The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Not sure as I haven't went down that questline yet, but the enchanment you make would depend entirely on your enchantment level. If it's low then your enchantment's level would be low.

The Shield of solitude has a dual-enchantments, it increases both magic resistance and block effectiveness. However, I already have both of these enchantments in my list so it would seem to me like it counts as a single enchantment. Some enchantments don't work on certain items, i'm curious as to whether it will let me enchant anything with it. There are unique enchaments that can be disenchanted from the unique item, but not enchanteable on any regular items.

I guess the only way to find out is to have a go myself. I'm sure I could make it stronger if I use the Alchemy/Enchanting stack exploit (Where I make Alchemy improving armour, and then make an enchanting potion from that, to make better alchemy armour, and then use that to make another potion etc.) it's just a case of whether the enchantment is treated as one and if it can be applied to other shields.


Ah, I found the answer for the Shield of Solitude. It gives a stronger version of Resist Magic resistance, so it is a unique enchantment. I will definitely be disenchanting that then, as I was intending to put resist magic on some armour anyway.
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Can anyone help me how to defeat Wispmothers? There's a gate I used to block her out so I can pull out my bow & arrow and defeat her that way. But I'm just wondering a quicker way to kill her. I know fire will work.
I've encountered an interesting feature in the latest patch for PS3.

The game has started listing some equipment I store in chests etc. as stolen, which is very good as I haven't stolen a single thing in the game.

It's even started listing items I've made as stolen as well!

Thankfully I've recently got the PC version. No such issue so far.
The pc version has its own troubles. ;) Though not nearly as annoying as the PS3 version. On pc, I've had the occasional disappearing inventory/gold, a handful of CTDs, some stuck questlines (fixed by reload), and when I get disarmed by shouting Draugr Deathlords the disarmed item is sometimes gone or degraded (e.g. an enchanted elven bow becomes a regular dwarven bow).

Other than that it runs great (and it has the console and mods). :D
Is anyone getting periodic freezes? It's not getting too annoying since Bethesda's games always had that problem. But I just want to make sure I'm not the only affected person. I have the game on PS3.
Yes, mostly under the last patch but now it's doing it under the latest patch. I've just lost an hour long dragon killing spree session.

I can one shot blood dragons with my bound bow now! No glitching of any kind to do it either.
Do Dragons level with the player?

If not, i'm in for a seriously easy ride when I start the main quest.
Do Dragons level with the player?

If not, i'm in for a seriously easy ride when I start the main quest.

I think so, as to every other enemy in the game. In the wild I think Dragons will pop up much more frequently as you level. So far I killed 10 Dragons, 3-4 of which are Blood. Odd enough 2 of the Blood Dragons occurred in the College of Winterhold O.o My dragons so far always spawn near populated areas, foe or friendly.

EDIT: Is anyone dealing enough damage on foes that they would fly off as soon as they die? I do that a lot with just about every medium-sized entity :lol:
Do Dragons level with the player?

If not, i'm in for a seriously easy ride when I start the main quest.

I'm at level 48 at the moment with 60 plus dragon kills. Most of the dragons I encounter these days are ancient dragons. If you catch them in the right place they are dead. If they catch you in the wrong place you are dead. Simple as that really.

It's the quality of you weapons and armour that make the difference. :)
A good little trick for dragons is to make sure they can land next to you. In some areas, it might be a little too narrow for the dragon to land next to you, so it will just fly around and it's it's breath attack on you.

I remember one dragon that spawned in a very narrow mountain path, It's attacks were very powerful, so I ran down the mountain until things opened up a little. Once it landed, it was easy.

This may seem obvious, but it won't be that obvious to those who haven't encountered one yet.


Anyone else having fun naming items? My main weapon is a duel enchanted daedric greatsword. I named it Daedric Greatsword of Death.


For those who have finished the quest "a night to remember".
I won't give too much away, but I was just approached by someone who I'd annoyed during the infamous night. Apparently, I'd sent him to get something and he wanted 10, 000 gold for it

I did that quest weeks ago.
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Anyone else having fun naming items? My main weapon is a duel enchanted daedric greatsword. I named it Daedric Greatsword of Death.

I named my Wolf Boots w/ Fortify Stamina Sprint Boots of Wolves :P I also named my fine robes w/ Fortify Smithing Fine Smithing Robes.

