The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
This what I disliked about GT5/6: the boring, silent tracks. I mean look at this replay, sure it doesn't look "photorealistic," but the sound effects and movement in the crowds bring the track to life:

I shake my head and think "what happened" every time I see that Tokyo track. All the power and potential of current hardware, and Polyphony is using it to make lifeless, dull, profoundly gray environments with zero indication of a major sporting event being held there. Their fictional courses on PS1/2 were demonstrative of their creativity, both in terms of circuit design and world building. Compare this new track to Trial Mountain, Red Rock Valley, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi, Grand Valley, or SSR11. They did so much more with so little, comparatively speaking. Not to mention, I cannot understand why an FIA-sanctioned event would ever happen on roads that have not been reconditioned, in any way shape or form, for a race. I love Tokyo highway premise, but they're completely squandering it. I'm really holding out hope they'll add some trackside elements, detail and intrigue over the next few months.
All the power and potential of current hardware, and Polyphony is using it to make lifeless, dull, profoundly gray environments with zero indication of a major sporting event being held there.
That one clearly has to be given the benefit of doubt as unfinished I think. There is no way they would release that. But for them to be using such an unfinished track at an event makes you wonder how much progress they have really made and if they can finish in time because tracks require more work than any other content.

I cannot understand why an FIA-sanctioned event would ever happen on roads that have not been reconditioned, in any way shape or form, for a race.
Because it is fictional racing and for all intents and purposes the track is a purpose built race track because it is fictional.

Plus in virtual racing the same rules don't have to apply just like how GTS will get all these fictional what if cars.
Because it is fictional racing and for all intents and purposes the track is a purpose built race track because it is fictional.

Plus in virtual racing the same rules don't have to apply just like how GTS will get all these fictional what if cars.

No, they don't have to. But I'd imagine FIA certification should be felt in the game, in these events. Not simply as a bullet on the back of the box, or every couple of months when there's a tournament. Guess what I'm saying is, it's strange to see a track lifted out of Shutokou Battle appear in a game that wears "sanctioned motorsports" on its sleeve. Not that it can't have a track like this, or isn't allowed to, but merely that it feels at odds with the theme.
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No, they don't have to. But I'd imagine FIA certification should be felt in the game, in these events. Not simply as a bullet on the back of the box, or every couple of months when there's a tournament. Guess what I'm saying is, it's strange to see a track lifted out of Shutokou Battle appear in a game that wears "sanctioned motorsports" on its sleeve. Not that it can't have a track like this, or isn't allowed to, but merely that it feels at odds with the theme.

We don't really know if the relationship has also been born out of FIA wanting to get into this. Driving cars is not something we will be allowed to continue indefinitely. And that goes for racing cars as well. The future for racing may well be simulation and if FIA doesn't get in on that now it will be hard to take a claim at it the longer they leave it. Here is the 1st chapter of the old iRacing sporting code which I found with google here you may want to read it in the original document.

1. General Principles 1.1. and FIRST exists to create the world's most authentic racing simulations, enable and organize real-time, online racing, and advance and expand motorsport. 1.1.2.FIRST is the global sanctioning body for internet racing conducted through and by Its mission is to organize, facilitate and execute internet racing competitions, providing structure, consistency and fairness. 1.1.3.FIRST, as governed by its board of directors, shall be the sole sporting authority entitled to make and enforce regulations for internet racing competitions as hosted by 1.1.4.FIRST may from time to time elect to enter into co-sanctioning agreements or other similar partnerships with other motorsport sanctioning bodies, clubs or organizations to facilitate the organization and execution of a specific internet racing event or series of events. 1.2. FIRST Structure 1.2.1.FIRST shall be governed by a Board of Directors, the chairman of which shall be appointed by Motorsport Simulations, LLC. Other directors shall be appointed by the chairman of FIRST. 1.2.2.The FIRST Board of Directors shall establish the FIRST Competition Board to preside over all FIRST business related to matters of internet racing. 1.2.3.The FIRST Competition Board may consist of voting and non-voting members and may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, convene general meetings with both voting and non-voting members, as well as private meetings open only to voting members. 1.3. FIRST Sporting Code 1.3.1.To ensure fair and consistent governance of internet racing competition, FIRST has established the FIRST Sporting Code. 1.3.2.The FIRST Sporting Code, and any addenda, shall govern all internet racing events sanctioned by FIRST. 1.3.3.It is the obligation and responsibility of all members to read, understand and abide by the FIRST Sporting Code. 1.3.4.FIRST may from time to time, at its sole discretion, revise any or all of the FIRST Sporting Code. First Official Sporting Code Version 2014.02.21.01 8 | P a g e | First Official Sporting Code 1.3.5.Substantive changes to the FIRST Sporting Code will be published as official notifications on 1.3.6.FIRST may publish supplementary regulations pertaining to an individual series and/or event. These supplementary regulations are intended to augment the FIRST Sporting Code and/or modify certain elements of the Code to ensure fair and consistent competition in the particular series or event to which the supplementary regulations apply. 1.3.7.Unless specifically noted in the supplementary regulations, all rules set forth in the FIRST Sporting Code will apply to every FIRST-sanctioned event. 1.3.8.The FIRST Sporting Code affords every iRacing member assessed a penalty or named as a party to protest the right to appeal a decision made by FIRST (See Appeals, Section 9). Upon final resolution of such appeals, however, application and interpretation of the FIRST Sporting Code by FIRST officials shall be final and

