THE EMO THREAD: Epic Rage & Crying Thread

  • Thread starter eastley
For me, cockpit view is core gameplay. It's kinda like how online was not core at first and was merely an added feature. Now a racing game without online competition would be absolutely unacceptable. Well for me a "simulation" racer without cockpit view support is unacceptable.

And if they come out with some crap with generic interiors or blacked-out interiors, I flat out will not buy the game. That would show they simply aren't trying.

Personally I'm still holding out hope that it's all a misunderstanding and perhaps the standard cars do have real cockpit views, just not as detailed and maybe without the rear portion of the interior rendered, ala Forza 3. That wouldn't bother me so much, though it still would irk me a bit. I would accept that though and buy a PS3 and GT5. If they hal**** the cockpits though, count me out.

This is a thread for whining. It was created specifically so that posters can blow off their frustration about the game. Don't like complaints? Don't click on the thread.

my bad, sorry 👍
But I promise to keep my complaining to a minimum.

Not that I am saying you should do differently, but why exactly do you feel the need to not complain? Do you think compaining will jinx it? Might make it worse? Do you think PD is silently watching us and saying "it's a test, if they don't complain we give them the other 800 cars"?

What exactly is it that makes people afraid to complain? It totally feels like battered wife syndrome around here... always keep a smile on, never talk about the nasty stuff, rationlize and deny the negative, be thankful for everything there is and be thankful it's not worse...

Serioulsy sometimes it borders on pathetic...

That last part wasn't necessarily towards you CeeJay, that was more towards some other posts I have seen.

but... but i wanted cockpits for ALL the cars
Not that I am saying you should do differently, but why exactly do you feel the need to not complain? Do you think compaining will jinx it? Might make it worse? Do you think PD is silently watching us and saying "it's a test, if they don't complain we give them the other 800 cars"?

What exactly is it that makes people afraid to complain? It totally feels like battered wife syndrome around here... always keep a smile on, never talk about the nasty stuff, rationlize and deny the negative, be thankful for everything there is and be thankful it's not worse...

Serioulsy sometimes it borders on pathetic...

That last part wasn't necessarily towards you CeeJay, that was more towards some other posts I have seen.

Can't help it if some people naturally focus on the positive things.

Just like some people can't help but focus on the negative.

Basic personality traits, that is all :)
Hey Devedander, the reason I mentioned trying to keep my complaining to a minimum was because of how intense some of these arguments get online and I'm a very shy person so I always feel the need to apologize to people & try not to do too much rocking of the boat if you will..

I just hate being told "well then don't buy the game!" or being called "crybaby" or things of that nature. Even the creator of this thread is basically telling those who are disappointed with the news to "stay out" of proper threads.. I want so bad to be a part of the fan community of this game. I remember being on GameFaqs when GT4 came out and watching people post in a thread called the "Ring Diary" or something like that. I wanted to be a part of it but like I mentioned, I'm horribly shy at talking to people, even on line. So I never participated. But now with GT5 I was really looking forward to trying to be a part of the community. But it seems people really take this stuff so serious and are so quick to lash out in mean ways at each other. People telling each other which driving view is the "proper" one and arguments over which is the most realistic and the "fanboy" Forza stuff. It's crazy..

I love GT, it will always be one of my top racing games ever. But I really feel PD misled me and a few other people with their selective advertising of the game. As a fan since GT1 I feel those who are confused about what they're doing should have some place to at least be able to talk about it in a way that others won't come in and call us names. I don't think any of us hate GT5 or Kaz, we're just confused by the way GT5 was so selective in only showing us premium cars for so many years until months before the game is to be released.

This game deserves SO much better. It should have been the main focus at Sony's E3 confrence. It's confusing. :guilty:
Hey Devedander, the reason I mentioned trying to keep my complaining to a minimum was because of how intense some of these arguments get online and I'm a very shy person so I always feel the need to apologize to people & try not to do too much rocking of the boat if you will..

