The Formula 1 Calendar ThreadFormula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
Surely there's got to be a way to rearrange this in a way that somehow makes sense geographically.
Agreed, Azerbaijan and Miami back to back still makes no sense, would surely be better back to back with Canada? I know its still a fair distance but right continent. Then Vegas and Abu Dhabi being back to back, also doesn't make a whole lot of sense when they're doing USGP, Mexico and Brazil together..

The first 4 all being standalone also strikes me as odd. Again, surely would make more sense for Bahrain and Saudi to be back to back.
F1's actions has now propagated down to other series

Also, apparently F1 didn't tell media beforehand about the calendar so now they will have to pay the inflated prices

Ah yes, all of the teenagers who probably have nothing better to do on a Saturday night and F1 should hope that the NFL doesn't move a game to Saturday night (they still might do that) or the NBA, NHL or College Football don't schedule anything that day (they all probably will and there might be multiple events competing for interest. If they are gung-ho on a Saturday night race, it would have made more sense to do it on the weekend after and swap Abu Dhabi and Las Vegas. This is a losing proposition.
Pretty sure that Abu Dhabi has a contract clause to be the final race of the season.

If a Saturday may be a losing proposition in case of the NFL moving a game there, then surely any time on a football season Sunday is an absolute disaster. NFL always wins and there's no way to compete.
Think it'll do all right at first, for the novelty value if nothing else - a night race down the Strip, past the casinos and the fountain all lit up, that'll attract viewers.
Pretty sure that Abu Dhabi has a contract clause to be the final race of the season.

If a Saturday may be a losing proposition in case of the NFL moving a game there, then surely any time on a football season Sunday is an absolute disaster. NFL always wins and there's no way to compete.
Think it'll do all right at first, for the novelty value if nothing else - a night race down the Strip, past the casinos and the fountain all lit up, that'll attract viewers.
FIA might as well push both races back a week still.

Only time NFL competes with F1 is during the Austin GP. Every other race will either not have a problem (March to August) or could be regional (the odd NFL game that occurs in Europe). I was mentioning the NFL moving to Saturday night as a possibility, but by no means a certainty. Even if there is a Saturday game, it will usually be a 4 PM game (1 PM PT). Sunset in Las Vegas on the date of the race is at 4:31 PM PT. Waiting 5.5 hours afterwards to start the race is confusing.
Four separate flyaways to North America is absolutely ****ing ridiculous. F1 isn't even pretending to be sustainable anymore. How an Americas tour or concentrated Americas leg of Canada, the USA, Mexico and Brazil isn't rolled into one is beyond me.

These races clearly aren't going away whilst there is money to be gouged. A rotating calendar really seems to be the only halfway decent option left on the table.
Here's my proposed calendar for 2023:

Also, apparently F1 didn't tell media beforehand about the calendar
Not F1, but the FIA... indeed, neither F1 itself or the teams were consulted about the new schedule before the FIA published it, and hence it could well be the subject of a legal dispute.
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Not F1, but the FIA... indeed, neither F1 itself or the teams were consulted about the new schedule before the FIA published it, and hence it could well be the subject of a legal dispute.
Could this, depending on how long it drags out, put any races in jeopardy? On an unrelated note, I'd be a bit surprised personally if China went ahead (since they seem to still be on the zero-Covid mission).
Could this, depending on how long it drags out, put any races in jeopardy?
I don't know TBH, but I would imagine that the venues have contracts agreed already, though this makes the teams'/F1's surprise at the calendar seem odd to me; how can 24 venues have agreed to host (and presumably have contracts) when F1 hasn't approved a 24-race calendar yet?
Canada in October is....bold.

For real though, that's why Canada is in June.
They tried Canada in October, it was cozy. :lol:

It's been in June since 1982 because that's usually the nicest weather we have all year, when it's not pissing down at least.
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Go away. Nobody likes these, they add nothing and all it does is undoes the excitement of Qualifying on Friday after only one practice session.
24 races, 6 sprints - still only 3 engines.

Hope everyone has their spreadsheets ready to figure out the grid penalties in pretty much every late season race.
I like the Quali on Fridays but I can shift my work times. I hate the FP2 after Quali on Saturday. I'm fine with the sprint instead of FP3.
I can’t tell if F1 is just being greedy, or if they’re suffering from viewership issues? I saw one report on F1s viewership this year and it seemed to look pretty good, although not sure how it compared to previous years. But one way or another there seems to be an issue, and I’m not sure that a 30 race season is going to fix it.

Either way these sprint races ensure that the championship will be over well before the end of the season.
Just wait, it's going to get worse. Dominicalli is somehow sounding worse than Bernie these days.

Well, free practice points is pointless. How often are the drivers/teams who aren't in contention during the race going to put up a competitive lap?
Well, free practice points is pointless. How often are the drivers/teams who aren't in contention during the race going to put up a competitive lap?
But imagine the excitement when the title is decided in FP2 because one of the drivers had an oil leak and couldn't go out.

Seriously though, points for practice is right up there with Bernie's craziest ideas. It's called PRACTICE, to, you know, practice. Not be competing.
Wanting to gimmick up F1 to appeal to a mass audience like it isn't already the most watched motorsport globally.

Oversaturising, cheesy, tacky, anti-competitive pish. F1 will die in its own inexplicable want for relevance.
Wanting to gimmick up F1 to appeal to a mass audience like it isn't already the most watched motorsport globally.

Oversaturising, cheesy, tacky, anti-competitive pish. F1 will die in its own inexplicable want for relevance.
This is essentially what hurt NASCAR about 20 years ago. They couldn't deal with a driver winning a title by winning 1 race and a string of consistent finishes, so they needed to overhaul it to create a playoff system where.... now a driver can win the championship by having a string of consistent finishes and not winning a single race (and a driver can win every race but the final race of the season and lose the championship).
Change the points system then. If you want the person who wins the most races to win the title, a system like F1 currently has which gives nearly a quarter difference between the points for 1st and 2nd will do. But in a season where someone wins most races of course they will wrap up the title earlier.

If you want the title to go to the end of the season, points need to be spread with very little gap between first and last-to-score. This way consistency is rewarded and runaway winners struggle to pull away.

You have to choose a system between a knockout tournament or a league system effectively.

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