I don't know the significance behind the name FIRST that they no longer seem to use but they established themselves as an online motor racing authority. Of course there are other that operate as leagues and leagues came before FIRST but FIRST was established to clean up the wild west that sim racing was and organise online racing just like real life motor sports bodies do. The writing is on the wall for real life racing, it isn't a case of if , it is a case of when. Here is a chance for FIA to get in and establish themselves as a governing body early, you know so they can regulate the next hundred years of racing.

And the thing is with online racing it can be whatever we want it to be. In the real world we are bound by the conditions of the world, online there are still conditions but they are not the same and we can often do things that we might dream but are unable to in real life.

On the other hand I just want people to be recreating these things digitally so we can continue to enjoy them as well as future generations.
Been thinking about this a bit

I think its obvious now that after 6 full games on console Kaz is bored of making the traditional GT game, and thats why we have GT Sport.
But......why is it taking them so long to make these games? If this game was released Q4 2014 or even Q4 2015 I feel alot more people would have embraced it with open arms, a much better approach to putting a racer on a new console with limited content compared to how Forza 5 still tried to be a normal full game with a fraction of the content that is expected.
Long story short, I think I'm a little more level headed now and seeing things clearer, PD isnt awful, they're just painfully slow. Im not minimizing that at all because its a serious issue that if not fixed will be their undoing.

if you exchange boredom with content, I agree, PD has a content problem.

forza 5 was a console launch game. (I had both forza and console on preorder, received and started playing november 2013!).
given this fact, it did offer out of the box >200 cars and overall 17 brand new racetracks, all build with the latest expectations in technology. and physics were greatly enhanced too.
and it had complete sets of modes, single player, multiplayer, rivals etc, along with full tuning/upgrading/painting.

gt sport comes not at console release day, but some full 3 years later, and the content is comparable to turn10's day1 effort.
even lacking in some areas, like single player and car count (~140 to +200), and offering 19 tracks to forza 5's 17.

now, compare the above to last year's forza 6 (+450 cars 26 locations out of the box , overall 600+cars +2 laser scanned tracks with dlc)

and tell me when being "painfully slow" on creating content does start to equal to "~bad"
Gran Turismo, as a racing game, is the main sponsor of Pikes Peak. Good, I'm so hyped to see how beautiful it will look in the first GT on PS4. =>Not on release day.

Gran Turismo, as a racing game, is the main sponsor of D1GP. Crazy drift cars from Japan like Daigo Saito's Lamborghini. => no new drift cars since gt5.

Gran Turismo was strugling on PS3 with dynamic TOD and weather but when it works, it was like a next gen experience. I'm sure that Poly will do wonders on PS4 thanks to its experience. =>no dynamic TOD and weather.

Woah Poly hires one of the Forza audio guys. Sounds will be stunning. =>huge letdown IMO with too artificial sounds.

No standard cars, best news!! So with gt6 premium cars, we can expect something like 450 cars. We know they are future proofs. =>137 cars with a good portion of VGTs.

With GTsport being an eSport, I'm sure Poly knows that its collision engine needs an overhaul. =>IMO the same engine from "PS1".

And so on... GT500 is one of the most exciting class and Poly doesn't use it.

I can't, I want to be hyped but I can't. GT is my favorite franchise with lot of love from its fans but too many things wrong or poorly done from a first party developper.

Perhaps, so far it's just a placeholer and the real GT will be revealed at E3.
Honestly, the more I hear about the game, the less interested I am.

