The General Anime Thread...

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Originally posted by Viper Zero
Am I the only one who dislikes Trigun?

I was really excited that Cartoon Network was willing to show Trigun. I could only digest one, maybe two episodes before I gave up on it. I thought Trigun had a mature, intelligent, meaningful plot? I assumed wrong. Basically, the characters goofed around shooting people on a desert planet, wow... My hopes were set too high for Trigun and I feel disappointed.

Just my opinion though.

I tought that same about trigun in the first place. I tought it would be less fooly than it is. some gags are funny, but, well... its not my kind of series. it may be fun, but, well, my fun is flcl-ish to up. I like something more sharp, not the kind of humor usually found on anime (sd characters, weezy dialogs, and so on)
still, im curious about it, and Im sure that as the series progress it should be at least a little more intresting. but, its still difficult to find it here in mexico, so Ill wait 'till it becomes mainstream here


and, suprafly, YOU are not fun anymore. why do you think I stoped coming to this thread?
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
cool, flcl fan hey? That and Lain, if i wanna mess w/ my mind those are the series to watch :P

Of courseeeeee!!!! FLCL and Lain are WEIRD!! FLCL is weirdly fun, touhg. I remeber the firt time I saw it. it was in an anime convention. chapter two, when TVkun literally "craps" Naota out.
I was completely in AWE O_O OMG!!! I kept watching it. hahaha, I walked away with an impressively BAD copy of the series in VHS. I was THAT hooked. I later downloaded it complete, DVD quiality. I just want it on DVD so much. its spectacular, its fun, its absolutely weird (have watched it like 10 times and there are still things I dont get), the music is ooooooh god so good!!! by the pillows (wich on their own right are an impressively good band!!!), its visuals are astounding, and the characters are cool to boot. I love Vespa!!!! its short... its almost perfect. It makes you think, but its not complicated as EVA. it tinkers with feelings everywhere. it has some COOL fighting scenes... WEIRD plot... WELL, IT IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.


it was too cool to not being a fan of the series. it rules.
Kanchi is my fav character (TVKun as you called him) I love it, i've got the same jean jacket as he does XD

I love the style of the series, the thing i love most about their style is their ending, with the stills of the real life vespa cruisin' around japan.

I love FLCL, especially the big gun fight between the eyebrow dude with the oakleys(sp?) and his agents vs the girl, i think her name is hanako (can you tell i'm no good w/ names), I loved when she blue the crap out of all the agents and left the guy standing there in a dorkish way with his two guns in the air.

FLCL =:D +:odd: +:lol: + :confused: + :boggled: + 👍

umm...yup :cheers:
haah! yeah, that part rules. when she goes trough all of them with her bass (OMG she has a bass :drool:)... btw her name is haruko haruhara. I think every episode.. well, they aint episodes, they are OAVS, have some COOL things. the one I like the most is OVA 5, when they fight with the giant hand that has a shotgun and Kanti gets a Gibson E-B-Zero out of his screen. oooh, god. haha, such good fekken times with that series.


I think the eyebrow dude is called Amarao o.O and his right arm (the girl) is called Kitsurubami. omg, I still remember!!! I have to watch it again!!!!
you know those ridiculous eyebrows! i think his eyebrows are his definition of masculinity, and without them he feels powerless.
didn't he drink some kind of estranged mixed liquid while he was on the staionary bike? then she tried some and gagged!
rem when he is staring up at something (can't rem) and an eyebrow falls off and the girls freaks out :lol:
anyway how do you like my new avatar? :D
i've got the orig, if someone wants it i'll post it here.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
rem when he is staring up at something (can't rem) and an eyebrow falls off and the girls freaks out :lol:
anyway how do you like my new avatar? :D
i've got the orig, if someone wants it i'll post it here.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that part RULES!!!!!!!!! its on #5, and yes, I remember perfectly. aaah, rotflmao!!!!! :lol: :lol:
yes, his eyebrows are like his definition of being "macho".. I remember when he is telling something like that to naota and the poor dude is just like -____-
damn, where is dat series??? I think my girl has it -___- I wanna see it!


and, yeah, post it!! :D :
a gundam seed watcher! ive seen up to episode 20 on the hk dvd version. is it back in the states already?
a gundam seed watcher! ive seen up to episode 20 on the hk dvd version. is it back in the states already?
Gundam seed was good, i've only seen about 5 eps, i got sick of trying to dload it (i'm tired of trying to find anime in my town) i thought it was extremly good.

here ya go cano, enjoy, btw go check out that show your desktop thread, there is a really cool kanchi wallpaper and i think the dude posted the original cause i've got it now.


