which had been missing for what appeared to be an age, which we then found in the first place we looked.

I find it extremely labour intensive.
I know I couldn't get as lost in it as my friend does.
He chex everything to see if he's picked the entire room up, providing the items are of any use, and this takes a long time sometimes...
I was tired, but I found myself dropping off as he walked around checking every set of drawers and each basket just in case he'd missed a soul gem.
When something is happening, it can be quite exciting, and I can see how you could tailor the fights to go how you want them too, according to the kind of attributes you want your character to have, which would in turn, hold my interest a little more, but I still think I would struggle to get to grips with the vastness of Skyrim.
It's huge.
There are so many things to do..... all the time....
Thing is, you go do something, and on your way there, you'll be given a few more things to do.
Then you get where you were going in the first place, assuming you haven't been sidetracked, and get more stuff to do when you get there!
He has a list of side missions and requests as long as your arm, or longer!

A lot of it goes over my head, but I do understand the appeal.
For me, it's a game I will watch my friend play through, rather than be clawing at him to give me the pad, so I can try.
Of course, you play a role, so handing your pad to someone to be 'you' is not the first thing that enters your head, to do.
I enjoy watching, he enjoys playing, but the sheer size, magnitude and scope of things you can do in there, is just overwhelming for me.... it's just too much.

Would it be a good first RPG to get into the genre, undoubtedly.
I have never been this sort of gamer, but I can see what to do, and how doing different things are affecting the course of the game, and I can see the appeal ALL THE TIME, which is what makes you guys pick this up and play it for months.
I think as a total noob, I could learn my way around RPG's using Skyrim, and possibly have a lot of fun doing so, but in all honesty, I don't have the time or the patience to do all that collecting, forging, chemistry, levelling and so on.
No to mention trying to get my head around all the intricacies that would make this game sooo much easier/better/more fun if I knew what I was doing with a 'ring of fine destruction' or a 'Staff of Zombies'......

I think it's a great looking game, with a huge open world, and all kinds of fun quests, level ups, battles, mysteries and general life-sapping awesomeness. It's not for me, because I won't be picking up every set of black mage robes to give to my follower so I can take them back at the next village I end up in three or four real life days' time, and attempt to sell them to the barkeep.

I would say jump into it poolhaas, if you've done FF games, you'll love it. And I profess to know NOTHING about Skyrim at all, really......


VEXD is a mage, not a pawnbroker, you know.......
Does anybody else wish they'd give us a map marker for misc quests instead of just zooming you to the general area?

Clairvoyance works sometimes but it isn't foolproof.

For all of those doing the Dark Brotherhood Questline...a warning. There is a point towards the end of the questline where your screen will go black, and it appears that the game freezes...most of the time this isn't the case so give it a few mins before restarting.

It happens during the quest where the imperials burn down your sanctuary and it blacks out when the night mother invites you into her coffin

Also' does anybody know if Dwemer artifacts have any value beyond simply selling a smithing sense or anything like that? Any time I go through Dwemer ruins I always see tons of cogs, spheres, scrap metal etc...but haven't found anything to do with it it's unusually heavy so I'm not going to lug it around unless it's actually useful for something.
First I wanted to say thanks to those that helped about the House in Riften. I finally got that last night after completing the "Skooma" missions!!!

Here is a hint to easily carry a lot more weight in an emergency.

1. Find or purchase an item that already has "Increase weight 20 points" or something similar. Even 5 points will be fine. Usually boots have this "increase weight" enchantment added to them.
2. Disenchant this item to learn the knowledge.
3. Enchant this knowledge onto a Ring. I called mine "WEIGHT RING". If you drink an enchantment potion you will get higher results.
4. Enchant this knowledge onto a necklace. I called mine "WEIGHT NECKLACE"
5. If you have a follower make sure you enchant a ring and necklace for your them too.

My results with this setup.


