Decided it's time to move back to Colorado. One it's just an all around better place than where I'm at right now. Two, to put some distance between me and two relationships that soured this year. One girl I'm still friends with, and hope to remain friends with because we are good friends, but I do not agree with the path she has chosen and need to distance myself for many reasons. The other dumped me like a sack of potatoes a couple days before my birthday for her ex and threw my stuff away before I could even stop by and pick it up because she was afraid her ex would flip out if he saw another man's belongings. So I have many mixed feelings about moving and honestly it depresses me, especially saying "'till next time" to my good friend(s), but the up side is, after many years I'll get to reconnect with college friends, finish my second degree, help my parents out, do things with my father now that he's retired, and more. So yeah, tough times ahead, but many advantages too. I just hate that I have to admit that I'm running from relationship problems, I'm usually not that way, but there are other reasons too, like I said.