The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
But of course, we haven't seen anything close to all the tracks in the game. For all we know they could be bringing any number of fictional courses back.
But we do know the number of tracks and layouts at launch and it does pale in comparison to PCars2. Especially so if one favours real tracks vs. fantasy. The track selection in PCars2 is also more eclectic and varied and includes many smaller regional type tracks like Snetterton, Oulton Park and much more.
I don't know about anybody else, but I fully expected a drop in content this generation. It simply wasn't viable for PS2-era assets to be recycled again. We saw it with FM5 — its predecessor had over 600+ cars, so the list was one-third that. That was in 2013 at the launch of the XB1 though, not nearly four years in.

I'm guessing part of the shock for some folks is that they just assumed PS3-era Premium models would make the jump. It wasn't a stretch of the imagination: Yamauchi did state those cars were "PS4 ready" on numerous occasions. And considering the huge quality gap between Standards and Premiums, it certainly seemed like Polyphony would bring the Premos over to PS4 — there's barely a difference there!
Yeah I mostly just assumed the premium cars would be ported to PS4. That was the whole point wasn't it? They went into absurd detail on those models and defended padding out GT5 with PS2 assets because they were supposed to be future-proof.

I dunno, maybe they'll do GT3 again and we'll all love it but I'm skeptical of a racing game in 2017 with such a small amount of cars and tracks. You don't exactly have to be Nostradamus to predict them adding 10-20 cars at a time for the low, low, price of only $9.99!
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Speaking of fantasy tracks, what's incredibly surprising is the likely absence of Sierra. There's a huge track that obviously took a lot of time to craft, and it's seemingly relegated to the bin. Similarly, bringing Apricot Hill and Midfield up to spec in GT6 also strikes me as very strange if they aren't also re-introduced in GT Sport.

Not quite surprising given they'd have to be redone "up to spec", again, for GTS since any previous work, outside of their "base topographies" and Sierra's scans/photography, is not of value.
Maybe the choice of developing new tracks like Maggiore and Dragon Trail over those old original tracks, but to that I'd say they serve different needs.

I'm not sure if Sierra took considerably more time than the normal track since much of it is road side placements, beyond that it's just textured ground geometry and the "unique monuments" are far away (the city on the stone mount) so their modelling load is not akin to say, Brands' buildings.

That said, I'd love to see Sierra in full GTS' treatment, even if I'm still wary of the original tracks' visual quality in it, not counting Tokyo Expressway.
But only if it came with Time Rally.
Kaz is a terrible source. More than once I have compared him with Sean Murray of No Mans Sky fame, Both consistently OVER-promise and UNDER-deliver.

GT:6 41 tracks (86 layouts)
GT:S 19 tracks (37 layouts)

GT:6 In excess of 1000 cars (granted alot are duplicates and old assets)
GT:S Probably alot less than half.

Dynamic time/weather BOTH CUT since GT:6.... Need I continue??
I know, I forgot how many tracks GT6 had. Shows how important quality is over quantity as I still found it boring.

Let's be completely honest, there's no way for that to be true outside of some truly staggering redefinition of what constitutes a "feature". It was either a poor translation, or Kaz was straight up talking bollocks. He's been known to do it from time to time, he has a rather long leash on his tongue.
I'm putting it down to him talking bollocks. No way after all these years he is doing it by accident and hasn't learnt.

I think it is too convenient to say we don't know what they are classing as features, as I've already seen mentioned else where. Course maker is a feature, no doubt about that. I mean any dev can start doing that now if we are all gonna pretend we have different definitions of things. I'm just curious to see what the story is when GTS doesn't have all the features of past GT's, as now promised.
I think PD is afraid to challenge their audience anymore

GT1 was far more complex and difficult then almost anything else mainstream at the time - and people, including myself, loved the game for that.

It seems PD has gone backwards now and is constantly dumbing down the experience. They're afraid to challenge their audience.

Look at F1 2017 - Its a game for the masses, its not niche at all. Yet it still challenges it's audience and every year the developers are pushing the envelope. It has formation laps, engine and transmission degradation (with real failures), and a proper career mode that can go on for many seasons.

On the other hand GT Sport has dumbed the game down to license tests & online quick matches.

One can only imagine if PD improved their games at the pace of Codemasters or SMS

Oh well. What can you do about it? Kaz has the keys to the city. So we're going to continue to get things like a Porsche License but only 1 Porsche and graphics designed for technology 10 years away.

