The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
And like that, you're a mod.

Yup. So... when you gonna join?

I know you're a god when it comes to customizing GTP profiles... if those skills you got translate over to HTML and CSS, we may have an admin spot for you. :P
That finger through the house reminded me of FLCL.

You mean Nise10?

The whole episode was awesome in my opinion.

Finger is totally an FLCL moment, I agree.

Starting to wonder if that demon hunter woman is allowed to touch the ground ever, or she'll lose her powers or something :lol:
I wouldn't trust you with considerable amounts of power.

says the person who warned you for a dumb reason :3


I was serious though. I have admin experience on a photography forum, and I am a current mod on a major forum.

I wouldn't warn members for absolutely no reason...
You mean Nise10?

Close enough, and that woman was being a ninja.

I didn't even notice that. It's plausible.

Word. She also falls into chaotic neutral or such. Got that crazy look in her eye, so I feel she will become more and more of a "bad" guy to speak.

Which is something I've noticed about the series as a whole - there isn't really a super bad person thus far. Kaiki is the closest thing we've had to a villain, and even then he was really just a so-so con-man.

Oh, also, Lain trusted me with Admin, so if things break randomly it could be me messing around with the templates and such.
Araragi don't fight, he survives. Hence Suruga Monkey and Karen Bee.

But I hope he does kick some ass next episode.
It seems AOS doesn't wanna join ARM. 👎 :P

Let's see who else is missing... Cano! You should come join us. :mischievous:


I'm going to be getting these later this year, and then I'll finally watch them.
It's like TGAT, except with 175x175 avatars. Oh, and it's a forum instead of a thread. :lol:

Ooh, and a hentai section. Which sadly hasn't really been utilized as of yet. I did post a yummy Fire Emblem pic though... :drool:
That's sad. It only means that the majority of the discussion will be taking place over there and not here. And frankly, I come here because all the stuff is in ONE thread.

I've tried to break myself into anime forums and I haven't had much success in such ventures because it's just too much, and I just don't have a lot to say about anime in itself... heck, I barely post in here. But I know that, if I post in here, whatever I say won't get lost because it's just a thread. An entire anime forum is just too much.

I've registered already, but don't expect me to participate too much. I'd rather do it here.

Also, why?