The five cars that you DO NOT want in GT6.

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To me it also seems to be a case of jumping the bandwagon, it's just popular apparantly to easily dismiss the Kubel/Schwimmwagen/Tank Car (I wonder how many actually gave them a chance and adapted their driving style/expectations accordingly).
Another thing is that they need a different context or mindset to be appreciated or even understood for what they are, that's not something everyone is willing to do it seems.
I'll agree that driving a stock Kubel/Schwimmwagen on tarmac is a rather dull experience (at least in a videogame) but when you tune them and spend some time working on a proper set up suited for these cars (not focussing on raw speed which is a pointless pursuit) they become huge fun, especially offroad and offer something nothing else does.

It would be interesting to see some really rough terrain to use these cars in. A time trial on "track" consisting of fallen trees, rocks, and for the Schwimmwagen, a small lake to cross.
It would be interesting to see some really rough terrain to use these cars in. A time trial on "track" consisting of fallen trees, rocks, and for the Schwimmwagen, a small lake to cross.

Yes indeed, not just for these cars though but for all SUV's or offroad cars included, not a track but more like a map used in a game like Battlefield for example (albeit probably a lot smaller) which you could explore and test/enjoy the unique abilities of these cars (given that it is replicated in the physics engine ofcourse).
Could be fun if they also combine that with some track editor function where you can set out a path through that map (which turns it into a track obviously) for racing.
-American muscle car
-American stock car
-American Nascar
-American classics
-American anything-car

That does it.

Some of you people can't be serious. This thread was destined to be a joke from the beginning. Unsubbed.
-American muscle car
-American stock car
-American Nascar
-American classics
-American anything-car


But only American car i don't want in the game I can think of is the 1998 Ford Taurus.
Reason. I had a horrible car accident two and a half years ago in one. It is probably one of the worst short cut taking cars every made by Ford. My throttle stuck to the floor and in the end of all of that plus the garbage transmission (everyone has probably heard about that) cause my to slide off in a ditch and i couldn't stop in time for the tree that was at the end. There was no time to react either. Planted my hands and looked at the speedometer. I almost died because of that car. But at least the engine only came half way through the firewall and made the brake pedal rip my right foot off. I still have it but I can't stand for a very long time. Thanks Ford.

But it should stay because others like it. But me saying it should go is because of that.
It's in the rules people; post abusive comments, and you'll get tagged with infractions for them. Inappropriate images? That too.

All offending posts (and posts relating to them) removed.
It's in the rules people; post abusive comments, and you'll get tagged with infractions for them. Inappropriate images? That too.

All offending posts (and posts relating to them) removed.

Thanks good sir
I don't see any reason in removing premium cars that are already fully modelled, have detailed interiors, other than "i don't like it" or it "doesn't have a point in racing".

FYI, Gran Turismo has never really been about racing cars full-stop. It's been about giving the user a broad driving experience with a large variety of cars, which, for example the Schwimmwagen (which seems to be getting a lot of hate), also demonstrates important leaps in automotive history. The Red Bull X2012-X2011 offers performance at the other end of the scale, showing the theoretical boundaries of what we could one day achieve.
There was one guy who said that the GT games could almost be used as a virtual encyclopedia, and I could see where he was getting at, sort of...

I say keep the Schwimmwagen
What I don't get is, even if you don't like the cars, why take them out? All these mentioned cars are quite obscure, and none of them are really ever necessary for the games completion. It's not like you really HAVE to use any of them if you don't like them. So why take them out? That would just be one more thing that PD would have to spend time on doing.
That would just be one more thing that PD would have to spend time on doing.

It's not "which cars should PD take out of GT6 which is already complete." It is "which cars should they not put in GT6 since they are still making it."
It's not "which cars should PD take out of GT6 which is already complete." It is "which cars should they not put in GT6 since they are still making it."

If they were to simply copy and paste the standards over, then yes they'd have to go out of their way to weed out these cars. And if they copy and paste the premiums.. Well, there aren't way too many duplicates of any one car there. But yes I see your point.
If they are going to put that little effort into GT6 after already doing it once for GT5, then there are far more fundamental problems that we need to worry about then PD/Sony lying about the car count again.

You're still wrong, though, because not doing something in the first place (in this case, not porting assets to a new game engine and checking to make sure they work) isn't the same as doing something but then doing something else to invalidate the first thing (in this case, porting assets to a new game engine and checking to make sure they work, then taking them back out).
If they are going to put that little effort into GT6 after already doing it once for GT5, then there are far more fundamental problems that we need to worry about then PD/Sony lying about the car count again.

You're still wrong, though, because not doing something in the first place (in this case, not porting assets to a new game engine and checking to make sure they work) isn't the same as doing something but then doing something else to invalidate the first thing (in this case, porting assets to a new game engine and checking to make sure they work, then taking them back out).

Alright, I see your point. Thank you for the correction.
The Chevrolet Corvette C7! Kidding of course, that will be great for GT5, but I do not have any cars I would not want to be in GT6. If lobby creators are given greater control over race restrictions in relation to banning certain cars then I see no need to not want them.

Having said that there are plenty of pointless duplicate cars in GT5 which I would not mind being omitted assuming the time was allocated to including new to GT cars. The Tank Car is good fun so I hope it gets the premium treatment!
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Tank car should stay in my opinion. I have fun once in a while drifting and driving it.

The tank car I don't care that much about it.but the x1s,I guess every single person that's voted x1s to be deleted got a controller
The tank car I don't care that much about it.but the x1s,I guess every single person that's voted x1s to be deleted got a controller

No I use a controller and want to keep the x1s
The tank car I don't care that much about it.but the x1s,I guess every single person that's voted x1s to be deleted got a controller

I personally do not drive X1s unless when and if I am grinding (which I haven't done in forever). Main reason i don't mess with them is i have a 900 degree wheel. On a update a while back PD thought it would be a great idea to limit the steering on the X1s and go karts to 200 degrees (on a time clock with hands instead of the full 900 degrees being a hour and fifteen mins to the right and left from dead center. They make it fifteen minutes to the left and right.) which makes no sense to me at all. So i don't drive them anymore. Same with karts
Main reason I would say no to the tank car is the long time it would take to model a fully detailed premium version from scratch. There are hundreds of other proper cars I would like them to do first.
Getting rid of all the standard duplicates... perhaps biting the bullet and saying 'if its not work premium modelling it, scrap it!'. Might get alot more premium cars that way :)
^Seems simple, but never easy I guess. I'm sure PD could have done it with GT5 if there were more people working on the game.
Well its not individual cars I want to be finished BUT MAKES

1.All Dodges/Cryslers (and its tuners)
2.All Paganis (and its tuners)
3.All Mazdas (and its tuners)
4.All Granturismo Desined cars like the Citreon GT and X1 and many others like jay leno and the formula gt (and their tuners)
5.All Audis (and its tuners)
6.All Acuras (and its tuners)
7.All Caterhams (and its tuners)
8.All Lotus (and its tuners)
9.All Volkswagans (and its tuners)
10.All Daihatsus (and its tuners)
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