GT needs a direct competitor on Playstation.
I doubt they dumbed it down for that. They just decided to steer players to "free play" because of their small staff. GT5 Online play, consisted of drift rooms, high speed runs and car meets. GT6 had so little offline replayability, we were all forced online. The writing was on the wall then.
Plus, DLC. They are actually doing what many of us felt they would: make a basic game and add to it over time. They can make as many fantasy tracks as they like to now. Sprinkle in some cars now and then, update the seasonal thing and host an event or two each year.
Epic whining and crying?
Here goes:
GTS looks and sounds like complete horse poo when compared to other games I've played. Yes the big 3.
Oh look, updated PS2 physics and sounds, yay!
It's so disappointing to see what was once the ONLY GAME I PLAYED FOR 3 YEARS turn into a complete crap shoot. Holy hell PD.

The shining light in all of this is that somebody else filled their shoes. Thank God or whatever deity you believe in.
I have a brand new Gran Turismo, it's just called something else, and isn't on the Playstation anymore.

Don't worry, this is my final post in any GT thread. I have nothing for GT anymore, and as disgusted as I am, it's clearly time to move on.
Goodbye GT, goodbye PD, and most of all, goodbye Kaz and all your "not lies" and "not bull".
I hope you close your doors, as this is staining the GT "legacy", as far as I am concerned.

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I doubt they dumbed it down for that. They just decided to steer players to "free play" because of their small staff. GT5 Online play, consisted of drift rooms, high speed runs and car meets. GT6 had so little offline replayability, we were all forced online. The writing was on the wall then.
Plus, DLC. They are actually doing what many of us felt they would: make a basic game and add to it over time. They can make as many fantasy tracks as they like to now. Sprinkle in some cars now and then, update the seasonal thing and host an event or two each year.
PD is not a small team, and hasn't been for a long time.

I'm also extremely wary of any DLC claims after GT5 and GT6.

Paying for paint chips, RM versions of cars in the base game, along with a failure to deliver on a self claimed schedule do not bode well.

I just hope they don't try micro transactions again.
Paying for paint chips

The livery editor seemingly comes with a Color picker (8bit) so unless the coatings and finishes displayed in the Playstation Access video aren't standard you should be able to get an unlimited palette for free in GTS.

Curious to see what DLC policy PD is going to adopt this time around; regular free additional content could become an incentive for people reluctant to subscribe to PSN+ if that monthly fee becomes indeed mandatory. On the other hand they could possibly finance free online with paid content packages. Since the game's success will be highly tributary to it's online community let's hope PD will make their choices wisely...
I doubt they dumbed it down for that. They just decided to steer players to "free play" because of their slow staff. GT5 Online play, consisted of drift rooms, high speed runs and car meets. GT6 had so little offline replayability, we were all forced online. The writing was on the wall then.
Plus, DLC. They are actually doing what many of us felt they would: make a basic game and add to it over time. They can make as many fantasy tracks as they like to now. Sprinkle in some cars now and then, update the seasonal thing and host an event or two each year.
I doubt they dumbed it down for that. They just decided to steer players to "free play" because of their slow staff. GT5 Online play, consisted of drift rooms, high speed runs and car meets. GT6 had so little offline replayability, we were all forced online. The writing was on the wall then.
Plus, DLC. They are actually doing what many of us felt they would: make a basic game and add to it over time. They can make as many fantasy tracks as they like to now. Sprinkle in some cars now and then, update the seasonal thing and host an event or two each year.
Before QM was introduced, GT6 online was far less busy than GT5 online at it's peak so no, everyone wasn't forced online, not even close. Most nights in GT6 there were 100 lobbies or less open before QM and GT5 routinely had double or triple that amount. That's a shockingly small number of people online given the size of the player base. I was online a lot and I counted almost every night.

I also don't recall anyone ever saying they thought PD would make a base game and add to it over time. I don't recall anyone ever saying they would blow up the entire game and the entire formula for the game and start over. If people did, I'd sure love to see it.
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...After sorting through the released & available drip-fed of information, I gotta say, I've become rather apathetic. I don't feel anything towards GT:S anymore. Not excited, not unhappy, just.... pure blase, for a lack of better description.

Will I be getting it? Probably. On day one? Nope. After a month? If the price drops below half, then I might. A year down the line, as a "GOTY" or an "Academy" edition packed with all DLCs and at half the regular price? Then, sure thing.

