The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Wow I missed out a lot of information when I watched Shinsekai Yori the first time.

Episode 21 pulled out all the stops. Yakomaru is a cunning character!

You guys should definitely give this one a watch if you like a smart character that can pull off large schemes.

I need to watch something smart now, been watching too many dumb things lately. I think I'll check this out.

In other news, I want to watch this:

What about maya?
So I've been reading up and watching videos of NGE and EoE explanations all day, and I think I have somewhat of a firm grip on actually what the hell I just watched.

This is something I have been meaning to get around to for awhile. It's hyped and regarded as one of the best (or the best) anime ever to be conceived.

Is it the best? No, not by a long shot.

To me, to produce 'the best anime in the world', the quality has to remain consistent throughout the entire series, and until episode 16, the honest thoughts going through my head were 'why am I still watching this?'. The first fifteen episodes simply felt rushed, predictable and flat. They produced almost no meaning and were incredibly predictable, and without much in the way of background for the character's development known, most of the main cast were, well, annoying. Shinji was a baby that cried at the stake of saving the country, Asuka had an ear deafening voice that she used at any possible moment, and Rei was just a thing at that point.

Why did I still continue to keep watching?

I was hooked. With all of these flaws, I had grown a fondness towards the show anyway and, thanks to the old school animation, fell in love with the mood and cinematography that only that period anime can provide. To me it was a cheap thrill at that stage that was engaging to the audience but didn't force complex thinking outside of just watching the anime yet. I enjoyed it for the same reason I enjoyed Initial D. We all knew he was going to win anyway, but how is it going to happen? That's the true reasoning I still found a high level of enjoyment from it even though at face value it was rubbish.

Episode 16 onwards? Pure animated perfection.

Here is where we got to see the deep understanding of what piloting the Evas really does to the physiological system of such a young and immature set of students. Asuka's story, while not the best, was my favorite. This is because of the absolute connection I was able to sustain with the character from then on, even after the pure hatred I had for her a few episodes before. This occurred due to the absolute understanding and similarities I was able to produce from her story of simply not having any faith in ability. This is something I quite often get into on a regular basis after just losing all sense of faith in anything I could do. Her situation really spoke to me and I couldn't help but just feel sorry for her as I could just feel the pain she was going through. For an anime to make me feel sorry for someone I hated not long before is purely commendable.

With Shinji, I couldn't have the same connection. While his ending was incredibly touching, it all felt like a waste of time after seeing how he was portrayed throughout EoE. I thought at the end of NGE he'd be mature, likable and independent, but boy I couldn't be much more off. He continued to be the indecisive whiny brat even after Misato just about got killed rescuing him. He just about destroyed the entire population for the self gain of not being hated by anyone, but decided to change his mind after the realization that getting hurt was something that happens. I still don't know why he decided to kill Asuka in the last scene either.

After watching the explanation videos of the characters, it was very intriguing to see how much detail was actually put in behind some of the lesser featured characters. It was these characters that were my favorites from a conceptual point of view. The workers, even though looking as just fillers without personality, actually had much more of a deep meaning towards their actions, such as the polarized difference between Hyuuga and Ibuki who had affection for one of their colleagues, as seen in the instrumentality scene, where as Shigeru simply had no one. We saw this through the instrumentality scene and how Hyuuga and Ibuki had Misato and Dr. Akagi respectively take them in but a horde of Reis taking in Shigeru, symbolizing there was no one where he completely trusted and loved.

One thing I took away from this was the complete similarity Misato had with Asako from Grisaia. They both wore their hair in the same way, brought a child up (though Asako was much more successful), both love getting drunk and then having sexual intercourse with that child. While there are some differences the similarities are also apparent.

In conclusion I can say I'm glad I finally watched this anime. While I would go as far to say it's not the up most perfection many make it out to be, it's certainly worth praise.




What if?
I was thinking of taking a break and watch something moe blob just to ease my mind a bit, Monogatari to NGE has been tiring. :lol:
I think Teekyu will work well. I like it a lot.

Also there's another season of Macross coming out, but the concept art looks like Idolmaster or Love Live with planes.
Uh oh.
Based off what I watched in Macross Frontier, it was two things going on: Earth fighting Vajras, and male protagonist being unable to decide between two girls. Based off the few episodes I've sen of the first Macross, it is very similar in the premise.
Watched NGE 1.0 last night, just finished 2.0.

1.0 was alright but 2.0 was pretty shocking. If you're going to stray away from the original so much I think you'd be better off starting something afresh. Felt like a cheap and generic rip off of it... I mean, Rei was more than a thing and Asuka isn't a bitch!

But jeez did they nail the Cosmo's sound.
I haven't devoted a lot of time to streaming so I wouldn't now for sure.

One time when I attempted to be the streaming host, I had 1Mbps UL and that wasn't a smooth ride.