The Great Project Cars Glitches, Bugs and Errors Thread

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso
Related to the FFB I am pretty sure he has cranked up a couple of things there but not sure if it was just on a single car, overall or both. I will try to find out more and maybe do some testing on my end. Seeing as how a few people have reported this that were running an FX8350 one would think that I could reproduce it on my end and help get to the bottom of it but so far the only thing I have saw is just some minor glitching of an AI car here and there and I only saw that when there was 56 cars on the track.

Are these people having this issue playing with a wheel or a gamepad? Can you test the game with a gamepad on your system? A DS3, if possible.
Are these people having this issue playing with a wheel or a gamepad? Can you test the game with a gamepad on your system? A DS3, if possible.

There are a few people talking about it in this thread

There are even a couple of videos there. the OP is using a controller but says he also tried the keyboard and looks to have tried several things that were suggested. One of the guys says he has tried the controller a wheel and other methods to no avail.

Does a DS3 work on a PC? I have a pad that came with my PS3 which I assume is a DS3, I never use it other than for the menu. I don't have any type of adapter to use it on the PC. I also have the wireless XB360 controller but no adapter for the PC.
I do have an older logitech game pad and may be able to borrow a wired XB360 controller though I am not sure it would do any good as I have yet to see the problem on my system.
PS4 i had a strange one last night, touring car TT @ Nordschleife it would only let me pick the clio, think could be a bit off using that car :lol:
This happened to me too, and in fact I won't do the 2 hour enduro race on La Sarthe until they patch whatever is causing it.

I started an LMP1 career route in the meantime to get the zero to hero award.

Can you guys who have those crahes (also adressing @martinezlj ) describe those crashes in a bit more detail? Were they in races with the same cars or on the same track? What does "my PS4 crashed" mean, please? Crash to the XMB menu, black screen, freeze? Did you get an error message? The more details you can give, the better.
Still trying to get to the bottom of an issue my brother is having on his PC version. He is getting instances where his car will slow down a little and then rocket forward a bit. Seems to be worse when there are more cars on track and he has been playing a while. I see over on the official forums some other people are having the same issue but no one has managed to get it resolved as of yet.

We have tried several different things between us to try to determine what the cause is. We have tried using my settings on his system, his settings on mine, different drivers and various other things but still seeing the issue on his system and not on mine.

It is odd as his system is a bit higher end than mine with a faster CPU and a step up on the GPU yet there is the issue. At this point we are thinking it might be heat related as his GPU is getting a bit hotter than mine and the problem seems to get worse as the race goes on so maybe the GPU is getting hot enough that it is having an issue.

Another thing we noticed in testing is that for some reason when using performance test his CPU Physics test is testing lower than mine by about 15% or so which is odd seeing that he has the faster processor [both are AMD and both use the same MB] he also uses a watercooler for his CPU where I use an air cooler so his CPU runs cooler under load than mine does.
I have a feeling that it is to do with world movement and g-force (helmet?) settings, because it happens most to me when I come off the brakes. For me, it doesn't happen on every car so I haven't managed to nail it yet

But yes, my feeling is that it is to do with those two settings. Could be wrong of course :)
Probably already mentioned... but if I lose a wheel (oops) and make it back to the pits the wheel is replaced but not re-drawn. I can heat up the new tyre and set fast laps but it doesn't appear on the car (XB1).
Can you guys who have those crahes (also adressing @martinezlj ) describe those crashes in a bit more detail? Were they in races with the same cars or on the same track? What does "my PS4 crashed" mean, please? Crash to the XMB menu, black screen, freeze? Did you get an error message? The more details you can give, the better.
I was changing a lot of FFB settings last night (Jack Spades) and after quite a few auto saves the game crashed to the 'there was a problem/do you wish to send report' screen. I've seen it before on PS4 so didn't concern me. perhaps too many tweaks and saves in a short space of time confused it.
I have a feeling that it is to do with world movement and g-force (helmet?) settings, because it happens most to me when I come off the brakes. For me, it doesn't happen on every car so I haven't managed to nail it yet