GT on PS4 should have been exciting. This is a step back from everything they accomplished on much more difficult to develop hardware.
Couldn't agree more. Now they are saying there is not going to be dynamic time and weather. It's not a big deal but it still is! You just can't take features off and explain it with nonsense. Excuses after excuses. GT is dying and GTS is a big mistake. GT7 would have saved their asses but I think now all hope is draining to the sewers. Only hardcore fans will buy this. I was one of them once...
With so many things not making it in to this game, if gts comes out on release day in anything less than perfect, perfect as in no fps drops, no shimmering and flickering (ahem GT6 ), no disappointing livery editor, no said features missing, how many gt defenders will have the audacity to defend PD?
Gran Turismo, as a racing game, is the main sponsor of Pikes Peak. Good, I'm so hyped to see how beautiful it will look in the first GT on PS4. =>Not on release day.

Gran Turismo, as a racing game, is the main sponsor of D1GP. Crazy drift cars from Japan like Daigo Saito's Lamborghini. => no new drift cars since gt5.

Gran Turismo was strugling on PS3 with dynamic TOD and weather but when it works, it was like a next gen experience. I'm sure that Poly will do wonders on PS4 thanks to its experience. =>no dynamic TOD and weather.

Woah Poly hires one of the Forza audio guys. Sounds will be stunning. =>huge letdown IMO with too artificial sounds.

No standard cars, best news!! So with gt6 premium cars, we can expect something like 450 cars. We know they are future proofs. =>137 cars with a good portion of VGTs.

With GTsport being an eSport, I'm sure Poly knows that its collision engine needs an overhaul. =>IMO the same engine from "PS1".

And so on... GT500 is one of the most exciting class and Poly doesn't use it.

I can't, I want to be hyped but I can't. GT is my favorite franchise with lot of love from its fans but too many things wrong or poorly done from a first party developper.

Perhaps, so far it's just a placeholer and the real GT will be revealed at E3.

Yep, what in the blue hell have they being doing! That last game which shown potential for the future was GT5P and that was EIGHT YEARS AGO! GT5 in parts was great but as a whole experience, hit and miss, disjointed, GT6 (Which never should of been on the PS3) improved in part and took away some of the better elements of GT5? Why? The future proof Premiums, gone. Why? They were an acceptable standard for this generation but the PS2 cars were not for the PS3 and they kept them? WHY? The career mode has not been impressive since GT4 which is ELEVEN YEARS AGO and now it seems they have even gone ahead and altered/minimised that? WHY? Average sounds, WHY? Main focus on VGT's, WHY? Lively editor...okay good! The main focus of the trailer on Photomode? WHY? (I know some people love it but tbh it is in the vast minority of players priorities) Literally the only thing that PD implemented for what People asked for is the livery editor and that should of been there for near a decade now! Dynamic weather gone...I understand why but still a shame! The tons of tracks they could of made and they focus on another dull Tokyo street track for an FIA e-sport title? WHY? Oh and on that note e-sports, WHY? Near 80 million sales in a first party studio with 20 years experience and a budget most devs could only dream of, with no issues of creating a compelling story and after 3 years on the system that is easy to code on this is what we get and for 60 euro? .....IN summery WHY, WHY WHY? ...I know I will hear it is not finished yet just wait but this is not a first time occurrence with this studio, on what grounds SHOULD I BE OPTIMISTIC?
Wow. No dynamic weather or time progression? That's a huge disappointment. It was too good to be truth having dynamic weather/time with the stunning visuals the game apparently has. I'd rather have less beautiful graphics with dynamic weather/time than stunning visual with static time and weather. Lol, simply ridiculous. No excuse, PD.
With so many things not making it in to this game, if gts comes out on release day in anything less than perfect, perfect as in no fps drops, no shimmering and flickering (ahem GT6 ), no disappointing livery editor, no said features missing, how many gt defenders will have the audacity to defend PD?
Depends really. If the loyalists are capable of going through disappointment after disappointment, there's no doubt in my mind they'll continue to defend PD as if they are gods (gods that don't give a 🤬 about what they think or say). lol :sly:
Honestly, the more I hear about the game, the less interested I am.

GT on PS4 should have been exciting. This is a step back from everything they accomplished on much more difficult to develop hardware.

That's exactly how i feel too.

But i'm still quite certain that this title, with less cars, less tracks and less features is not a true GT sequel, but something parallel to it. It might even grow with it's own sequels, with more events, more coverage, doing it's own thing.

In that case, that would be a HUGE step forward.
Depends really. If the loyalists are capable of going through disappointment after disappointment, there's no doubt in my mind they'll continue to defend PD as if they are gods (gods that don't give a 🤬 about what they think or say). lol :sly:
In a not to distant past you were the same Toko :D

Good your eyes opened though, and after the initial break up with Kaz you found the grass to be greener on the other side.

