Sup guys, been a while (again). Funny how getting involved in the anime industry means I have no time to actually watch or post about anime anymore. We've been ridiculously busy lately - organizing a local event took several weeks, then flew to AZ for Con-Nichiwa where my GF was a guest. Working at Anime Conji in San Diego in a few weeks, and nothing but production meetings and show tapings between now and then!
Speaking of Conji, anybody going?
Anyway, not much anime watching (need to catch up on Kotoura, Oreshura, Maoyu, and Sakurasou), but I've been reading a bunch of manga. Started Freezing and like it way more than I thought I would, Inu X Boku is great and way better than the anime, but what I'm really in love with is Yankee-Kun to Megane-Chan, an awesome series for anybody who likes high school rom-coms or especially anything to do with Yanki (school gang/delinquent) stuff.
I'm super-excited for Oreimo S2 by the way, only a couple weeks now. He better end up with Kuroneko or I'm flipping a table. (I might as well flip all the tables now, cause I doubt that's gonna happen...)