The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
@ Joey and Seismica

Thanks, guys. I thought about making a bunch of leather armor and I'll try hunting down some animals for the leather.
If you're playing on PC (which you should be imo, it's Elder Scrolls...) then you can remove/add perks using the dev console 👍

I am indeed playing on the PC, but i'm an achievement whore. As far as I am aware, using such a console command would prevent me earning achievements? At least that is what I heard.

I'm going to have to do this too, my heavy armour, blocking and one-handed are all 100. When I hit 100 HA I switched to light armour, and now I've maxed 1H I'm going to use bound sword and greatswords to finish off conjuration and level 2H respectively. Levelling 2H may be a bit painful as I don't have any of the two-handed perks - at least with 1H I have all five ranks of +% damage.

I would end up carrying my heavy armour etc. around with me, aswell as the equipped items (Not so bad as I don't really need to make money from loot anymore) just incase. Some enemies I already find tough as it is (Mainly those ice mages, they do so much damage and you can't seem to block them). At the moment I am levelling Enchanting with my Mace of Molag Bal, but i'm thinking of making a Daedric great sword and putting a soul trap enchantment on it. The thing is, once I switch to 2H I will really learn how much I rely on shield bash. My armour rating will change significantly, mainly because of my heavy armour perks. I also haven't got the perk to smith glass armour, so maybe it's time I advanced the main quest to be able to get the materials required for dragon armour. I already have one piece of light dragon armour in my safe that I found when I was level 30ish.

@ Joey and Seismica

Thanks, guys. I thought about making a bunch of leather armor and I'll try hunting down some animals for the leather.

If you're trying to power it up, iron daggers are probably better. I gathered hundreds of leather just by exploring and collecting everything I find (Making sure not to sell crafteable items). If you want to level it fast it's not the best way to go.
I am indeed playing on the PC, but i'm an achievement whore. As far as I am aware, using such a console command would prevent me earning achievements? At least that is what I heard.

I'm hearing it a fair bit that console commands won't prevent earning achievements. I haven't tested this out myself but I've seen it mentioned a few times in other forums.
I've used the console to work around some bugs and I'm still getting achievements.
I read that using the console only blocks achievements for that particular session. So after quitting and restarting you can gain achievements again.
That was how Fallout NV worked with regards to the console and achievements, but I've unlocked Skyrim achievements in the same session that I've used console commands (while being subconsciously aware that you may need to save+reload the game). From what I can tell you can run rampant with the console commands and still get achievements, but ymmv.
My gosh that's high :eek: You can resist any physical attack! Mines is at around 110 at full armor w/ an improved Blades Armor, but it's enough to get some quests done.

I think my Archery is at 48 or less, I dunno. I got the zoom perk but not the slow down time perk. Archery helps me clear out forts or a way to snipe out some foes.

By the way, does anyone know a quicker way to level up Smithing? My character build calls for one lol.
I gained 2 levels last night after completing the mission involving collecting blood. Now I am level 38. With that said I added another perk to my heavy armor and now my character armor is 405!! The armor perk that I picked last night allowed another 25% armor bonus if my ENTIRE character was wearing heavy armor. That is an awesome perk!! But there are still enemies that can take me down quite quick. Especially if they are using magic. If you want to increase your armor make sure you put the perks into "Heavy Armor" if thats what you are wearing. It makes a massive difference. A few days ago I was only around 205 armor now 405 just with adding 2 perks to heavy armor. Keep in mind too that my smithing is only around level 35. Oh BTW my enchantment hit 90 last night. Once I get to enchantment 100 then I will be able to add 2 enchantments to each item. Cant wait to get that!! 👍

Yes get the slow down perk for archery for sure. For smithing you can do the daggar suggestion above or you can also pay some of the blacksmiths to increase your smithing.
I'm not sure how these perks work. Do they open up as you gain levels or how does it work?
I've only managed to fill in 2 archery perks (the bottom one is 2/5 and the zoom perk), currently at level 17.
I don't level up as much anymore. After I obtained all 3 levels of Unrelenting Force, I just went around with godmode on (Which allows shouts to be used continuously without having to recharge) and just hurling people and monsters off cliffs :lol::lol: God I love this game.