Anyone else having fun naming items? My main weapon is a duel enchanted daedric greatsword. I named it Daedric Greatsword of Death.


For those who have finished the quest "a night to remember".
I won't give too much away, but I was just approached by someone who I'd annoyed during the infamous night. Apparently, I'd sent him to get something and he wanted 10, 000 gold for it

I did that quest weeks ago.
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Yes I name ALL my enchanted items. Weight ring, bow ring, ...... Had an entire post about that a while back.

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yes that mission was funny and the gift you recieve at the end is EPIC!!

I am currently at 162 hours and level 42. Enchantment is 92. I finished the main quest and finished the civil war quest by joining the Imperials. Had some epic battles for sure. Joined the Companions last night and started some of those missions. Only problem is I need to get rid of my follower Aranea Lenith to do the next mission for the Companions. I have had her since the beginning of the game and dont want to lose her. But she will just go back to Azura for a little while and as soon as I am finished with the missions, I will go back and get her again. But before I send her off, I will be removing all her armor and weapons, then give them back later.
Anyone practicing Alchemy? I'm practicing a bit with it but I think the only use for me is to sell them. Like I made an Invisibility potion that has two positive and one negative effect, and costs +700 gold. But selling them will be more useless since it's quite easy for me to gain a lot of coin back. I have 20 grand on me right now and I have nothing to spend it on.
I'm liking my staff of paralysis :lol: Knocked out a few cave bears.

I need to find a good place to walk around and level up without being killed by the first thing I encounter. Still floating around level 18 didn't get much playtime last week.
Anyone practicing Alchemy? I'm practicing a bit with it but I think the only use for me is to sell them. Like I made an Invisibility potion that has two positive and one negative effect, and costs +700 gold. But selling them will be more useless since it's quite easy for me to gain a lot of coin back. I have 20 grand on me right now and I have nothing to spend it on.

Alchemy is one of the best skills in the game, but probably the most difficult to level.

Alchemy allows you to create a potion of enchanting, which allows you to make fortify alchemy clothes, which in turn allows you to create better potions. You can get stupidly powerful equipment if you combine this with Smithing potions.

I did a clearout a couple of days ago of all my ingredients. I've been collecting ingredients since the start of the game, so I thought that like with Smithing, i'd have enough to get it to level 80-90 in one go. I was wrong, hundreds of alchemy ingredients and potions only increased my alchemy to level 42. Why are skills in the magic school so difficult to increase in this game? My restoration skill is only level 60ish despite using it since the start and healing after every fight. I tried to power level Illusion yesterday by using a clairvoyance spell constantly, but after 5-10 minutes i'd only gained half a level :confused: I guess they expect people to use these skills in combat, but why do I have to bother when I kill almost everything with two or three strikes of my sword?

Sneak is another thing that annoys me. If you don't get the perks, it is extremely hard to level because you get discovered far too easily. Whilst the levelling system is way better than that of Oblivion, I think some of the skills are slightly imbalanced in how they level. Smithing is far too easy for a start, whilst some of the magic schools are far too difficult (Destruction is easy-ish as that can be used regularly in combat). I liked being able to spam certain magics to increase skills in Oblivion, but in Skyrim you have to be near enemies for them to work, which just makes it annoying. Anyways, there are enough enemies in cages to exploit for this purpose.
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I named my Wolf Boots w/ Fortify Stamina Sprint Boots of Wolves :P I also named my fine robes w/ Fortify Smithing Fine Smithing Robes.

I used to name things like this when I first started enchanting. Once I got up to where I could put dual enchants on armor and weapons, and found them scattered throughout my inventory, I made them all generic names since I knew what enchantments they had.

This is a list of the final armor and weapons that I was using: AA Armor, AA Boots, AA Gloves, AA Helm, AA Necklace, AA Ring, AA Ring2, AA Fire Shock Sword, AA Fire Soul Bow. They were always at the top of their respective lists and I found this to be a lot more convenient.

AA Ring had Fortify Health and Fortify Magicka on it, and AA Ring2 was a ring that had Fortify Health and Water Breathing on it, so I only used it on special occasions.
Alchemy is one of the best skills in the game, but probably the most difficult to level.

Alchemy allows you to create a potion of enchanting, which allows you to make fortify alchemy clothes, which in turn allows you to create better potions. You can get stupidly powerful equipment if you combine this with Smithing potions.

