And as I just pointed out, it's the only comparison we have to go on. It's either compare it to the past and take the fact it's the past into consideration and weigh it accordingly, or just take a shot in the dark. Which seems the more logical to you?As I just pointed out, the sport has radically evolved since then, so the comparison that you drew was invalid.
You could have fooled me. And everyone else, or so it would seem.
My humour (or more aptly, sardonicism) doesn't translate well to the written word. And for that I apologise.
Omg you actually thought I was proposing for F1 to race on the Super Speedway >.<
Show me ONE single thing that I said that gives any indication that I was making any type of arguement that F1 should make a return to oval racing.
And serious Offense? Please, don't flatter yourself lol. I just can't stand when someone proposes an idea (for fun mostly), and someone else comes along and starts trying to poke holes in the idea...especially when the holes you are attempting to poke are based on non issues.
You've said "ovals didn't work in the 50s" and "Michellin screwed up," have failed to provide any type of logical arguement as to why F1 could/should not return to Daytona.....and your entire arguement has been based on using the Super Speedway. You're basically having a convo with yourself at this point.
Actually, my first message that you responded to specifically mentions F1 at ovals and only F1 at ovals. And your reply didn't clarify the road course, thus implying you were responding to my claim that F1 wouldn't work at ovals. You didn't bring up the road course until several posts later.
And I was being sarcastic with my 'serious offence' remark. Though now I'm doubting that, seeing as how it's bothered you enough to reply with paragraph after paragraph trying to disprove me. In fact you specifically mention it bothered you in the message I'm quoting at this very moment. Way to go, contradicting yourself a sentence after you say something.
My argument was originally against the superspeedway yes, because you didn't clarify that you were talking about the road course until several posts into this discussion. Forgive me for assuming you were referring to it because I specifically mentioned it and you didn't mention the roval until later. At which point I switched my argument to be against the road course as well. You'd know that if you bothered to read beyond the first sentence of my post, which you clearly didn't. Also noticed you didn't address your hypocrisy, but that's neither here nor there.