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No, Gundam Seed isn't in the States yet. Although Z, ZZ, and F-91 should be showing up in stores soon.
gundam seed is a great show
have u guys heard a anime call onegai teacher aka please teacher
or how bout the remake of evangelion or samurai x, and hellsing
remake of our beloved eva? is it the upcoming follow on series where the characters are older and theres a new story? ive heard some things on the net.

i think theres a new import ps2 gundam seed game coming out of japan. it looks real good and tons of anime cut scenes.
i heard from my friend that it some of the characters are still alive i think misato,shinji,asuka,ibuki,ritsuko,and rei
this is on my desk.......its canti!
a guy from bangladesh sold it at his booth, i guess the indians have a taste for anime too. and he sold me some pirated software too. :D


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Originally posted by nightkids4ever
gundam seed is a great show
have u guys heard a anime call onegai teacher aka please teacher
or how bout the remake of evangelion or samurai x, and hellsing

Don't know about the first two. I'm pretty sure we can get evangelion . . . haven't seen it though. I somewhat know what Samurai X is, but not completely sure what it is . . . isn't it before RK? Someone told me I should watch . . . (now I just need the money to buy it). And haven't seen Hellsing either . . . damn all those places for making anime expensive as hell!
Yeah, I read your translation earlier, sorry if it sounded like I didn't know what I was talking about . . . I haven't seen it though. In the States, other than what CTN airs or you buy is all you pretty much get. I think there is some channel on satellite or digital cable just for anime, but I don't get either one of those.
has anyone scene the deleted scene on evangelion 22

which ep is that? (summary of action)? is it the one with the unit03 becoming an angel? i got the origianl jp version here in the dvd drive.

onegai is soo great, and all i saw was the first one at the anime expo-
i love onegai teacher! the 13th ep which i waited for over a year to come out was a big disappointment, but yeah, onegai teacher was great. ultimatly if you want a series that deals with those love triangle type situations go watch kanon. that show has come out with my all time fav female anime character...Mai! ^_^

oh and about the kanchi action figure, i saw one a couple years ago in west edmonton mall, i'm going back today, i think i'll see i they have anymore (glad i don't have to go across the world to get one :D )
I usually watch Cowboy Bebop and Trigun which my friend showed to me a year before it came out on CN. I'll admit that I used to watch DBZ and I wake up and weep like a little princess who has lost her favorite dolly because now that I think about it has the most horrible polt ever, EVER. Most of the people I know don't watch anime and thats cool because I can't watch any kiddie stuff, because I'm very addish so I need something to hold my attention. I also saw the animatrix and thought it was pretty good. Might try to get my parents to give me because I'm out of money. Does anyone know any Bebopish, Trigunish animes around?
hey, back from the mall, got me a flcl wall scroll :D
also picked up the latest issue of newtype, they feature a series called Najica. looks cool, a cross between noir and aika from the wait it appears, i dunno, figured i would mention this cause it looks like a good series.

btw no kanchi action figures :( (knew i should have picked it up a few years ago)
woa Man! they have flcl anime paraphanelia, cool.
your the third person whos recomended KANON, so ordering it is in the works.
now getting home is the next part of the mission.
Originally posted by TheBigOne
I usually watch Cowboy Bebop and Trigun which my friend showed to me a year before it came out on CN. I'll admit that I used to watch DBZ and I wake up and weep like a little princess who has lost her favorite dolly because now that I think about it has the most horrible polt ever, EVER. Most of the people I know don't watch anime and thats cool because I can't watch any kiddie stuff, because I'm very addish so I need something to hold my attention. I also saw the animatrix and thought it was pretty good. Might try to get my parents to give me because I'm out of money. Does anyone know any Bebopish, Trigunish animes around?

Rurouni Kenshin is good if you have never seen it.
i liked the kenshin series, very well done, too many eps to collect, but oh well :) I wonder if they are ever going to make that series i heard a rumor about, it involves yahiko as an adult, same idea as kenshin, only he is the main character.