The General Anime Thread...

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Champloo Fuu > Cano's Fuu > Steins;Gate

Anyway, watched episode 5 of Wolf's Rain. Pretty interesting stuff. :D

Good! And unlike some shows, it doesn't get worse as you watch it.

But comparing Foos is unfair.


Bad MHPALA! That Foo is also a nice girl!

And I guess that's my opinion on Cano's earlier question.

Edit: and here you go, Azuremen!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that isn't the right Fuu, DAMNIT :mad:

No dude, it's the other way around. To abide for this...

Also, someone should post Fuu (SC) (MKR) pictures for me to redeem my interest in this thread.

Fixed, and served:








First-ever Fuu pic dump in TGAT courtesy of Cody. Be sure to thank him.





Glad you're enjoying it 👍

And I'm glad I'm watching it. It doesn't live up to all the hype you generated around it -yet, at least- but it ain't the ">S;G" Walter's catch phrase neither, it is really really good. Having just finished Suzu's arc, I was like "omg NO D:", and my wife almost cried.
Well it's the best you're ever going to get when it comes to shounen.

What episode you on?
One Piece is better, and so is Rurouni Kenshin, especially Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal.

Hayate the Combat Bulter decided to cut out the last two chapters of volume 1. Episode 4 decided to screw those last two chapters.:(

Really digging the opening, but it's sung by Kotoko, so it isn't surprising. It doesn't compare to the second season's second opening, Daily Daily Dream though. That was a better Kotoko opening.

Also is it me, or does season 1 already have more anime, video game, and manga references than season 2?:lol:
Fate/Zero final cover art is out. Still waiting on the spreadsheet to see what the whole thing is going to look like, and what $370 will do.

I'm going to laugh when it sells out before it's release however. People were in disbelief over Garden of Sinners selling out before it's release.
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I need to give both seasons of Gits:SAC a rewatch sometime. Kinda hard to believe [as] still plays it after all these years. When did they first get it again, like 2004?
One Piece is better, and so is Rurouni Kenshin, especially Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal.

Earlier you said that FMA:B was better than Bebop. Now you're saying that Rurouni Kenshin is better than FMA:B....

Watch what you say, Cano's gon' hurt you!
All the extensions of GitS are cool, watchable. But for me, the original movie, watching it when it first came out, as one of my first anime experiences, is just epic. And to this day it's my standard. Evangelion came close, but not quite. There have been great shows in other genres, but as far as psychological, philosophical, Blade Runner-esqe anime goes, I've still never seen anything better. If any of you out there haven't yet seen it, and aren't totally shallow moe types, go give it a good, quiet watch (by yourself, no distractions), then watch it again. Major Kusanagi, OMG. Looking at you two, Yay and Cano.

Bebop > Rurouni > FMAB, but not really fair to compare since Bebop is Seinen, so if you're not yet mature, you won't appreciate it. Rurouni, despite it's often slapstick humor, is in between the two, and FMAB is pure shonen, for young folks to enjoy.
Earlier you said that FMA:B was better than Bebop. Now you're saying that Rurouni Kenshin is better than FMA:B....

Watch what you say, Cano's gon' hurt you!
It's the truth! Though I think he'll agree on me with Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal. There's a big reason why it has such critical acclaim. It even ties Gurren Lagann for a mean score of 8.91 on MAL.
I've always been meaning to check out GitS. I'll do it soon, I like mindscrews 👍
Think of it as the Steins;Gate of the early 2000's.
Think of it as the Steins;Gate of the early 2000's.

What a piece of **** statement, you've either obviously never watched the original GitS, or you're too young yet to appreciate it.

Edit: and it's from 1995. It's the F'n godfather of mind**** anime.
All the extensions of GitS are cool, watchable. But for me, the original movie, watching it when it first came out, as one of my first anime experiences, is just epic. And to this day it's my standard. Evangelion came close, but not quite. There have been great shows in other genres, but as far as psychological, philosophical, Blade Runner-esqe anime goes, I've still never seen anything better. If any of you out there haven't yet seen it, and aren't totally shallow moe types, go give it a good, quiet watch (by yourself, no distractions), then watch it again. Major Kusanagi, OMG. Looking at you two, Yay and Cano.

What are you talking about, bud? I'vr already seen most of GITS, including the original movie which is, as you say, an absolute masterpiece. It's been a loooong time, more than ten years I'm sure, so yeah, a rewatch is in order, but it is indeed quite the experience. At that time, there was nothing quite like it. Not even Spriggan, or Memories.

Bebop >whatever the heck , but not really fair to compare since Bebop is Seinen, so if you're not yet mature, you won't appreciate it. Rurouni, despite it's often slapstick humor, is in between the two, and FMAB is pure shonen, for young folks to enjoy.