But yes, my feeling is that it is to do with those two settings. Could be wrong of course :)

Neither of us have changed those settings from the default and we both use hood view when driving. I do switch it up and use cockpit or helmet view sometimes but have never had the problem myself.
As for which cars. I know for sure he has experienced it in the shifter kart, the Aston GT3 car, the formula rookie, the clio and the G40.
Basically it has happened to him in every car he has driven where there was 20 or more cars on the track.
Does it happen when he does a free run by himself?

Nope, also has not happened when we have raced each other online accept when we added a bunch of AI cars into the mix. It happens in career mode, solo mode and online mode. So far it appears to happen only when there are several cars on track and is possibly worse when there are a lot of AI.
is it possible to record the engineer's audio when you hit Share on the PS4? I get the text but no voice. it is there in game. if not then it'd be a good addition if possible so that those without the game could hear the great dialogue when you share a video.

edit: wrong thread lol
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Don't really know if this is a bug or not, maybe it's just me. The Huayra's engine blows too easy, it's happened 3 times now and it's always been a surprise that it's happened. I haven't been pushing the car excessively hard (usually)
had the classic T300 random clipping issue this afternoon a few times. just never know when it's going to happen. can happily race the same race several times back to back and 90% of the time the FFB is as normal but every now and then the dreaded white line of woe appears in the telemetry and the clipping begins. restarts get rid of it. occurred at least 3 times in the past hour or so.
Don't really know if this is a bug or not, maybe it's just me. The Huayra's engine blows too easy, it's happened 3 times now and it's always been a surprise that it's happened. I haven't been pushing the car excessively hard (usually)

I've had this same issue! Doesn't happen when I use the car outside of that career event and only in the race, doesn't happen in Qualies or practice!
I've made a video from the downshifting bug, it happens most of the time when i upshift from 4th to 5th gear, completely out of the blue.

This is really annoying. I'm loving the game, but almost every race i got one of these.

Am i doing something wrong here?

Nobody had these weird downshifts?

The game is unplayable for me. At every couple of laps, the gearbox goes to 1st and i spun.

I'm not abusing the gearbox, always upshifting early and downshifting late. I don't believe it's a DS4 problem, even if the downshift button was malfunctioning, it wouldn't go STRAIGHT to 1st gear being on 3rd or 4th when upshifting.

Someone help. I waited so much for this game and now i can't enjoy it :(
PS4, Career mode, BMW 1M at Oschersleben. Qualified as 23rd out of 30. Started the race as 16 of 18. Finished at 6th place but with seven cars ahead. When the race results came I was ranked as 5th!
Audio continue to mute randomly, forcing restart of the race on the grid and spoiling all the statistics. for god sake i allowed restart in the career options..
Nobody had these weird downshifts?

The game is unplayable for me. At every couple of laps, the gearbox goes to 1st and i spun.

I'm not abusing the gearbox, always upshifting early and downshifting late. I don't believe it's a DS4 problem, even if the downshift button was malfunctioning, it wouldn't go STRAIGHT to 1st gear being on 3rd or 4th when upshifting.

Someone help. I waited so much for this game and now i can't enjoy it :(

Have you checked your button mapping? Maybe somehow 1st gear got mapped to something it shouldn't have and causing a problem.
Does anyone know why my BMW M1 is severly pulling to one side under braking in the career invitational? It didnt do it at all in the first race and doesnt in time trial. Is this a glitch?
Does anyone know why my BMW M1 is severly pulling to one side under braking in the career invitational? It didnt do it at all in the first race and doesnt in time trial. Is this a glitch?

Im glad im not the only one.

During the practice session the car drives fine but when i start to qualify and race the physics change. The steerings becomes very slow and changing the rack speed only helps a bit and everytime i brake the car pulls left and 9 times out of 10 causes a spin.