I just hate being told "well then don't buy the game!" or being called "crybaby" or things of that nature. Even the creator of this thread is basically telling those who are disappointed with the news to "stay out" of proper threads.. I want so bad to be a part of the fan community of this game. I remember being on GameFaqs when GT4 came out and watching people post in a thread called the "Ring Diary" or something like that. I wanted to be a part of it but like I mentioned, I'm horribly shy at talking to people, even on line. So I never participated. But now with GT5 I was really looking forward to trying to be a part of the community. But it seems people really take this stuff so serious and are so quick to lash out in mean ways at each other. People telling each other which driving view is the "proper" one and arguments over which is the most realistic and the "fanboy" Forza stuff. It's crazy..

I love GT, it will always be one of my top racing games ever. But I really feel PD misled me and a few other people with their selective advertising of the game. As a fan since GT1 I feel those who are confused about what they're doing should have some place to at least be able to talk about it in a way that others won't come in and call us names. I don't think any of us hate GT5 or Kaz, we're just confused by the way GT5 was so selective in only showing us premium cars for so many years until months before the game is to be released.

This game deserves SO much better. It should have been the main focus at Sony's E3 confrence. It's confusing. :guilty:

Shake it off CeeJay.
If you have something to say, let her rip.
Just expect your view to be challenged sometimes. Goes with the territory.
There will always be disagreements. Heated at times.
The important thing is for everybody to have an opportunity to have their say.

BTW this is the EMO/ Rage and Crying thread..........isn't it?
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As opposed to the jealous ex-wife syndrome it seems you like to portray? :dopey:

Hmmm.... not sure I see how that's acurrate... the fact that I insist things are as bad as they are and don't get carried away with speculation and denial makes me the jealous ex-wife?

Me thinks you may be a bit off on your symantecs there...

Can't help it if some people naturally focus on the positive things.

Just like some people can't help but focus on the negative.

Basic personality traits, that is all :)

Fair enough... that definitely goes both ways... but what about those who create positives to focus on that aren't really there?
Horrible Sounds how hard is it to implement good sounds even Need for speed of all people have great sound c'mon PD(shouting voice and angry look)
Yeah seriously, what about those engine sounds? Many of the cars sound like an orchestra with over half the sections missing. Also, it might be too soon to make assumptions but have a listen at this:

and now, over a year on, we have this:

It sounds like an electric car...

please people stop sucking so bad and learn to use the break.

please people stop sucking so bad and learn to use the break.

Only if you learn to spell brake!

By the way this thread is excellent. I cant wait till GT5 is out and we can rename it 'look at all the idiots who had no belief in Mr Kazunori' thread. :lol:

edit: Awww man, Scaff is on fire today! Beat me by seconds :lol:
english is not my native language and i am using phone to type.

I post on here from my phone at times and somehow still manage to use capital letters just fine.

To be clear the AUP applies regardless of your location and preferred posting device.

If you can't spend the extra few seconds to follow the AUP when you post, then simply do not post.

Any future incidents will be dealt with through warnings and infractions.

I don't think a track editor or weather are really that good, and might not make it into the game.

Maybe one of them will make it, but if both do then they wont be that amazing. I think everyone will be disappointed.
If you can't spend the extra few seconds to follow the AUP when you post, then simply do not post.

Any future incidents will be dealt with through warnings and infractions.

Dayum, this really is an epic crying thread. :crazy:

There, I feel better.........................but not much.

Just thought I would bring this thread back to the forefront.
We may need it again soon.
This is the dumest thred I ever seen. I meen what kind of moran would post a thred like this??? What kind of IDIUT would even reed it?!?!?!? :dunce::yuck:

Mods, lock this thred IMEADIATELY!!! :grumpy:

I HAET THIS THRED!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

This is a joke. I do know how to spell moron, thread, idiot, and many other words. I don't actually hate the thread and don't actually think the original poster is a moron (or a moran).
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This is the dumest thred I ever seen. I meen what kind of moran would post a thred like this??? What kind of IDIUT would even reed it?!?!?!? :dunce::yuck:

Mods, lock this thred IMEADIATELY!!! :grumpy:

I HAET THIS THRED!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Can someone translate this for me? In English if possible? :)
This is the dumest thred I ever seen. I meen what kind of moran would post a thred like this??? What kind of IDIUT would even reed it?!?!?!? :dunce::yuck:

Mods, lock this thred IMEADIATELY!!! :grumpy:

I HAET THIS THRED!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Nice grammar.