The five cars that you DO NOT want in GT6.

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Say what now? An off road car might be useful if you could actually drive off road. Which you can't.

I have a feeling this might turn into "well GT5 has rally tracks" yeah they do but truly GT5's rally blows. Unrealistic rally tracks that is why i play dirt.

You don't even need to try to make a point on this SimonK because pretty much rally on GT5 is completely flat track with loose gravel on top.

If GT6's rally tracks look anything close to how they do in GT5 in think they should leave out anything that has to do with the subject
Yeah I know rally is of course in, I was referring to the comments about it being an off road car because clearly the Schwimmwagen is not a rally car. Now that and the other WWII cars are premium modelled they might as well keep them but I'd be happy to just see them as museum cars along with the Tank Car. I mean people keep saying the Tank Car is worthy and that Jay Leno obviously thinks so but let me ask you, where does it spend most of it's life? That's right, sat in his rather expensive car 'garage'. It's not a serious driving/racing car and was never intended as such when it was built.

The absolute worst rally tracks in GT5 are those in snow, particularly the ones with NO scenery whatsoever. It's been a while but I think they're in the latter stages of the rally special event. Really bad.
Seriously, the Schwimmwagen is the most awesome offroad car in GT5. Tune it to max, get a low rpm turbo, set the drivetrain thingy to 50/50 front/rear, get a fully customizable transmission and set the first gear as low as possible, get the fully custmoizable suspension and make it as tall as possible and voila! I can climb the hills of Eiger all day long in that car.

Edit: Actually, skip the exhaust tuning, it sounds better with the default exhaust.

Completely agree, both the Schwimmwagen and Kubelwagen are huge fun offroad when tuned and when you sort out the gears (which is essential) and don't try to make them reach speeds above 150 km/h (roughly 93 mph).

Say what now? An off road car might be useful if you could actually drive off road. Which you can't.

Sorry but I don't get it, you mean the rally tracks included aren't proper off roading (which I'll agree with) or that you can't take them there (which you can)?
When I think of the term 'offroading' I don't think of rallying on defined circuits, I think of taking a 4x4 into the country fields and rough roads etc. So yeah if GT had some large open areas (with water splashes) I can see a use for the Schwimmwagen but I don't see it's uses as a rally car.
Yeah I know rally is of course in, I was referring to the comments about it being an off road car because clearly the Schwimmwagen is not a rally car. Now that and the other WWII cars are premium modelled they might as well keep them but I'd be happy to just see them as museum cars along with the Tank Car. I mean people keep saying the Tank Car is worthy and that Jay Leno obviously thinks so but let me ask you, where does it spend most of it's life? That's right, sat in his rather expensive car 'garage'. It's not a serious driving/racing car and was never intended as such when it was built.

The absolute worst rally tracks in GT5 are those in snow, particularly the ones with NO scenery whatsoever. It's been a while but I think they're in the latter stages of the rally special event. Really bad.

No i was on your side hahaha. Sorry i think i worded that wrong.

I was agreeing pretty much the rally tracks I. GT5 are garbage. No way to take them seriously. So with the point of people saying the reason they should stay is because of taking them off road you are correct there's no point. But they should keep the cars in my opinion. I enjoy driving them once in a while.

When I think of the term 'offroading' I don't think of rallying on defined circuits, I think of taking a 4x4 into the country fields and rough roads etc. So yeah if GT had some large open areas (with water splashes) I can see a use for the Schwimmwagen but I don't see it's uses as a rally car.

Yeah I know rally is of course in, I was referring to the comments about it being an off road car because clearly the Schwimmwagen is not a rally car. Now that and the other WWII cars are premium modelled they might as well keep them but I'd be happy to just see them as museum cars along with the Tank Car. I mean people keep saying the Tank Car is worthy and that Jay Leno obviously thinks so but let me ask you, where does it spend most of it's life? That's right, sat in his rather expensive car 'garage'. It's not a serious driving/racing car and was never intended as such when it was built.

You can fit dirt tyres to a lot of cars which aren't rally cars and use them on rally tracks, that obviously doesn't turn them into rally cars but you can have fun with them, which to me is the most important criteria (and admitting the rally aspect as a whole is poorly implemented in the first place).
And yes, fully tuned WW2 Veedubs on rally tracks racing other WW2 Veedubs online is a lot of fun to me, if you (like me) treat them basically as dune buggies.

As for the Tank Car, yes Jay Leno has tons of other cars so any car in his collection is inherently going to spend more time in his garage than when he only had 4 or 5 cars max for example.
Then there's the gigantic fuel consumption and complete impracticality amongst other things which makes that this car probably wouldn't be used that much by any owner, all of which are completely irrelevant in a videogame.

Furthermore, since GT5 (and its physics engine) the Tank Car is actually driveable which it wasn't in GT4 (at least it didn't offer much fun) and it's no longer a free run only novelty but actually raceable against other cars (preferably other Tank Cars in my case) which gives it at least some purpose even though having a purpose isn't that high on my list of priorities.

