You succeed in describing basically every slice-of-life anime that has come out lately. It's unnerving.
I like my anime realistic when it has to be, but come ON. These things are worsd than the WORST mexican soap-operas (Moolieg could help here). They are SO corny. It's unbearable.
I have seen ONE anime that I consider a slice-of-life show that I have liked, altough it is told in a total fantasy context, and that is PlanetES. That show is incredibly good and so underrated. And I know all you have seen it will agree with me. It can be considered a slice-of-life show because it centers around the characters daily shenanigans, even if their context is an absolute fantasy. And they are portrayed very well, and their development is something I have yet to see repeated again.
So, yeah, I like that "real" stuff as Yay said, and I agree wholeheartedly with Goddin, it's all about the storytelling, now how many touching moments you can have with a teenage couple. Yet that is the formula that lately haas been crosshatched with "slice-of-life".
Now, I won't say that "slice" is my favourite genre, as from my previous answers you can tell. If I'm gonna watch something animated, mind you, I want something completely out of the ordinary. I want something that if I'd see it done up with actors and corny special effects that want to look real but look like Toy Story, I'll go "lol", because in animation everything is possible. I won't watch a stupid teenage couple breaking and returning indefinitely, as I can watch that in my family, for god's sake. I'll pass.
Get me a "spice of life" show that isn't about stupid teenages, and maybe. Just like PlanetES.