That's a bit what strikes me about this series and the people that are still hoping for it to turn around. Before 5 everyone already knew the long delays were part of the game, but we were willing to hold out because every GT game up until then was top notch and genre defining (at least on console). It's been 6 years now of steady decline and unfulfilled promises.
GT5 should have made people skeptical, 6 should have confirmed those thoughts and made them step away, but i guess GTS will be the final push for many to realize that the game is literally up.

3 strikes and you're out?
In a not to distant past you were the same Toko :D

Good your eyes opened though, and after the initial break up with Kaz you found the grass to be greener on the other side.

That's a bit what strikes me about this series and the people that are still hoping for it to turn around. Before 5 everyone already knew the long delays were part of the game, but we were willing to hold out because every GT game up until then was top notch and genre defining (at least on console). It's been 6 years now of steady decline and unfulfilled promises.
GT5 should have made people skeptical, 6 should have confirmed those thoughts and made them step away, but i guess GTS will be the final push for many to realize that the game is literally up.

3 strikes and you're out?
Nah, we just don't care anymore. We can wait and see and if it isn't good there are other good options.
If the loyalists are capable of going through disappointment after disappointment, there's no doubt in my mind they'll continue to defend PD
Sales figures dropped considerably for GT6, which indicates that GT5 killed a lot of the goodwill the playerbase had towards PD - and GT6 apparently didn't do much to rectify this.

That said, I'm absolutely with you: The franchise can still very well sell enough copies to support PDs current style of game development. Simply because there still seem to be enough hardcore fans to support it. Granted, I'm not much better myself. The primary (or rather, only) reason I'm interested in GTS and is that the older games in the series left me with that many fond memories. I have since come to the realization that the GT badge doesn't mean squat these days. I don't want to state this as fact, but I believe things changed partially due to the massive success PD enjoyed during the PS2 era. I'm under the impression that, following that success, PD shifted their focus away from making a game for car nuts and towards building a framework for Kaz's "visions".
Or maybe we just realised there was more than GT.
Yes and no.

On the one hand, there's certainly more competetition these days. Or so it seems, at least. On the other hand, PD did have a leg up on what competition GT had two console generations ago, from my point of view.
My complaint is this thread made the hot-list on GTP's home page.


Other than that, all I can say is the sound is a bit underwhelming.
if you exchange boredom with content, I agree, PD has a content problem.

forza 5 was a console launch game. (I had both forza and console on preorder, received and started playing november 2013!).
given this fact, it did offer out of the box >200 cars and overall 17 brand new racetracks, all build with the latest expectations in technology. and physics were greatly enhanced too.
and it had complete sets of modes, single player, multiplayer, rivals etc, along with full tuning/upgrading/painting.

gt sport comes not at console release day, but some full 3 years later, and the content is comparable to turn10's day1 effort.
even lacking in some areas, like single player and car count (~140 to +200), and offering 19 tracks to forza 5's 17.

now, compare the above to last year's forza 6 (+450 cars 26 locations out of the box , overall 600+cars +2 laser scanned tracks with dlc)

and tell me when being "painfully slow" on creating content does start to equal to "~bad"

I'm not so worried about the car count being at only 137 cars and 19 Locations because PD is Starting completely over from the frame up, and making all cars Premium, Gran Turismo Premium car cockpits interiors are fully complete with (Front seat and Back seat) everyone else only provides the front seat only cockpit interior so that is A BIG point for PD that not many people mention when comparing the two titles. The Race Circuit locations are fresh too. When Turn 10 Studios Transitioned from the Xbox 360 to The XBOX One, Forza Motorsport 5 featured only 14 tracks and just over 200 cars - almost halving the 26 circuits and 500 cars offered by its FM4. Forza Fans were angry and embarrassed. - But Turn 10 placed an emphasis on quality over quantity for its next-gen debut, and now FM6 has most of the features I personally wanted in GT, only the racing community needs improving. PD is now where Turn 10 Studios was in 2013, That kind of lets us know how far Polyphony Digital is Behind Turn 10 Studios now, which is sad because Polyphony Digital was Established 3 years before Turn Studios LOL.

The whole 50% quality really just means "please buy the game even if you don't like the footage, just believe in us". It's PR talk, let's get over it, shall we?

