The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Wasn't showing a weapon at the restart. Going to start tomorrow at the last save spot I guess.

One more newb question. When a courier gives you something, where can you see it? Is it just randomly placed in the items somewhere?
One more newb question. When a courier gives you something, where can you see it? Is it just randomly placed in the items somewhere?

All notes will be located in your inventory in the books section.

Also I think the Wabbajack is the single funniest/best weapon you can get. I one hit killed a dragon priest with it last night. Also hilarious when it turns giants into bunnies. Unfortunately however, it is a tad unpredictable.
Oh, thanks. So it theoretically stops at Level 80 but you stop choosing perks at Level 50?

That's how I understand it. I mean you can get all of your skills to 100 but you just can't pick perks for those skills after level 50.
That's not correct at all.

You keep receiving perks after lvl 50...I'd know because I am at level 51 right now.

The only thing that changes after lvl 50 is that the level progress slows significantly.

Level cap is around 80 something and it occurs when all skills are maxed out.

You do not stop getting perks at lvl 50
I stand corrected then, looks like the one Elder Scrolls wiki I was on had bad information.
I stand corrected then, looks like the one Elder Scrolls wiki I was on had bad information.

The uesp wiki seems to be the superior one. The other (TES wikia if I remember rightly?) one is more like one of those Prima strategy guides i.e. gives no useful tips that aren't mentioned in the game already.
I stand corrected then, looks like the one Elder Scrolls wiki I was on had bad information.

It happens, I wasn't trying to be a jerk despite how I worded that. I just wanted to make sure everyone gets the correct info. I actually thought the same thing initially.
I'm liking this so far, learning new things every day, but some things are just weird.
Like getting chased down by 8 guards for accidentally hitting a chicken (pushed the wrong button), can't wait to be strong enough to get even :mischievous:
You'll get more and more addicted as time goes by. I'm currently buying up petty soul gems. Normally, I wouldn't bother with them, but they're leveling up my enchantment level nicely.

Enchant cheap objects with petty soul gems to level quickly and cheaply. Wish I'd thought of this when I was making hundreds of daggers to level my smithing.
I'm working on my archery and sneaking at the moment.
Encountered my second dragon, while sneaking around I got spotted looked around but didn't see anything. Then it flew directly over me to a nearby village, almost jumped out of my couch :lol:

Good thing the guards kept him busy so the kill was easy.
I'm working on my archery and sneaking at the moment.
Encountered my second dragon, while sneaking around I got spotted looked around but didn't see anything. Then it flew directly over me to a nearby village, almost jumped out of my couch :lol:

Good thing the guards kept him busy so the kill was easy.

My 1st 3 dragons were all nearby a village or a high-case foe/ally/friendly area. Also saw another dragon while I was already fighting one but he just flew away.

EDIT: By the way when I added some books into the bookshelf in Breezehome at Whiterun it doesn't appear and I can't interact with it. Does that mean it's lost forever? :scared:
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Skyrim for PS3 is broken.

This is the conclusion I have currently made after some recent analysis and research on the Internet.

I don't know if any of you have noticed this, but there has been massive outrage over the PS3 version of Skyrim. Users are reporting that as the save file increases from extended use, the frame rate slows down dramatically to a slideshow, causing some serious input lag and making the game ultimately unplayable. The recent patch seems to have not fixed PS3 version's issues, either.

I had recently purchased Oblivion for PS3 in anticipation for Skyrim (the latter of which I have not purchased yet) so I'm really disappointed that I may never get the chance to play Oblivion's sequel.

Oh noes, I have it on PS3 :scared: I did notice getting huge lag at times, but my save is only at 6MB and I think the fun days of this game will be over soon..
Bethesda have acknowledged it and announced that they are working on it. There will be a raft of patches until it is fixed.

And the lag is not that bad. I should know. My save time is 137:52:59.

Edit: Finally, My enchanting level is 100. That took an age.
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No problems here on the 360, hope it's sorted out for you ps3 guys'd be a shame to miss out on such a great game.
Does elemental combat exist? What I mean is like fire destroy ice, and vice versa. I saw a damage increase when I inflict fire damage on Ice Wolves. Does it only activate on elements native to the foe or the spells the caster is using?

Oh noes, I have it on PS3 :scared: I did notice getting huge lag at times, but my save is only at 6MB and I think the fun days of this game will be over soon..