I did a clearout a couple of days ago of all my ingredients. I've been collecting ingredients since the start of the game, so I thought that like with Smithing, i'd have enough to get it to level 80-90 in one go. I was wrong, hundreds of alchemy ingredients and potions only increased my alchemy to level 42. Why are skills in the magic school so difficult to increase in this game? My restoration skill is only level 60ish despite using it since the start and healing after every fight. I tried to power level Illusion yesterday by using a clairvoyance spell constantly, but after 5-10 minutes i'd only gained half a level :confused: I guess they expect people to use these skills in combat, but why do I have to bother when I kill almost everything with two or three strikes of my sword?

Sneak is another thing that annoys me. If you don't get the perks, it is extremely hard to level because you get discovered far too easily. Whilst the levelling system is way better than that of Oblivion, I think some of the skills are slightly imbalanced in how they level. Smithing is far too easy for a start, whilst some of the magic schools are far too difficult (Destruction is easy-ish as that can be used regularly in combat). I liked being able to spam certain magics to increase skills in Oblivion, but in Skyrim you have to be near enemies for them to work, which just makes it annoying. Anyways, there are enough enemies in cages to exploit for this purpose.

I did notice that some skills level up a lot slower than others. My One-Handed obviously levels up the fastest as I use it the most in combat. Destruction levels up a bit slower, but now it's used in combat as to my swords. Restoration however levels up far too slowly. I used the Healing spell many times to replace potions, and it's at the 20s. Alchemy is the hardest for me to level up, as it takes a while to produce strong potions. And the ingredient's locations isn't really worth my time to find them. Smithing is one of the quickest to spam. As you guys said, spamming just one item will drastically raise the skill. The only problem is supplies. I can't wait until I get that Dragon Armor!

Since I'm a Kajiit, my sneaking is quite high. I use it mostly to snipe out positions, not for assassinations. It's around the 50s, and it is very easy to escape from many things.

To speed this process up, I signed the Love Stone to raise my skill ratio increments. And so far, I think it's speeding the entire leveling a bit, but not a whole lot.

EDIT: I am planning to enchant some outfits just for these problems. I have Fortify Smithing and already enchanted the Fine Robes clothing (9% increase). I'll be enchanting other apparel to create an entire outfit dedicated to Smithing. But since it'll only provide around 50% effectiveness, it'll not be my only outfit.
Any PC Skyrim Players out there? If you hate the UI, check out this mod:

I prefer the look of this one myself:




It's an older topic, but reading certain posts, it seems likes there is a maximum number of replies before a thread is closed. I think there may be updated thread with the finished mod, but you have to be a member of that forum to use the search function :rolleyes: Either that or it's died completely in light of other mods (which in my opinion are inferior to this one).
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For me personally, the Console UI could've been better. Due to the amount of variances you can create and obtain on just one single item, there's bound to have a bit of organizational problems. The UI you showed us Seismica & trangurismo however is perfect. Also when you store items in your owned homes they never seem to go under categories. Instead they pile up in the ALL category. This makes finding things annoying :grumpy:

I joined the Dark Brotherhood, and having a bit of fun with them. My assassination techniques are always "approached with hilarity." Meaning I always kill with a bit of humor :P
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Well I took the dive and got Skyrim despite not great first impression when I played on a friends system and build on the pretence that I knew my build would be very different to play (cast/melee mix V my planned archer assassin). Very happy so far, 6 hours of playtime and I've not even bothered advancing to Whiterun yet, though it is my next aim. I've been far to busy working on my archery and smithing in Riverwood itself to try to give myself a leg up for the not to distant future where I'll likely get very distracted and go off in to places I shouldn't be :lol:.

Great game, all worries I had previously regarding simple combat are gone thanks to my trusty bow.
I would suggest heading to Whiterun early. It starts the first chapter of the main quest and the dragons will start to appear. Then you can faff about to you hearts content and it makes the world so much more interesting. I did this then just wondered around aimlessly for 60 hours before heading back to the main quest but this way you can also fight dragons and get more shouts.
I was more interested in practising my bow sniping skills before I had to deal with dragons attacking me so that's what I did yesterday and today I took the dive and have made some serious progress. Top of the list I managed to make a Daedric Bow for myself, with a couple of enchanted jewellery pieces pushing out 86 damage on the bow.

