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  • Thread starter Kent
what is kanon about i have seen the characters and i draw them but i don't have a translation for the site
Originally posted by mayorbill11
I have all 26 episodes of Trigun on CD, too bad they're the garbage subtitled episodes.

Yeah, I don't like the subtitled ones either . . . they just leave out too much. Plus I would rather hear it in English since I don't know Japanese. But if I did know Japanese, I would probably have to watch the whole series in both languages.

BTW, I will soon be getting the eight DVD set of Trigun in from Pioneer Entertainment. (Thinks . . . I sure do love eBay . . . :lol: )
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
i liked the kenshin series, very well done, too many eps to collect, but oh well :) I wonder if they are ever going to make that series i heard a rumor about, it involves yahiko as an adult, same idea as kenshin, only he is the main character.

I've seen most of RK, but CTN took it off . . . at least the weekdays and I can't remember what time it is on on Saturday . . . so that more than pissed me off alittle. But of all I've seen, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. And you are right, it's alot to collect . . . a whole lot of DVDs for the whole series, and unless you have a nice chunk of change (a very nice chunk) laying around, it's just really expensive to buy them all.
there is a game featured on many trigun sites tghat is already out for the ps2, the name skips me, it begins with a g. but anyway if i recal the storyline right you play a mercenary who is brought back to life to do stuf or something, but the chracter you play looks like a cross between vash and legato.
kanon is a story based off of an h game, the main character, yuichi, goes to live with his cousin while his parents are over seas. the whole point of te show is about him rediscovering his past, vunny for the first 7-8 eps, be warned, it gets kinda depressing near the end, but over all a really good series.
LoneWolfe: I think you are talking about Gungrave. I think one of the guys who do trigun is involved in it but I don't think that it is actually based on the anime. I want to check it out and I heard it's short so I could beat it in like a weekend or something.

I watched Kenshin when is was on CN, but then they moved it on sat. at 9:30. I will try to catch it today. I liked it but I looked into it and they're are way too many episodes. I'm pretty good with 26 (bebop, Trigun, Eva)
Originally posted by TheBigOne
LoneWolfe: I think you are talking about Gungrave. I think one of the guys who do trigun is involved in it but I don't think that it is actually based on the anime. I want to check it out and I heard it's short so I could beat it in like a weekend or something.

I watched Kenshin when is was on CN, but then they moved it on sat. at 9:30. I will try to catch it today. I liked it but I looked into it and they're are way too many episodes. I'm pretty good with 26 (bebop, Trigun, Eva)

It is Gungrave, but really doesn't have too much to do with Trigun, other than it is in a similar landscape and that the same art person did all the graphics for that game, or so that's what I've heard. RK has alot of episodes, but it's still good. I hate the Saturday thing, it's too long between episodes. I have problems remembering what the day before's episode was at times . . . :lol: .
Rurouni Kenshin is a LAME series. from graphics to music. THAT IS, when you have seen the OVAS before seeing the series. the ovas put the series to absolute shame. Rurouni Kenshin remembrances just awesomely effing rocks. its impressively cool and has some mature storyline, nothing to do with the STUPID kenshin shown on the series, nor its commedic failed attempts. Remembrances is the real deal. I sugges HEAVILY that you see the OVAs so you will know what Im talking about. it takes place BEFORE the series, and they show why kenshin got his X scare. believe me, watch the Kenshin OVAS (there are ALREADY other three ovas, that show Kenshin's son, as someone pointed out here. and they rock too) and you will really laugh at the poorness of the series.

i've seen almost all of the eps and all the ovas, the one you refer to the most cano is called samurai x, it has been my impresion to this point that it was a movie because it is sold as one in one chunk, perhaps you may have though it was ova because it was split up into 700mb chunks? I dunno, truth is i've only seen a bit of samurai x, peices here and there, my 20 some amvs made from it peice together what i missed :P
no man. there IS a rurouni kenshin miovie. wich sucks ( afriend of mine has it) im talking about the four OVAS that are a prequel to the RK TV series. after all that, they made three more OAVS as a sequel to the RK TV series, wich feature Kenshins son. these 4-3 OVAS are just IMPRESSIVE and will let you wondering why the series were SO ****ING LAME.

i'll list out the ones i know of.

Samurai x (came out before the series) The movie about his past and his scar, and the reason why he refuses to kill in the series

The ova where they are on vacation and he ends up fighting some criminal or something (its been awhile) this is where he does his famous mid air spinning attack (for lack of a better decription)

and last there is the one where he fights the guy with a long sword and has glasses, in this movie he is about to die. this is the one which introduces his son.
cosplay... :indiff:

i've seen lots of extremely bad cosplay (for good examples go check out this months issue of newtype usa *shudders*)

i see the occational well done one.
Cosplay = People who don't have a life.

I've seen some good Final Fantasy costumes before, but most are just a bunch of geeks who dress up.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
i'll list out the ones i know of.

Samurai x (came out before the series) The movie about his past and his scar, and the reason why he refuses to kill in the series

those are the ones Im talking about!! have you seen them??? if you have, you JUST have to say that the series is lame-ass compared to the ovas, wich ARENT called samurai - X (please, DONT call any kenshin-related things samuraiX, it SUCKS), but its called Rurouni Kenshin: Remembrances.


and, well... cosplay SUCKS
"wich ARENT called samurai - X (please, DONT call any kenshin-related things samuraiX, it SUCKS), "

if you are serious:
believe it or not, the kenshin in samurai x is the same kenshin from the series and ovas. :eek:

if you are just saying that as a protest that that shouldnt be kenshin:
not much you can do about that, samurai x did come out before the series and before the ovas. the series and ovas spawned from samurai x.

and last i wasnt calling all the ovas samurai x, samurai x is a full movie, and as already stated came out before everything else.
I believe the ovas you mention are called 'trust' and such.

(I really hate arguing over these things)
there are two types of people who cosplay

those who have talent in costume making and good sense of anime style. the anime style has become a good base for communicating s ideas and relating to stories. they link the homed seamstress skills with their love for anime. its the same way artists like to draw it, or writers write about it. but our cosplayer counterparts have to be representing a same gender character.

then there are hese guys who lost my vote for even worst cosplayer. meet FLAMES X_X poor flames has been confused since birth, and his fascination with anime is purely sexual, which makes you evil. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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for both, there are lots ofguys who like it a lot (prob cause they played the h game first ;) )
btw very nice drawing, can you give tips for drawing like that.
i know one tip i've been trying to get it to transfer a drawing cleanly through mny scanner and learn how to color it.

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