Ofcourse it isn't a serious driving car but maybe it's exactly for that reason it's offering a kind of experience which is unique and, to some, fun.
It's a complete antidote to either a Daihatsu Midget or a X2010 (and anything inbetween) and I think it needs to be applauded they include these kind of oddities as long as they form a small minority in the total car count.
I can't really think of any in GT5 that I would want removed, going back to GT4 there were a few that you could not drive in a race so those were pretty much useless.

That said I'm not real crazy about the cars that struggle to get 50mph
I like the car list, usually if I don't want it, I won't buy it. But GT6 could go without at least 5 Skylines. Pretty sure nobody would notice.
Disagree about the Skylines, I love them, in fact I want more.

Don't really think there are any cars I want taken out, but I don't like the Nissan Deltawing Race Car

MY 1000th POST :D
I don't think there's any real positives of taking any car out of the game without somehow implementing them.
I don't get it. People say that Gran Turismo should be more realistic. But some of you want some great cars to be taken away?
I don't get it. People say that Gran Turismo should be more realistic. But some of you want some great cars to be taken away?

What has that got to do with realism? A game with one car can be realistic.
The completely unproven entirely theoretical X1...

I mean, a car which might not even work in real life, in a game that bills itself as a racing sim?
Redbull X1
All F1 cars
Schwimmwagon (I'm a big VW fan, but the Schwim is pointless)
Esccort Cossie Rally car - this is just rubbing our noses in it, rally car, but no road cossie, how difficult would it have been to do a standard road version of this.
Schulz R35 - great, a reminder how Kaz is enjoying imself at the Ring when 2 years after release, his game is still screwed with bugs and glitches and connection issues as bad as ever. Rubbing our noses in it x2
Redbull X1
All F1 cars
Schwimmwagon (I'm a big VW fan, but the Schwim is pointless)
Esccort Cossie Rally car - this is just rubbing our noses in it, rally car, but no road cossie, how difficult would it have been to do a standard road version of this.
Schulz R35 - great, a reminder how Kaz is enjoying imself at the Ring when 2 years after release, his game is still screwed with bugs and glitches and connection issues as bad as ever. Rubbing our noses in it x2

Every car there apart from the X1 is a great car there is no need to get rid of them especially since some are premium.
I mean, a car which might not even work in real life, in a game that bills itself as a racing sim?

A realistic car based on existing technology doesn't fit in a racing sim?
A theoretical realistic car based on existing technology doesn't fit in a racing sim?

Not going to get into this discussion again for the 50th time in this thread but the edit to your post is key. There is not enough (any) proof that the car is realistic, just theory that it's realistic.
Not going to get into this discussion again for the 50th time in this thread but the edit to your post is key. There is not enough (any) proof that the car is realistic, just theory that it's realistic.

Both the old school WWII v dubs,, neither add anything to GT.

Tbh, any car that isn't going to be used online is realistically at risk of being cut.

The future of GT is gonna be based by what goes on online, Old school V Dub races are not part of that.
Not going to get into this discussion again for the 50th time in this thread but the edit to your post is key. There is not enough (any) proof that the car is realistic, just theory that it's realistic.

The edit changes nothing. Not only are there other theoretical cars in GT (such as every single non stock car) but the theoretical is no less worthy of simulation than what is real. If anyone disagrees, they disagree with using tuning parts at all, the FGT, and all the LM cars. The X1 is modeled to the same fidelity as the other cars in GT5, and every single thing on it has been used in reality. There's no reason for it to be excluded from a simulator.
The edit changes nothing. Not only are there other theoretical cars in GT (such as every single non stock car) but the theoretical is no less worthy of simulation than what is real. If anyone disagrees, they disagree with using tuning parts at all, the FGT, and all the LM cars. The X1 is modeled to the same fidelity as the other cars in GT5, and every single thing on it has been used in reality. There's no reason for it to be excluded from a simulator.

Yes of course making any changes to a stock car technically makes it a theoretical car but all of those changes are well known to the world. It's well known what happens to a car when you fit a racing exhaust or a racing gearbox or add 500bhp and so on. Yes it's still a rough estimation, but it's based on reality.

It's not proven at all what the X1 as a whole would perform like, no car exactly like it has ever existed in reality. Now yes, if you created a world class simulation as F1 designers use and calculated all of it's potential performance you might be able to show exactly how the theoretical X1 would perform. But remember even the best simulators aren't accurate to the real world, you couldn't be absolutely sure until you built it. Just the same as Adrian Newey isn't certain how his new car/parts will behave when the car takes to the track.