The dragons themselves aren't that challenging, more irritating because you can't always get their attention when you want to and they seem like more of a chore then a particularly exciting fight so far and for that reason I don't want to delve to far in to the main quest and bring out more of them just yet.

That being said, I am loving the game more and more as I get better at being stealthy and accurate. There's little more satisfying than clearing out a cave/mine completely undetected with 1 shots on all enemies. I've picked up a bunch of Ebony in my travels, is the Daedric armor worth the extra time and effort? Right now I'm using Legendary Elven but I might get a heavier set to try a different style of play, the Ebony set looks awesome to me so I might just go with that anyway.
Agreed that the dragon fights can be more of an annoyance more than anything else, they go down pretty easily, that is if they stay focused enough, but a shout usually gets their attention again if they start to stray a little too far. The point more so with the dragons is to slay them so that you can get their soul to use for unlocking more shouts that you find along the way however. When you get two or three dragons attack at the same time things will finally get interesting, but these occurrences are few and far between unfortunately.
Agreed that the dragon fights can be more of an annoyance more than anything else, they go down pretty easily, that is if they stay focused enough, but a shout usually gets their attention again if they start to stray a little too far. The point more so with the dragons is to slay them so that you can get their soul to use for unlocking more shouts that you find along the way however. When you get two or three dragons attack at the same time things will finally get interesting, but these occurrences are few and far between unfortunately.

The dragons are annoying me as well. Whenever I have to do something important a dragon has to interrupt. Now they are a bit too easy to defeat now. I think only one time when two dragons spawned at once. Though the other one disappeared. I also killed two named dragons, but they were the same generic dragons.
If a dragon comes up at a time you can't be bothered, just ignore it? Had a couple of dragons popping up while doing quests for the Dark Brotherhood, which gave the guards a nice distraction while I went for my target. ;)
If a dragon comes up at a time you can't be bothered, just ignore it? Had a couple of dragons popping up while doing quests for the Dark Brotherhood, which gave the guards a nice distraction while I went for my target. ;)

Unfortunately for me I WANT to kill them for the soul and to sell the scales and bones, as I have no interest in the armor due to appearance, but they fly away scared half the time in my encounters so far. I know sooner or later if I blank them completely they'll probably attack me mid fight with someone (or something) else knowing my luck :lol:.

Good point though Syntax, with the unintentional reminder for me to actually use my shouts which I rarely ever do when I really should. I have access to 3 and I've used them once in combat, another time spamming to try make a dragon attack with no success.
Finally decided to finish up the main quest line after about 60 hours of faffing about. It felt surprisingly short after the 60 odd hours of adventuring. Felt like it only took maybe a few hours or so to smash my way through it.

I think I've done enough for now and will take a nice long break from it, but I'm almost 100% sure I'll come back to explore some more in a few months like I did a few times with Oblivion. There are a few locations in particular that I really want to explore some more. Blackreach is one of them. It was pretty amazing going through there. Also I want to visit the orc settlements. I heard there are a few but I didn't come across a single one for some reason. Also there are some large chuncks of the map that I didn't even set foot on. Plenty to do, still but I really want to finish Batman & Saint's Row the third first.

Good point though Syntax, with the unintentional reminder for me to actually use my shouts which I rarely ever do when I really should. I have access to 3 and I've used them once in combat, another time spamming to try make a dragon attack with no success.

If you do a fair bit of the main story, you get a shout which will ground the dragon. Pretty useful for the annoying ones that keep trying to fly away :lol:
I found a great little Orc settlement last night, they were very hostile to my wood elf in voice, and demanded me fetch something before I could come in but then announced they would not kill me just hate on me pretty much. So naturally I walked straight in without getting the item, found a tidy ebony mine in there and went to town. Combining that with a stolen Daedric heart and since then it's been smooth sailing.

Quest wise I think I have about 15 Misc objectives on the go and 4/5 full quests, I've spent far to much time working on my gear and I'm subsequently always poor and now I need to get a house. Any decent money making schemes? Right now my only real income is loot selling and the quest rewards but I could do with making some form of business.
Just loot a few dungeons. Honestly you'll have 5K in no time to buy your first place in Whiterun. After that, the money will flow like mad and you will still be stockpiling tones of items.

There is usually a chest in the middle of a giants camp, they are full of great loot and are pretty easy to get to. Before I was powerful enough to one shot a giant, I used to ride my horse into camp, jump off, loot the chest and hop back on the horse before the giants would even know what happened.