Popping in again.
How about a list of anime that you can watch a 2nd time and think "OMG I'm sooooo happy I'm watching this again I f'ing love it!!!!!!!"
For me,
Wolf's Rain, watching for the 3rd time currently, getting towards the end. Yoko Kanno is a rock goddess. Bones production is always a good thing. But mostly I just love the story.
Initial D, hate to say it, guilty pleasure, but is also on my list.
My Neighbor Totoro somehow of all the Miyazaki is the one that I always want to watch again.
Bleach. Just kidding. Who would watch a 400 episode anime twice?
I expect Monster will be on my list someday, once I find the time for 50+ episodes.
Cowboy Bepop, hate to say, love the music, but there are too many fast-forward episodes, and I've started a rewatch and not finished several times. Still a 10/10 for me, but not on this list. NGE's in a similar boat for me.
Welcome to the NHK. I might not watch it often , though I actually own it on DVD, but I love this show.