The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Well I guess we could all just submit our reviews to you for the PDF. I guess a thread isn't completely necessary though I think it would be kind of cool. Maybe just throw a link to the PDF in the recommendation thread?

A thread would be helpful. I don't necessarily just want you guys to send in reviews for me to use how I see fit... I don't want to be the only one deciding what shows actually go into the PDF, what reviews to use for each show (since multiple people might write reviews for one show), and the overall style of the PDF.
Just watched ep 1 of Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!. It seems kind of "meh" now but it might turn out to be cute. Not my normal kind of show but I am going to give it a shot. The first episode did have great pacing though.

Now to check out Ano Natsu de Matteru. MAL does a better job of explaining it (since I haven't seen it yet) so here. I love that it's about a group of kids making a movie (since that's what my friends and I always did (and what I'm doing now)) and seems like it could be really sweet. I hope it gets some emotional response from me.
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Everyone makes a pdf. Each show has its own unique design (based on its designer). Use that to your advantage to create a epic background or any other design aspect :dopey:.
I'm not saying it sucks(love that shiz). UE got pwned, and expected x-rounder pwnage. I've found it not to be appealing to others.

The anime isn't even done and you're saying UE got pwned?


You do know it's a 100 year war right? :P
Now to check out Ano Natsu de Matteru. MAL does a better job of explaining it (since I haven't seen it yet) so here. I love that it's about a group of kids making a movie (since that what my friends and I always did (and what I'm doing now)) and seems like it could be really sweet. I hope it gets some emotional response from me.

I looked at the picture and was immediately turned away from it. But as I was about to x out of the page, I did a double take and noticed something farther back in the image... I was unable to believe what I had saw, so I looked at the bigger version of it and surely enough, there was...

A loli with twin-tails and stockings :D

I looked at the picture and was immediately turned away from it. But as I was about to x out of the page, I did a double take and noticed something farther back in the image... I was unable to believe what I had saw, so I looked at the bigger version of it and surely enough, there was...

A loli with twin-tails and stockings :D


I didn't even notice the loli :lol:. Did you read the description though? That would be the words beside the picture.

I am going to watch this because I like the "kids filming movies" aspect of it and I hope it's sweet and endearing. I want my heartstrings to be pulled. No homo.
Add info pages like characters :dopey: initially known characters with a short bio. Must start one.... Will draw up a state table tomorrow 👍.
Now to check out Ano Natsu de Matteru. MAL does a better job of explaining it (since I haven't seen it yet) so here. I love that it's about a group of kids making a movie (since that what my friends and I always did (and what I'm doing now)) and seems like it could be really sweet. I hope it gets some emotional response from me.
I'm planning on watching that actually. Thank The Fandom Post for being so hyped up about it.
That's a lot of R1 releases-ah!:scared:
The massive list of the number or anime releases in North America. OVER 9,000 discs!!!!!!
I didn't even notice the loli :lol:. Did you read the description though? That would be the words beside the picture.

I am going to watch this because I like the "kids filming movies" aspect of it and I hope it's sweet and endearing. I want my heartstrings to be pulled. No homo.

You want your heartstrings to be pulled?

Why the 🤬 have you not watched Anohana yet?!
The anime isn't even done and you're saying UE got pwned?


You do know it's a 100 year war right? :P

I mean that moment of pwndom :dopey:. All the way down to Flit's grandson :crazy:. At first I thought it was going to show how Flit fought the UE, and there was going to be a manga showing how the UE came back again, and it follows Flit's son in the Age 2 Gundam f/p.
You want your heartstrings to be pulled?

Why the 🤬 have you not watched Anohana yet?!

You know what? I just bump, bump, bumped it up on my list. I'll finish Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino, then Burst Angel, then Nichijou, and then I will begin Anohana.
Replace Burst Angel with Anohana.

For some reason, I'm wanting to agree, even though I don't know the greatness that is AnoHana. Burst Angel, not all that great (It is pretty good, but falls short in many areas.) even though it did get that 8/10 in the end from me.

Also, look at the rankings on MAL (Sue me Loli, but it's for a good cause!).
Burst Angel: 2618 Mean Score: 7.031 (scored by 12026 users)
AnoHana: 23 Mean Score: 8.761 (scored by 30647 users)
The internet here's too damn slow... I'm gonna go back to the ship, watch some anime and go to bed.

I'll get back to you guys on that guide thing later. I'll PM you a link to the hentai guide I found, which is pretty much what I'm aiming for... only not hentai. :lol:
Okay dudes, There's a massive amount of characters in Geass, and I'm willing to bet you guys don't care for 60% of them. List some characters you'd like to see when I release the Geass batch of avatars.

Open for names until I get home from school tonight.

AOS hath returned, therefore, any further suggested characters will be ignored.

