oh, hell. post whore. well, maybe not even the anime girl drawing was yours, right? hey, you'd better back up what you bark about, or just shut up. I dont believe that you even draw anything, till I see some scans or something.
the ending of EVA? glad you umentioned it dude. there had just been an article published about it. excerpts
" it is foolish to desire lonliness, but when faced with an undeniable refection it is the solitude that you have to find.
the fear of being betrayed cannot out weigh the need of another human heart as we pummel ourselves time after time into damaging ourselves."
comments on shinji ikari
by kirkis
got bored and finished this little pic in painter classic
lots of matte oil paints and turpintine smudge brushes
is the colr scheme to pastel? i guess it fits the tranquility of the character (jen from "riding with kaede")
bleh, damn you kirkis. you draw way too cool. well... you color way too cool. I love those textures. Id like to see some car drawing man!! it would be cool
dont call this rice, the supra is basically one of the few cars that really cant be riced, though there is a certain extent in which you can call it rice, but its a pretty bad decision to actually TRY to rice a supra out.
YES, I do have a request indeed. stop posting pictures in this thread, that is why the "imports" thread exist in the "videos and Photos" section of GTplanet's forum. go post yer pictures in there, and let alone this thread. post in here if you drew them.
i'm currently working on a project (one of about 100) where i am tracing the lines of a wrx picture i took at an import race, my plan is to re color it like in a cell shading style.