This also happens with the Caterham Classics invitation. SO far on every race for both the BMW M1 and the Caterham.

Also the settings dont save to either car even if i setup in the garage on the main menu. And the Caterhams can never decide what 3rd and 4th Gear ratio it wants to choose.

Very annoying. I fully enjoyed the CLio cup if i put the inconsistant AI difficulty aside but the more i play the more im not enjoying it to its fullest.

Lets hope the bugs get ironed out soon and the game really opens up to its full potential.
Nobody had these weird downshifts?

The game is unplayable for me. At every couple of laps, the gearbox goes to 1st and i spun.

I'm not abusing the gearbox, always upshifting early and downshifting late. I don't believe it's a DS4 problem, even if the downshift button was malfunctioning, it wouldn't go STRAIGHT to 1st gear being on 3rd or 4th when upshifting.

Someone help. I waited so much for this game and now i can't enjoy it :(
Make sure and report this in the PCars Forum after doing a search to see if anyone else has this issue. Links are in the OP. Also, as @HBR-Roadhog suggest, check you button mapping just in case you have something programmed incorrectly.
Im glad im not the only one.

During the practice session the car drives fine but when i start to qualify and race the physics change. The steerings becomes very slow and changing the rack speed only helps a bit and everytime i brake the car pulls left and 9 times out of 10 causes a spin.

This also happens with the Caterham Classics invitation. SO far on every race for both the BMW M1 and the Caterham.

Also the settings dont save to either car even if i setup in the garage on the main menu. And the Caterhams can never decide what 3rd and 4th Gear ratio it wants to choose.

Very annoying. I fully enjoyed the CLio cup if i put the inconsistant AI difficulty aside but the more i play the more im not enjoying it to its fullest.

Lets hope the bugs get ironed out soon and the game really opens up to its full potential.

It only happened with the BMW for me on Zolder and Laguna Seca....the Caterham was perfectly fine on the invitational! Lets hope they sort it sure its linked with that Zolder garage glitch.
After a windows and Steam update. All my career progress is lost 10 seasons gone.
Also my whole profile and all the replays. Leaderboard entrys are still there.

Update was to Win 10. But framerate is a lot beter
This game does not know which cars has been lapped.
I was last and was lapped by the leader.
Results show I was second (instead of last) and I did 1 lap less than everyone else.

I've seen a few races were lapped AI who are 1 lap down finishing ahead of cars that finished on the lead lap.
Can you guys who have those crahes (also adressing @martinezlj ) describe those crashes in a bit more detail? Were they in races with the same cars or on the same track? What does "my PS4 crashed" mean, please? Crash to the XMB menu, black screen, freeze? Did you get an error message? The more details you can give, the better.

It doesn't really matter what race I'm doing in, the game just randomly crashes and the PS4 takes me back to the XMB menu. The image freezes but I can still hear the sounds and feel the controller vibrations when the crash happens, but the PS4 takes me back to the XMB shortly after. On a hunch I restored the PS4 to default settings today and it hasn't struck me since.
Thanks, kid! Reported at WMD.

Don't really know if this is a bug or not, maybe it's just me. The Huayra's engine blows too easy, it's happened 3 times now and it's always been a surprise that it's happened. I haven't been pushing the car excessively hard (usually)

I've had this same issue! Doesn't happen when I use the car outside of that career event and only in the race, doesn't happen in Qualies or practice!

Did you guys hit any other car or track objects when the engine blew up? In some cars the radiator gets damaged too easy when the front takes a hit, the Huayra might be one of them.
After a windows and Steam update. All my career progress is lost 10 seasons gone.
Also my whole profile and all the replays. Leaderboard entrys are still there.

Update was to Win 10. But framerate is a lot beter

Did you upgrade to Windows 10 or just a Windows 10 update?