Unrelenting force is really handy at times. I love sending people off cliffs, and it can turn your enemies into bowling pins if you position yourself correctly.

I'm not sure how these perks work. Do they open up as you gain levels or how does it work?
I've only managed to fill in 2 archery perks (the bottom one is 2/5 and the zoom perk), currently at level 17.

Each perk has a level requirement, however, if, for example, you want the third perk in the tree, you have to unlock the first two to gain access to the third. A little annoying, but logical. For the perks with several levels (4/5 etc), you don't have to fully raise them. 1/5 should be enough to advance to a higher perk.
Just completed all the main questlines (MQ + major factions), so I guess I've sort of "finished" Skyrim. Took almost dead on 102 hours and 60 and a half levels.
On the Smithing skill, should I go left or right of the constellation?

For a mage, thief or rouge character the Light Armour tree is better to go. For a warrior, battle mage, or berserker the Heavy Armour works better. You can get a perk that allows all armour to be weightless though, but it take a while to get there.

The weapons on the heavy armour side appear to be better though.
Just completed all the main questlines (MQ + major factions), so I guess I've sort of "finished" Skyrim. Took almost dead on 102 hours and 60 and a half levels.

I'm playing on the PS3, and I earned the Platinum Trophy for Skyrim a short while ago. There's still some quests that I'd like to finish up, primarily the one about the unusual gems.

The size of my main file is 19 mb, which is ridiculous. The last two major quest lines that I went through were the Companions quest line and the Civil War. I could not finish the Companions quest line on my main save because a certain funeral ceremony would not initiate for some reason. I had to reload a file from about 40 hours earlier in order to complete this, but at least my main save never got affected by a certain beast power.

Leaving the Civil War for the final major quest line may have been a big mistake on my part. With such a huge file at 19 mb, the battles were a major lagfest and not any fun at all. I am talking about taking several seconds to complete one single swing of the sword....ridiculous. This is a good game, but I am COD and I simply have to finish every game that I buy to completion, so I continued on.

I realize that there will be DLC for this game, but unless they really manage to fix the FPS drop, and the input lag on the controls on the PS3, I will not bother to buy any of it. Bethesda really needs to learn how to clear up all the junk left in the game world in a more efficient manner so that game save files don't grow to humongous proportions.
For a mage, thief or rouge character the Light Armour tree is better to go. For a warrior, battle mage, or berserker the Heavy Armour works better. You can get a perk that allows all armour to be weightless though, but it take a while to get there.

The weapons on the heavy armour side appear to be better though.

I think I'll choose the right route, since it provides a bit more armor. I'm gradually raising my Smithing with making a bunch of Daggers :P

Yesterday the 1.3 patch came out and fixed the resistant effects for sure. I took on an elder dragon and while blocking I didnt take any damage. After the 1.2 patch I was getting destroyed by fire and frost. Now its finally working again!

However this new 1.3 patch messed other things up. Now some quest arrows do not show up. Yup while it did fix the resistance problems from 1.2 it for sure messed up the quest arrows on most of the missions. Happens quite a bit if you are in the city where the arrow is supposed to be at. This can be VERY VERY frustrating at times especially if you do not have each city memorized. So now we need to wait for patch 1.4 to fix 1.3. I still love this game but sheesh.

I added another perk to heavy armor 4/5 last night and now my Ebony Armor is at 445! I also made it to 92 enchanting. Cant wait to hit enchantment level 100 so I can put dual enchantments on each item. My blocking is also getting up quite high too. I think close to 70.

Also bought the $25,000 house in Solitude and I finally decided to join the Imperial Legion last night. I waited a good 145 hours before making the decision but all my friends joined the Stormcloaks so I joined the Imperials.
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Forged my first daedric items today. :) Now to find some more daedra hearts to forge the rest. :D

There is an easy way to get them apart from getting the occasional one from an alchemist shop:

Start the Mehrune's Razor quest. You should have got a note from a courier or something asking you to visit a museum somewhere. Follow this quest line and it will lead you to a Daedric shrine, which after you have done the quest will spawn 4 Dremoras (2 inside, 2 outside, you need to kill one outside to get the key for the door) which drop Daedra hearts, and i'm fairly sure they respawn after a certain amount of time like with any other cave/dungeon

EDIT: Just came across some unusual glitches. I was doing a Daedric shrine quest, I had to kill all the followers. Ay level 48, 6/7 levelled enemies are pretty tough to beat, especially with mages involved. After 2 failed attempts I decided to use my werewolf power, and use his roar to scare them and pick them off. It worked, but after I killed them the quest advanced and it seems that the game forgot I was a werewolf, so I was stuck as one and had to re-load the game.