I've been playing Skyrim on the PS3 since its release date. I've nearly got 200 hours into this game, and my save file size is 17mb. Sure 200 hours seems like a lot, but I'm old and many of those hours have been accumulated after I fell asleep and left the game running over night.

My game, particularly at 17mb, begins to suffer huge lag after about 1 to 1-1/2 hours of play. When this starts to happen, particularly in a place like Whiterun, I save the game, and quit back out to the XMB. I then restart the game and it runs fine for about another 1 to 1-1/2 hours.

This is inconvenient to say the least, but I have about 84% of the trophies finished up, and I intend to get them all with this character. I am playing with the patch that was made available on the day that the game first came out. I did not bother to download patch 1.2, nor will I download the next patch, which I suppose is 1.3.
Does elemental combat exist? What I mean is like fire destroy ice, and vice versa.

Unfortunately not. Strange because the magic in this game reminds me of Bioshock.

I saw a damage increase when I inflict fire damage on Ice Wolves. Does it only activate on elements native to the foe or the spells the caster is using?

It's only on elements native to the foe. Which is a shame, but to be honest, once you get past a certain level, you're destruction magic will be extremely strong. If fire melted ice etc, that would probably make things a little easy.
Do you guys know any places where I can get some ebony ingots or ebony ores? I've levelled up my smithing to 100 first with all the perks, but I think I may not have yet progressed enough throughout the main quest line to have discovered either a vendor which sells them or a place where I can mine it myself.
Do you guys know any places where I can get some ebony ingots or ebony ores? I've levelled up my smithing to 100 first with all the perks, but I think I may not have yet progressed enough throughout the main quest line to have discovered either a vendor which sells them or a place where I can mine it myself.

The vendor's inventories update every two days in game. Maybe go to Whiterun, try all three there then wait. I have no real need for them any more, so I'm not sure where to get them. They should start appearing due to your skill.
Skyrim for PS3 is broken.

This is the conclusion I have currently made after some recent analysis and research on the Internet.

I don't know if any of you have noticed this, but there has been massive outrage over the PS3 version of Skyrim. Users are reporting that as the save file increases from extended use, the frame rate slows down dramatically to a slideshow, causing some serious input lag and making the game ultimately unplayable. The recent patch seems to have not fixed PS3 version's issues, either.

I had recently purchased Oblivion for PS3 in anticipation for Skyrim (the latter of which I have not purchased yet) so I'm really disappointed that I may never get the chance to play Oblivion's sequel.

It's sad because with Oblivion, they spent 6 months optimising the game for the PS3 (As the console wasn't out when it came out on PC/Xbox 360 it made sense to make some changes). With Skyrim it seems like they didn't bother at all, and wanted to stick to their release date without ironing out the problems the game had. They really wanted that 11/11/11 release didn't they.

Do you guys know any places where I can get some ebony ingots or ebony ores? I've levelled up my smithing to 100 first with all the perks, but I think I may not have yet progressed enough throughout the main quest line to have discovered either a vendor which sells them or a place where I can mine it myself.

I found a huge Ebony ore mine a few weeks ago:

It's in an Orc Stronghold on the mountainside just south-east of Windhelm. There will be a rope bridge from within the camp/stronghold to the mine. In here there is around 15-20 Ebony mining points, which equates to 45-60 ebony ore.
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saw this on a website lol

My gosh even loading is risky in this game. It froze on me on a loading screen and had my recent Autosave data corrupted. Luckily I have backups.
My gosh even loading is risky in this game. It froze on me on a loading screen and had my recent Autosave data corrupted. Luckily I have backups.

It's done that to me a few times. I don't think it's corrupted, it's just a glitch. Try closing the game and then trying again. I've had saves do that before that have worked after a couple of tries. But if that doesn't work, the 3 autosaves are usually quite recent (Bethesda got something right).

I got the Black star last night. Combined with the mace of Molag Bal, I'm levelling Enchanting with little to no effort (Recharge it after every soul is absorbed). It saves me collecting and filling hundreds of regular soul gems at least. I wonder if there is any other great combinations with daedric artifacts.

In other news:


I just finished the quest with the Gauldersons. It was very fun. It was not too hard, nor too easy. And the loot was fantastic! Found my first Glass weapon :D