The General Relationship Thread

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That's what it looked like today, I hope she'll be in a good mood when she comes back from her vacation and I'll try to start from square one :cheers:

Thanks for the help

Don't make a special effort. Just be like you were before you had the wobble - after all, that's the guy she is in love with.
Girlfriend broke her wrist and has some wounds from a horse accident today... gotta go visit her this weekend. The horse refused to jump 5 times and she forced it to jump. :banghead:

Women cause a lot of stress. I'm gonna be bald by the time I'm 30.
It should blow over :)

Thats the way you should always look at it. I don't know what grade you are in but it seems as if you're in High-school. Don't let these things get to you. Focus on your curriculum and let the relationships come naturally. I let drama get to me and I ended up not focusing for the first two years of High-school. I hope you and this girl get over it. Don't let relationships get to you so much. Keep your hair lol
I will, I've been very depressed this past week to be honest, I told her too much I think. We've only been in this for 1 month and I think I let out way too much.
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I will, I've been very depressed this past week to be honest, I told her too much I think. We've only been in this for 1 month and I think I let out way too much.

Well at least she knows of your problems (I didn't mean to make that sound bad). Just talk to her about what you have been going through. Don't dump it on her just tell her you're sorry and just mention something that's been bothering you for the past weeks. I think that she would understand. Now. I think after doing that, ask if you two could go do something. Coffee, lunch ect. just to get your minds off of the problems.

And dude, don't over-think stuff like this. I know it is natural to do so but, over-thinking situations like this just hurts you even more. I ended up doing stuff like this and it just turned me into a nervous wreck when I was around girls I liked.
I will, I've been very depressed this past week to be honest, I told her too much I think. We've only been in this for 1 month and I think I let out way too much.

I'm not exactly sure what happened here but you don't want to be too overemotional or confessional with women or girls at any point in your relationship. Focus on your actions, not on your words. Contrary to what you might see in movies or on TV, most women don't want men that are emotional and sensitive and understanding all the time. Yes, at times it's appropriate in measured doses, but for most women, the more emotional and sensitive you are, the more like a woman you become, and you begin to lose their respect, even if they don't verbalize that or tell you. She already has plenty of girlfriends to gab too and listen to her sob stories and listen to them bleat and moan about their relationships, she doesn't need you for that. You're the rock, you're the unstoppable force in her life she can always count on, don't ruin that image by being emotional and confessional on a regular basis.

Doesn't mean you have to be mean about anything or be a d*ck, just know when and where to pick your spots. Support her emotions and feelings with your actions, not your own emotions and feelings all the time. If she plans a romantic evening for you, confesses you are her one true love, and you feel the same way, by all means tell her and enjoy the moment, then show her with your actions how you really feel.
Decided it's time to move back to Colorado. One it's just an all around better place than where I'm at right now. Two, to put some distance between me and two relationships that soured this year. One girl I'm still friends with, and hope to remain friends with because we are good friends, but I do not agree with the path she has chosen and need to distance myself for many reasons. The other dumped me like a sack of potatoes a couple days before my birthday for her ex and threw my stuff away before I could even stop by and pick it up because she was afraid her ex would flip out if he saw another man's belongings. So I have many mixed feelings about moving and honestly it depresses me, especially saying "'till next time" to my good friend(s), but the up side is, after many years I'll get to reconnect with college friends, finish my second degree, help my parents out, do things with my father now that he's retired, and more. So yeah, tough times ahead, but many advantages too. I just hate that I have to admit that I'm running from relationship problems, I'm usually not that way, but there are other reasons too, like I said.
Focus on your curriculum and let the relationships come naturally. I let drama get to me and I ended up not focusing for the first two years of High-school. I hope you and this girl get over it. Don't let relationships get to you so much. Keep your hair lol