Fixed. Then again, you're wasting your time I feel. It's been scientifically demonstrated how much Kenshin sucks yet he still talks about it as if it was any good in any which way.


It's the truth! Though I think he'll agree on me with Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal. There's a big reason why it has such critical acclaim. It even ties Gurren Lagann for a mean score of 8.91 on MAL.Think of it as the Steins;Gate of the early 2000's.

1 - T&B is indeed very good, but even with that kind of masterpiece, you cannot fix the stinking bag of trash that is the TV series.

2 - Lol @ the S;G statement. Even not having finished watching it yet, I cannot even comprehend what you are trying to say. GITS is practically the genesis (or one of the movies that started it all, at least) of a genre that is now highly appraised in anime and in science fiction everywhere, I'm sure you've heard about cyberpunk and how it is all cool and stuff. Steins;Gate is months old and good presumably, but history changing? pleeeease.
Yoko Kanno's Turn A soundtrack continues to intrigue me.. one track in particular reminds me of this:
Same goes for all of the other gundam OSTs :dopey: I have all of the Ghost in the shell OSTs and they are epic:tup:. Need to download the OST for Turn A.
I've only seen both seasons of Gits:SAC, I don't really see why it's considered so special, but I do acknowledge I'm in the vast minority on that.
Fixed. Then again, you're wasting your time I feel. It's been scientifically demonstrated how much Kenshin sucks yet he still talks about it as if it was any good in any which way.
The Kyoto arc of season 2 would have made you think different, especially since there's little humor in it compared to season 1, and season 3 which is all filler.
I've only seen both seasons of Gits:SAC, I don't really see why it's considered so special, but I do acknowledge I'm in the vast minority on that.The Kyoto arc of season 2 would have made you think different, especially since there's little humor in it.

GitS:SAC ≠ the original Ghost in the Shell. I bought the soundtrack. I bought the T-shirt. Hell, I even bought an original cell from the animation. The original movie is what started it all, and as far as I know, it keeps going to this day on the strength of that. SAC some folks may say 9/10, I'll give it an 8. Second movie Innocence I'll also give an 8. But the original movie, for its time, 10.5/10. Seriously, for me, and for the few other seriously intelligent and mature anime fanatics out there, it's hard to find a better example of perfection in the art.
Remember now, TheCorvette is lacking a lot of his fundamental anime and is a bit younger, so he may simply not appreciate it. Much like those books you read in high school, classics and such, that you really don't get till you go back and read them in your twenties.

Also, someone is going to get hurt for trolling the wrong Fuu :mad:
Don't take it to heart Loli, we'll be 18 soon enough. For me, I'll be 18 finally in the Summer.
I just don't appreciate pretentious people.

Actually, I can remember feeling the same way when I was 15, so no worries! Take it more like this: as amazing as you think you are right now, and as much as you can't imagine getting any cooler or how anybody else can be much smarter than you are, in 5 years, you'll be times 2 what you are now. Hard to imagine, I know, but that's the nature of growth. You always think you know it all, but there's always so much more to experience. And the worst is when you're actually intelligent, because when you compare yourself with your peers, you're at the top, so it's harder to imagine going much higher, but believe me, it's out there. Until you hit your mid 20's. Then there's not much further to go. More just developing the subtleties from then on, sophistication and experience, but not brilliance.

The hell is going on in here?

I don't know, you seen the original GitS?
Jeff, you aren't as smart as you think you are. Now please have some humble pie and rejoin us in reality. And you are certainly lacking the social subtleties, which you say mostly develop in one's twenties. Especially with the talking down to someone, which says a lot coming from me as I'm notorious for doing that.

Basically, stop being pretentious. You are more or less living up to the Aspeger's stereotypes that plague the anime groups as is.

Who when they're 17 thinks they know it all?:odd:

Most teenagers, and even those that claim otherwise, think they know a lot more than they really do. This applies to the ones that say they don't really know anything anyhow and attempt to act humble about it. What I've been finding out is the older you get the less you know.
Who when they're 17 thinks they know it all?:odd:

I did, I know, cliche, but I was ranked top 50 in the US in math, perfect SAT, elite math camp, could wow audiences in the musical and concert band, was an award winning ecologist, recruited by colleges, multiple letterman in sports. But I think even without such outside recognition, many of us have that sort of over-confidence. As it turns out, my HS awards meant nothing in the real world.

But oh yeah, just remembered some of us here in TGAT suffer from low self esteem rather than inflated ego. I eventually got that too, and not sure you'll love it, but Welcome to the NHK addresses that nicely.

Edit: whoops, posted this before reading Azuremen's reply. Actually, I'm now as smart as I think I am, which is not very. Though I used to think I was smarter than I was. And as you can see, I got a lot of outside support for that self misconception.