I've just come across one now where enemies have turned invisible. I fought 3 invisible cave bears. I've yet to see if this is quest related or not (Like the invisible village in Oblivion) or if it's just a glitch. The perk tree menu was also a bit glitched, it turned bright pink. I've closed and game and am re-launching it to see if the invisible enemies go back to normal.
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^^^ Spoiler shows the best way to get the hearts, highly recommended!

Have forged myself the full Daedric Armour and the weapons, all upgraded to legendary, now look badass.
Have forged myself the full Daedric Armour and the weapons, all upgraded to legendary, now look badass.

I just used a blacksmith potion and several Increased smithing enchanted items to improve my armour. I now have an armour rating of 832 :D This would increase further if I equipped my Daedric shield and used the '+25% armour if using a matched set' perk. I think it's possible to get around 1050-1100 armour.

I know the cap is 567, or so i've heard. But my current armour rating means I can swap out individual items for light armour (So I can level light armour, whilst maintaining my defence).

My Daedric sword also has an attack value of 103 :D
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Got a full Daedric armor set now as well. :D Now to find some Daedric arrows to go along with my bow. :)

EDIT: Might be tempted to install the SkyUI mod. Looks so much better than the original UI! Allows filters too. :)

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On the Smithing skill, should I go left or right of the constellation?

I would recommend the Heavy armour side, even if you want to use light armour. Regardless of which side you take, you end up with dragon armor, which includes dragonscale (light) armour. Daedric weapons are better than Glass, and picking daedric smithing as a perk means that you can further improve any daedric weapons you find (if that's even possible? I haven't got far enough in the game to find out).
I would recommend the Heavy armour side, even if you want to use light armour. Regardless of which side you take, you end up with dragon armor, which includes dragonscale (light) armour. Daedric weapons are better than Glass, and picking daedric smithing as a perk means that you can further improve any daedric weapons you find (if that's even possible? I haven't got far enough in the game to find out).

It's odd because daedric armour is stronger than Dragon armour, despite being lower on the smithing tree. You do find Daedric weapons later on, I found a Daedric mace when I was level 48, but haven't found any other daedric items since (Now level 51).
Just bought the PC version from steam and I am amazed by the frame rates, its SOOO better than the PS3 version(well of course). Using the command console to add all the perks, levels and quest i've gotten up to.
Just liberated Skyrim from the Imperials. Since it was meant to be done quite early in the game, it was very easy. But it was a huge amount of fun clearing out the forts per Imperial camp until the Great Battle in Solitude. The loot was pretty good, too. As a reward for my efforts I obtained a Glass Sword with Absorb HP enchantment, plus in total +2000 gold from fulfilling all radiant quests.
I'm extremely annoyed to learn that my Shield of Solitude is a levelled item, and I have a low level version of it. I thought there were no levelled items in this one, that was one of my main gripes with Oblivion. If anyone could point me in the direction of a fix/mod (Or even a console command to acquire the highest levelled version of it) for this I would really appreciate it.

I noticed I can dis-enchant it, but will I be able to enchant another shield with the same enchantment, and as strong?
Not sure as I haven't went down that questline yet, but the enchanment you make would depend entirely on your enchantment level. If it's low then your enchantment's level would be low.
I noticed I can dis-enchant it, but will I be able to enchant another shield with the same enchantment, and as strong?

You can't dis-enchant an item that already has the same enchantment in your enchantment stockpile. Even if it's more powerful. But it'll skew according to your skill level. So I have an Absorb Health enchantment, and my Enchantment skill is around 50. If you have a strong soul gem the effect will increase from its base value. So before the enchantment it could only provide 8 points. Now it can provide around 11 points of absorption. Make sure you have the strongest soul gem, to really maximize the resulted item's effectiveness.