Everyone makes a pdf. Each show has its own unique design (based on its designer). Use that to your advantage to create a epic background or any other design aspect :dopey:.
Not everyone is capable of composing layouts and I don't want to see crappy work (including my own).
A thread would be helpful. I don't necessarily just want you guys to send in reviews for me to use how I see fit... I don't want to be the only one deciding what shows actually go into the PDF, what reviews to use for each show (since multiple people might write reviews for one show), and the overall style of the PDF.
Hell, I wouldn't want you to be the judge of it all myself :lol:

But in all seriousness, This is how I think it should go down. Create a Review thread in the Ani-Appreci-Club (AAC), in the OP you will jot down an outline for us to use to help us (the reviewers) get organized. It will look something like:
0) Name of your Review (Name of Show in brackets)

1) Brief Summary of what your overall impression of the show is. Be mature about it and don't come off as fanboy. (2-5 sentences)

2) Your review on the story/plot.... can talk about pacing, try to avoid spoiling content, but if it's impossible,
stick your spoiler content between a spoiler tag.. Keep your thoughts organized (use paragraphs if it's hella long)

3) Animation/video quality

4) Soundtrack (includes any inserts, OP and EDs)

5) Final Thoughts; conclusion (optional), absolutely free for personal opinion.

Your score (0.0 out of 10.0)
After that, you're going to update the OP by inserting a link to that post.
You can organize your list of URLs following this format:

Review name - Name of Show - Reviewer name

Remember to back up any statements you made with some kind of explanation.

...then Nichijou....
son you ain't watching Nichijou on your own. You're watching it with us Friday nights.
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For some reason, I'm wanting to agree, even though I don't know the greatness that is AnoHana. Burst Angel, not all that great (It is pretty good, but falls short in many areas.) even though it did get that 8/10 in the end from me.

Anohana's a good tear-jerker. That's for sure.
The internet here's too damn slow... I'm gonna go back to the ship, watch some anime and go to bed.

I'll get back to you guys on that guide thing later. I'll PM you a link to the hentai guide I found, which is pretty much what I'm aiming for... only not hentai. :lol:
Is it faster than Loli's?

Off-Topic, but mine right now.
It's very sad when the ship's internet is WAAAAAAAY faster than the public wifi offered at the Recreation Center. :lol:

But yeah, AOS- is right... having everybody do their own layouts wouldn't be very good. They'd be of varying degrees of quality, which would look like incohesive ass when combined into a single document.

And even if they were all well-made layouts, they'd all be quite different... and would still look like incohesive ass when combined into a single document.
AOS hath returned, therefore, any further suggested characters will be ignored.

You get home from school really late.

Not everyone is capable of composing layouts and I don't want to see crappy work (including my own).

But in all seriousness, This is how I think it should go down. Create a Review thread in the Ani-Appreci-Club (AAC), in the OP you will jot down an outline for us to use to help us (the reviewers) get organized.

Remember to back up any statements you made with some kind of explanation.

That looks pretty good. Definitely use a uniform layout for everyone and we can finally score shows with half ratings up to 10 lol.

son you ain't watching Nichijou on your own. You're watching it with us Friday nights.

I already said in the stream that anything we watch together that I haven't seen I'll be re-watching lol. I can't concentrate with you guys but I love watching stuff with y'all.
@AOS-, That outline looks pretty good, I think I might do like a kinda test review to try fitting it and seeing how it works. I'll also try doing a physical release test review. Don't know what one I'll pick out of my small library of anime. Probably will be the Fruits Basket Collector's Edition.
0) Name of your Review (Name of Show in brackets)

1) Brief Summary of what your overall impression of the show is. Be mature about it and don't come off as fanboy. (2-5 sentences)

2) Your review on the story/plot.... can talk about pacing, try to avoid spoiling content, but if it's impossible,
stick your spoiler content between a spoiler tag.. Keep your thoughts organized (use paragraphs if it's hella long)

3) Animation/video quality

4) Soundtrack (includes any inserts, OP and EDs)

5) Final Thoughts; conclusion (optional), absolutely free for personal opinion.

Your score (0.0 out of 10.0)

Pretty good guidelines. 👍

Only two things I'd like to mention: Much to TheCorvette's dismay, I think we ought to leave out any opinions regarding the actual physical releases. Anime typically gets multiple releases (either a normal and special edition, or released in singles then later as a box set) and it'd be a pain to cover them all, plus we're going to be including old and out-of-print anime as well. Not to mention that there's also package-less digital distribution. That, and I personally think our reviews should reflect only the quality of the show itself, not how well the company can package it. (Even though nice packages are cool)

We could, like Leonard Maltin's guide, give symbols denoting what mediums an anime is currently available on (DVD, blu-ray, digital, out-of-print, etc)... but I don't think we should go into describing or reviewing the packages of the releases themselves.

Also, I think a 0-10 scoring system is a bit too broad of a range... especially for some people in here who's scores tend to be skewed towards the higher end of the spectrum.
I think I'll right now (Since I'm bored, and I don't feel like watching The Big O.) try doing a review on my Fruits Basket Collector's Edition to fit that format to see how things go. I'll be back when I'm done. It should be noted I'm not all that good with reviewing, but I'll try my best on it.

Hope I remember enough from the show (I watched all of it back in July.) to make the review possible.
I'll also try doing a physical release test review.

Are you doing a review on the content in the package of goods? We can do a different review specifically for Merchandise. It can range from lovely DVD/BR box specials, figurines (including gundams) and whatever else that has some value worth sharing.. just no TV shows, films or OVAs.

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