My follower

My enchantment level is currently level 76. So with just wearing a ring and necklace we are easily capable of carrying over 120 extra weight!!! Plus the ring and necklace only weigh 0.5 each!! You can apply the weight carrying enchantment to gloves, boots, necklaces, and rings.

Then anytime you are overcumbered you can put on the ring and necklace onto your follower and onto yourself. This is one example of what you can do with rings and necklaces. Necklaces and rings are very very easy ways to increase anything you want in the game. Health, magica, weight carry, frost defense, fire defense, armor strength, bow damage, smithing abilities, and much more. Hope this helps.
Also' does anybody know if Dwemer artifacts have any value beyond simply selling a smithing sense or anything like that? Any time I go through Dwemer ruins I always see tons of cogs, spheres, scrap metal etc...but haven't found anything to do with it it's unusually heavy so I'm not going to lug it around unless it's actually useful for something.

I think that's what it's for, you find a smelter and you can make Dwemer ingots out of the generic Dwemer metal pieces you find.
I think that's what it's for, you find a smelter and you can make Dwemer ingots out of the generic Dwemer metal pieces you find.

Hm, I guess I don't have to worry much about picking them up then. I have at least 50 dwarven ingots already -- unless these Dwemer ingots are different than the dwarven ones?

Plus some of those pieces weigh 10 units and over...not worth the space for me.
I heard the PS3 is having some problems with Skyrim in terms of frame rate dropping and other issues but is supposed to be patched soon. I have the 360 version and it runs very well. BTW I loved FF13.

A few people I've spoken to confirm the patch fixes that. And FF13 sucked.

Also' does anybody know if Dwemer artifacts have any value beyond simply selling a smithing sense or anything like that? Any time I go through Dwemer ruins I always see tons of cogs, spheres, scrap metal etc...but haven't found anything to do with it it's unusually heavy so I'm not going to lug it around unless it's actually useful for something.

If you go to
the college, you'll find someone who wants you to bring him 10 dwemer cogs. Can't remember his name, but talk to everyone and you'll find him. [/QUOTE]
FF13 wasn't that bad :P

Thanks for the recommendations Camaroboy 👍 and glad to hear the patch fixes on PS3, was getting a bit worried :)
FF13 wasn't that bad :P

Thanks for the recommendations Camaroboy 👍 and glad to hear the patch fixes on PS3, was getting a bit worried :)

FF13 was very bad. Graphically, it was amazing and it was a very polished game, but that doesn't change the fact that you ran through static environments, with some very annoying characters (hope) and spent most of your time pressing x.

However, if you found redeeming qualities in FF13, then you will probably fall in love with Skyrim. Not sure if you're aware, but it's not a turn based rpg. The fighting is all real time and under your control.
No problems with real time fighting, getting anxious to play now, going to buy it friday :)
Seeing how some here are around the 100 hours game time, makes me really think it's a game worthy of putting some time in.

I really need a change in genre, coming from MW3, it just doesn't make me happy playing anymore. Like staying up longer to keep playing one more match and then another one, did that alot with MW2, not feeling the same about MW3.

Time for a change!
Well I'm ashamed to say, I am now one of the people who has played for over 100 hours. I do find myself staying up quite late playing it.
Hm, I guess I don't have to worry much about picking them up then. I have at least 50 dwarven ingots already -- unless these Dwemer ingots are different than the dwarven ones?

Plus some of those pieces weigh 10 units and over...not worth the space for me.

Dwemer=Dwarven to my knowledge.
i am really enjoying SKYRIM {xbox 360} right now im almost level 36 with almost 130 hours into the game. my favorite armor/weapons sofar are the ebony armor/weapons. i gave up on followers after losing the 3rd one lol so now i run around solo, plus after completeing the main dragon quests i dont really need a follower anymore...

great tips camaroboy, i will definatly look into that today !!!
Dwemer=Dwarven to my knowledge.

Yeah I believe when you smelt the Dwemer you get Dwarven ingots.