GT as a simulator in the sense of plugging data figures into it's physics engine is very, very flawed (Mainly with tyres and aero) so no, I argue that the performance of the X1 in GT is not like reality at all.
Yes of course making any changes to a stock car technically makes it a theoretical car but all of those changes are well known to the world. It's well known what happens to a car when you fit a racing exhaust or a racing gearbox or add 500bhp and so on. Yes it's still a rough estimation, but it's based on reality.
This is no different from case with the X1 or other theoretical cars that are designed to be realistic.

It's not proven at all what the X1 as a whole would perform like, no car exactly like it has ever existed in reality.

That's not really an issue. It's a physics engine's job to figure out what the car is going to do, and whether a real X1 or not exists, the physics engine should provide the same answer. A real Viper ACR exists, it's nothing like the one in GT5, but that does not make the concept of the ACR unrealistic. It just tells you that GT5's physics engine (and in this particular case, the parameters used to model the vehicle) are off.

GT5 is a simulator. It does not care what exists in reality and what doesn't. This is because it's a simulator. We can add arbitrary rules to the simulator, like it should only simulate things that have been built in real life and tested to 99% of their performance envelopes, but that has nothing to do with simulators by default.

Now yes, if you created a world class simulation as F1 designers use and calculated all of it's potential performance you might be able to show exactly how the theoretical X1 would perform. But remember even the best simulators aren't accurate to the real world, you couldn't be absolutely sure until you built it. Just the same as Adrian Newey isn't certain how his new car/parts will behave when the car takes to the track.

And GT5 would give you the same car. Just like it fails to simulate so many real cars properly because its engine can only do so much. In essence, whatever error there is in Red Bull's or PD's or whoever's predictions on the X1's performance could very well be within a narrower tolerance than the error introduced by GT5's sometimes primitive physics. Building a real X1 won't get you a better X1 in GT5 because the X1 in GT5 is a result of the GT5 physics engine. You need a better physics engine to get a better virtual X1. This is true no matter how much is known or unknown about X1's in reality.

Will the new physics engine be inaccurate? Yes to some degree. Would we need to build a real X1 to be sure that the virtual car is realistic? No. Models are sufficient to imitate a real car. If they weren't, no one would use simulations at all.

An argument against the X1 needs to come from outside the game. Either enforce "simulate what is real only" or question the methods used by RB and PD to come up with the design of the car.

GT as a simulator in the sense of plugging data figures into it's physics engine is very, very flawed (Mainly with tyres and aero) so no, I argue that the performance of the X1 in GT is not like reality at all.
Then why are you arguing against the X1? If that's your stance you should argue against every car in the game, because what you said really has nothing to do with the X1 in particular. You're right, it's the physics's engine's fault. That means the X1 is as accurate as every car that the physics engine simulates.
- Any X1
- Kubelwagen / Schwimwagen
- Samba Bus
- All cars with different names, but otherway identical (e.g. different market names to disappear - in EU game only EU names, in US game only US names etc.)
- 2 or more Levels Of Detail on cars
- no new electric/hybrid cars
- no diesels (apart from LMP)
- 300SL
- Any X1
- Kubelwagen / Schwimwagen
- Samba Bus
- All cars with different names, but otherway identical (e.g. different market names to disappear - in EU game only EU names, in US game only US names etc.)

Here's some reasons why I don't agree with these parts of your posts:
The top 3 cars can be made fun or be made into trolling cars with some tuning.

I agree that EU and US cars should be taking out but, There is differences for instance JDM are better specced (e.g. more bhp and better handling) than EU and US and it should be EU car in EU spec JDM car in JDM spec etc.
Then why are you arguing against the X1? If that's your stance you should argue against every car in the game, because what you said really has nothing to do with the X1 in particular. You're right, it's the physics's engine's fault. That means the X1 is as accurate as every car that the physics engine simulates.

Because it doesn't exist in reality, quite simple really. GT5 might simulate the other cars incorrectly but it's trying to simulate a real life car or in the case of things like the fictional touring cars, something that does exist in reality in a similar form.

Personally I'm not saying it shouldn't be in the game purely because GT5 is supposed to be a simulator I'm saying it shouldn't be in the game because nothing like it really exists today. I mean let's hypothetically say the GT5 physics engine is absolutely perfect, it simulates everything correctly absolutely precisely. I still wouldn't want the X1 in the game because the physics engine is simulating something that exists only on paper and in numbers, not in reality.

I don't want completely, 100% fictional cars in the game, basically. I don't mind PD trying to simulate a fictional 300hp FWD touring car using physics calculations from a similar, real 300hp FWD touring car but I do have a problem with them simulating a car like the X1, using only theoretical performance figures from a wind tunnel or CAD model.
I don't mind PD trying to simulate a fictional 300hp FWD touring car using physics calculations from a similar, real 300hp FWD touring car but I do have a problem with them simulating a car like the X1, using only theoretical performance figures from a wind tunnel or CAD model.

Honestly, there is no difference between the two.

And the X1 is only as radical as a F1 car with an unrestricted engine and a fan.
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