you did that, nighkid?? the 350Z? you colored it? it is all marker, right? I need to learn to color with marker. I havent tried it, and it looks very cool. still, I prefer prisma pencils over markers, they are way more controlable for me... I supose I have a heavy hand. anyway, that 350 Z is really yours?
mmhh... Imports arent appealing to me. they are lame to draw. and even lamer to cartoonize. there is nothing you can do with them. and about yer anime draw, it is very good!
AND as for metropolis... well yeah, it was really cool, but, integra, could you PLEASE NOT post SPOILERS of any kind in ANY thread?? specially spoilers about the END of a movie!!! hell. that pisses me off. -__-
EDIT: hold the **** on. you edited. and that thing isnt your drawing, it is a photoshop, and one I've already seen. I may assume that neither the marker-shod 350Z is yours, right? bah, you are lame too.