I made all my dwarven armour just buying the ingots and now I just sell the other stuff I find. I'll likely just keep the dwarven armour until I get to 100 smithing which shouldn't be too much longer. I need to do some quests for some money again. I'm back down to 4000 and I'd like to finish off smithing so I can use my saved dragon bones and scales.
I got Skyrim and started right away. I'm now at the Bleak Falls and trying to get through the Draugrs. Put up a tough fight so I had to retreat from the place to buy more potions. Maybe I can try to raise my armor rating a bit..
Almost got the 100k achievement, 90k and counting. Haven't played much the past few days, only got 50 hours in total.

Hit 100 smithing last night and for some reason I got the perk that allows you to make dragon armour, despite the fact i'm not advancing the main story so I haven't fought a single dragon yet... :dunce: I hear people tend to make iron daggers as the best way to level smithing, but I find gathering hide and turning it into leather, then making vambraces is the best way. At one point I had 200+ pieces of leather in a cupboard in my house which I used all at once. That was a long walk to the blacksmiths as I was a little over-encumbered :lol:
I got Skyrim and started right away. I'm now at the Bleak Falls and trying to get through the Draugrs. Put up a tough fight so I had to retreat from the place to buy more potions. Maybe I can try to raise my armor rating a bit..

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
Does anybody else wish they'd give us a map marker for misc quests instead of just zooming you to the general area?

You do get a map marker, in your journal you have to check both the misc and the paticular quest for the marker to show.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

Lol, I think I can handle off the Draugrs. I'm very close to reaching where the Stone tablet is but I think another boss protects it :scared:
You do get a map marker, in your journal you have to check both the misc and the paticular quest for the marker to show.


Wow, that helps a lot. Thank you.

I always checked off the quest itself, but never the misc heading. +rep bro

I'm about 20,000 gold off of the 100,000 achievement. I haven't really had to spend much, but I've put off some purchases too. Can't wait to spend it all once I get that achievement.

P.S. You can make a lot of money doing Dark Brotherhood for those looking to get the 100k achievement.
They released the 2nd patch today (1.2) for Skyrim and typical for Bethesda, there are problems with the patch. The problems are mainly associated to those that use fire resistance and other magic.

i am really enjoying SKYRIM {xbox 360} right now im almost level 36 with almost 130 hours into the game. my favorite armor/weapons sofar are the ebony armor/weapons. i gave up on followers after losing the 3rd one lol so now i run around solo, plus after completeing the main dragon quests i dont really need a follower anymore...

great tips camaroboy, i will definatly look into that today !!!
Glad you are enjoying the game and hopefully you enjoy my tips. They will make your character much better. 👍
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At level 22 after only really trolling giants by riding close on purpose or sneaking into their camps to steal the awesome loot they always have, I finally decided to take one on. I'm about 3/4 into completing the archery perk tree plus I have a crown thingy and gloves that both give 25% extra damage each with a bow and arrow & an exquisite dwarven bow, took two shots to take one down. So then I took another 4 down just for lolz. I'm going to see how I fair against a mammoth tonight.
What's the best way to have a second character on X360? I have a secondary profile on the Xbox that I don't use anymore, I guess that would be safest to prevent saving over/deleting another character save.

I haven't bought a horse yet, I was wondering what happens if you'd happen to abandon it somewhere. Will it ever return back to a stable/outside of a town or whatever?
I haven't bought a horse yet, I was wondering what happens if you'd happen to abandon it somewhere. Will it ever return back to a stable/outside of a town or whatever?
Don't worry, provided it's not been killed, the horse will turn up at the next location you fast travel to.
I wonder any of you guys bothered to read some of the books the game provides you. I read the one about Dragonborn, the philosophy behind it, and learned quite a lot :)
I wonder any of you guys bothered to read some of the books the game provides you. I read the one about Dragonborn, the philosophy behind it, and learned quite a lot :)

I read quite a few of them, and apparently if you have a Nook or Kindle you can download them all in one book.