She actually boosted my grades because I was afraid of my grades dropping so I'm haulin' butt :-P But yeah, its in my blood to go bald anyways. Its a con of being Iranian :-D
Decided it's time to move back to Colorado. One it's just an all around better place than where I'm at right now. Two, to put some distance between me and two relationships that soured this year. One girl I'm still friends with, and hope to remain friends with because we are good friends, but I do not agree with the path she has chosen and need to distance myself for many reasons. The other dumped me like a sack of potatoes a couple days before my birthday for her ex and threw my stuff away before I could even stop by and pick it up because she was afraid her ex would flip out if he saw another man's belongings. So I have many mixed feelings about moving and honestly it depresses me, especially saying "'till next time" to my good friend(s), but the up side is, after many years I'll get to reconnect with college friends, finish my second degree, help my parents out, do things with my father now that he's retired, and more. So yeah, tough times ahead, but many advantages too. I just hate that I have to admit that I'm running from relationship problems, I'm usually not that way, but there are other reasons too, like I said.

Don't think of it as running. Running is what one does when faced with problems in a relationship and you choose to run away without dealing with the issues head on and either working on your troubles or deciding the gulf is too big and it's time to move on. It's limited information of course but it sounds like you may have done your due diligence in the first case, and in the second case it was out of your control. What you are doing is moving on, and there's nothing wrong with that.
It didn't blow over, she broke up with me. She claimed it was herself and not me. I broke down and tried to understand her. For the past month she's just been ignoring me and this was the result. Should I go back? What happens now?
It didn't blow over, she broke up with me. She claimed it was herself and not me. I broke down and tried to understand her. For the past month she's just been ignoring me and this was the result. Should I go back? What happens now?

Just end it. It's not worth chasing someone who doesn't want you to be with them. I've been through similar things and I just stopped taking to that person cold ham.

I've been single for so long it's starting to scare me. I haven't had a long drawn out conversation with a girl in about 1 or 2 months. I guess It's best for me to wait for college although the nights get lonelier and lonelier :scared::scared:
How old are you? Wait until after college, provided you don't meet the one in college, which I hope you do. Just sayin, after you're out of an environment where there are literally hundreds to thousands of single women around all the time, it becomes harder and harder to even meet someone you can openly flirt with. After college I went a year here, a year there without hardly any female interaction what-so-ever. It fluctuates, sometimes I'm a mac daddy.
How old are you? Wait until after college, provided you don't meet the one in college, which I hope you do. Just sayin, after you're out of an environment where there are literally hundreds to thousands of single women around all the time, it becomes harder and harder to even meet someone you can openly flirt with. After college I went a year here, a year there without hardly any female interaction what-so-ever. It fluctuates, sometimes I'm a mac daddy.

Thanks for the tips dude, I'm 18. I've been hearing how hard it is to make friends outside of college. Hopefully it'll be alright. We all have a mac daddy in us lol 👍

I'm completely over it! :gtpflag:

Had an amazing night with a new group of friends, and celebrated our semester end! :D

That's how it should always end off. Good job.
Well, my gf and I have been dating for 4 months. I do have a little predicament coming up though, college. I'm moving, but she is still in high school. Thoughts or ideas here guys. We're going to try long distance as of now.
The odds are heavily against you as a long distance relationship requires a lot of time, commitment, & patience with each other. And a 4 month old relationship will typically not survive it because that's not a lot of time to have developed the 3 things you'll need with each other as it's still a young relationship.

How far away are you moving?
The odds are heavily against you as a long distance relationship requires a lot of time, commitment, & patience with each other. And a 4 month old relationship will typically not survive it because that's not a lot of time to have developed the 3 things you'll need with each other as it's still a young relationship.

How far away are you moving?

I'll be roughy 2 to 2 and a half hours away. My parents still live in the same town that she will live in, so I will be home on breaks and some weekends. She is 99.99% going to Auburn University (where I'm attending this autumn) in the autumn of 2014.
That's not too bad. I've seen stories of worse.

Yea even with it not being so bad, I wouldn't be trying long distance if I didn't think that we could do it. She was the one who suggested actually.
Yea even with it not being so bad, I wouldn't be trying long distance if I didn't think that we could do it. She was the one who suggested actually.