That is the sad part, That PD is just now realizing the direction that they chose for GT wasn't the best, as they scramble to get back on track. Now I'm reading post of GT fans talking about GT in past tense, of glory days gone by, because Kaz is delving in features that is attractive to him, but not on the list of complaints from his customers in this forum. It is causing GT fans to try different titles and slowly become fans of titles like P CARS and Forza Motorsport and Asseto Corsa and become GT Supporters out of Sentiment or loyalty and NOT because they absolutely love Gran Turismo. Personally I could care less about photo mode and GT Vision, I LOVE Real race cars, and cars with track or street creds and history, Those are the cars I want to see in GT Sport/GT7. I want to drive the cars of my favorite race drivers, Modern and Classic, Not some virtual Sport car with no history in the real world, that would be OK if all the big Make & Models were already present, but NOT to start with. But we have to accept that Kaz is A car lover too and a driver, and if his interpretation of Autosport no longer meets your interpretation of Autosport try A different Simulator. Ever since I bought P CARS, Forza Motorsport 6 and F1 2015, All of my Racing Simulation needs are now met, I really don't need GT Sport, but because GT is my first Racing Simulator I'm giving PD A pass on the Short comings of GT Sport/GT7 That was in the London Reveal (Which may be still present on release day), because they are now transitioning to the PS4 and now making the improvements to make GT good again, I love the Licensing part Of GT, and now the new driving etiquette lessons being implemented in GT Sport/GT7, It would be great if you could only enter race rooms according to your licensing, but that's my vision. Forza Motorsport really needs to focus on this instead of banning bad drivers. I will buy GT Sport/GT7, but GT Sport 2 better be everything that FM6 is in comparison to FM5. No more passes Polyphony Digital if you want my business, I'm starting fresh with you for the last time. If Turn 10 Studios can develop A new title in two years then you should be able too, if NOT? I gave you your chance, and it will be over. You have until the end of 2018 to deliver GT Sport 2, if you are incapable of that challenge, then you no longer deserve my business.
I'm rooting for you though, So Good Luck!:gtpflag:
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My complaint is this thread made the hot-list on GTP's home page.


Don't forget the thread was NOT made by someone wanting to whine and cry, it was made by someone not happy what they perceived to be whining and crying was happening in the general thread. It may never have existed if it weren't for people that can't bear to see criticism in the other threads and think it has to be shoehorned into it's own one.

PD seems honestly incompetent, and Kaz is nuts just should be removed.

They have to much autonomy.

I think it's time to make the GTS Whining and Crying thread for comments like this.

Edit: Here's your thread:
Don't forget the thread was NOT made by someone wanting to whine and cry, it was made by someone not happy what they perceived to be whining and crying was happening in the general thread. It may never have existed if it weren't for people that can't bear to see criticism in the other threads and think it has to be shoehorned into it's own one.
I was semi-joking. To be fair, I don't think new visitors want to see a whole bunch of complaints as their first impression of the website's forums.
To be fair, I don't think new visitors want to see a whole bunch of complaints as their first impression of the website's forums.
Personal opinion, but I'd rather see someone speak their mind than keep their opinion to themselves just to make the game look good. I'm glad such stuff isn't enforced here - as opposed to other places on the internet where fanboyism a positive opinion about things is all but mandatory.

Just sayin'.
Personal opinion, but I'd rather see someone speak their mind than keep their opinion to themselves just to make the game look good. I'm glad such stuff isn't enforced here - as opposed to other places on the internet where fanboyism a positive opinion about things is all but mandatory.

Just sayin'.
I'm not saying to suppress any opinions - just that the negativity shouldn't be broadcasted in the "Hottest threads" thing on the home page of GTP.
I'm not saying to suppress any opinions - just that the negativity shouldn't be broadcasted in the "Hottest threads" thing on the home page of GTP.

It's an automated system based on thread popularity. As I say, take your issue up with the person who created it, not those who are using it because they were told they shouldn't air their issues in the other threads.
What if PD and Sony agreed to downgrade the GT sport version on ps4 and upgrade the game for Neo the rumoured PlayStation, because let's be real here if Xbox 1 can run Forza at 60fps and 1080 the ps4 should have no problem especially when the developer is first party
the negativity shouldn't be broadcasted in the "Hottest threads" thing on the home page of GTP.
Why, though?

So they get the opinion that nobody on GTP has any negative feelings towards GTS and get surprised when they eventually discover that there actually is some of that (or get turned off by everyone being so one-sided, there's that possiblity as well...)?

No need to hide any of that, imho. There's more to GTP than unconditional love for the franchise - and if you're concerned about GTS itself... Well, that game ought to be able to stand on its own.