You guys should be able to pull it off 2 hours isn't so bad! I pulled off a 2 year relationship over 12 hours away! Whats funny is the relationship actually got ruined when we came back around each other. Not sure why I guess we just grew apart. But that may not be a problem with you since she can drive to see you in just a couple hours or you could come home over a weekend.👍
I just can't get over this last one. I don't know why. I'll do just fine then, well for example, she told me yesterday she's got a new friend who's been helping her through some tough times (which used to be my role). Automatically I got jealous and wanted to know who it was and if she liked him (which I don't even know if it is a man, but knowing her it probably is, because she hates all the drama female friendships bring). I didn't ask, but I still want to know. I mean I'm even moving across the country in a week and obviously she isn't going to follow me LOL. But I'm still bumming out over her? Why can't we just be friends? I hate myself for that. I will go as far as to not even find her attractive, be completely fine with her hanging out with other guys, then wham, out of nowhere I'm falling for her again. This little game has been going on with me and her for 8 months now. She knew I liked her in January and I knew she liked me, but we didn't want to go there because we didn't want to risk years of friendship. So I'm sure she doesn't have an idea that I can't get over her, and since it's been so long now, I'm not sure I want her to know, because now it's borderline creepy. I just wish I could have one or the other, either be with her (which like I said, yeah right), or just feel like she's another friend. No more infatuation, ack :yuck::banghead:!!
Haha, it's best to just stop worrying about the relationship.
I'm trying. I don't want to cut off contact just because, but it might boil down to that. Not something I'm used to. I've never had to put a friendship behind me for any reason, which is impressive considering I've gone almost 3 decades and never encountered a friendship I've felt the need to abandon. Dunno.
Ok I thought I was stronger than this but I'm finding it hard to even inhale and exhale today. I've been in a relationship with this girl for 3 years now. We've travelled the country together, ran a business together, even gone to jail together. We've grown, matured, and strengthened our relationship on many levels. Ups and downs, all that. We used to fight from time to time, but for the last 6 months or so our relationship has (at least in my eyes) been nearly flawless. I've never felt more strongly or more secure about anything. Well I've been up at Road America this last week when yesterday I get the "we need to talk" text. She calls and informs me that she cheated on me Friday night. Slept with the guy. She was crying, she told me she's a piece of s*** and how I deserve better. How she doesn't want to hurt me anymore. Obviously this marks the sudden end of the relationship. We both realize there is no way around it. Now I'm usually a pretty rational guy. If I have one strength it is honesty and being able to take the extra time to see things for what they really are, and rarely make decisions when emotionally charged. That part of me tells me "were young" (I'm 21 she's 20), "these things are bound to happen", "there are things beyond our control that we must just accept", "all good things come to an end", etc. I realize this is a turning point in my life. I realize this is a message telling me it is time to change course and move on to the next chapter. I believe most things happen for a reason, and it is always wise to keep your head up an make the best of them. But I'm only human. And it hurts SO BAD. This is the first time (to my knowledge) that a woman has cheated on me. I have never cheated on anyone I've been with. I just can't help but feel inferior. Almost worthless. How could someone I felt such a strong connection with, with no sense of anything being wrong, someone who has told me they loved me day in and day out for 3 years...just throw it all away like that. It shatters my belief in what any of it ever meant. Despite my best efforts at reason, I can't help feeling like it was all a lie, and I don't know what to believe anymore. The vice like grip on my chest is too strong to even think straight. I feel hopeless. I can only wait for time to heal me, but as many of you probably know that is easier said than done. It was so out of the blue I think I am still in shock. And she was really one of the only things keeping me in Texas. I feel like I have lost any kind of support system I once had. I feel very very very very alone. Most all my friends and family are 700+ miles away. I'm trying to dig deep for strength but I just haven't found it yet. Completely devastated. That is all. If any of you took the time to read all that you are very kind (and probably very bored :) But it felt good just to get it off my chest. I just wish something would lessen the pain. Drivers don't need girls, right Kenji? ;(