Until then....
Epic whining and crying?
Here goes:
GTS looks and sounds like complete horse poo when compared to other games I've played. Yes the big 3.
Oh look, updated PS2 physics and sounds, yay!
It's so disappointing to see what was once the ONLY GAME I PLAYED FOR 3 YEARS turn into a complete crap shoot. Holy hell PD.

The shining light in all of this is that somebody else filled their shoes. Thank God or whatever deity you believe in.
I have a brand new Gran Turismo, it's just called something else, and isn't on the Playstation anymore.

Don't worry, this is my final post in any GT thread. I have nothing for GT anymore, and as disgusted as I am, it's clearly time to move on.
Goodbye GT, goodbye PD, and most of all, goodbye Kaz and all your "not lies" and "not bull".
I hope you close your doors, as this is staining the GT "legacy", as far as I am concerned.

You lost me at the"GTS looks and sounds like complete horse poo when compared to other games I've played. Yes the big 3."part.
You lost me at the"GTS looks and sounds like complete horse poo when compared to other games I've played. Yes the big 3."part.
I agree it's incorrect to say it looks like 'complete horse poo' but what about the rest of the points made?
Before QM was introduced, GT6 online was far less busy than GT5 online at it's peak so no, everyone wasn't forced online, not even close. Most nights in GT6 there were 100 lobbies or less open before QM and GT5 routinely had double or triple that amount. That's a shockingly small number of people online given the size of the player base. I was online a lot and I counted almost every night.

I also don't recall anyone ever saying they thought PD would make a base game and add to it over time. I don't recall anyone ever saying they would blow up the entire game and the entire formula for the game and start over. If people did, I'd sure love to see it.

What´s funny for me is that the only GT game in which i could always find an online race was GT5 Prologue. Some Fuji lobbies always had four blinking balls, meaning they were always full.

In GT5 and 6 it was never this easy for me to find quick, mindless fun. I miss the Call of Duty system of always being able to quickly jump into a match.

I´ll try to play it for the first two or three months, because after then it´s a ghost town and it´s much harder and time consuming to find full grid races.

Hopefully the set up races they had on the beta continue on the final game...
What´s funny for me is that the only GT game in which i could always find an online race was GT5 Prologue. Some Fuji lobbies always had four blinking balls, meaning they were always full.

In GT5 and 6 it was never this easy for me to find quick, mindless fun. I miss the Call of Duty system of always being able to quickly jump into a match.

I´ll try to play it for the first two or three months, because after then it´s a ghost town and it´s much harder and time consuming to find full grid races.

Hopefully the set up races they had on the beta continue on the final game...
I don't think you will be disappointed with the online portion of GT Sport. I expected to be many many multiples busier online compared to GT6 or GT5. Once you get through the bare-bones offline campaign all that is really left is arcade mode, taking pictures and racing online.
Before QM was introduced, GT6 online was far less busy than GT5 online at it's peak so no, everyone wasn't forced online, not even close. Most nights in GT6 there were 100 lobbies or less open before QM and GT5 routinely had double or triple that amount. That's a shockingly small number of people online given the size of the player base. I was online a lot and I counted almost every night.

I also don't recall anyone ever saying they thought PD would make a base game and add to it over time. I don't recall anyone ever saying they would blow up the entire game and the entire formula for the game and start over. If people did, I'd sure love to see it.
This thread has speculation from the first post and throughout.
I didn't type about that second sentence in your last paragraph. Just the first sentence.

Anyway, we now see that offline replayability is lacking for offline players.

In regards to offline players being forced online, sure it's a choice. However, if I wanted an in depth experience in the game, I had to do Online Seasonals.

Unless PDI have some serious offline content update coming, I see offline in GTS as a failure for offline players. They'll have to go online to get a full GTS experience.

Like I've posted before, I'll wait for your and others review on the game. Maybe it will sway me(though, I'm sure I'm not buying a PS4 "Soon").
I agree it's incorrect to say it looks like 'complete horse poo' but what about the rest of the points made?
Their two other points about the physics and sound I don't agree with at all. Everything else that they said seemed like somewhat of an over reaction and bashing of PD and GT. I mean, they said the game is "staining the GT legacy" and said that they were "disgusted". I know that's just their opinion but, I don't know how they ended up being so distasteful of GTS, considering there isn't anything that bad about the game, to me at least.

They don't even want GT to improve, they'd rather it just end and PD close their doors. I just can't agree with that.
Their two other points about the physics and sound I don't agree with at all. Everything else that they said seemed like somewhat of an over reaction and bashing of PD and GT. I mean, they said the game is "staining the GT legacy" and said that they were "disgusted". I know that's just their opinion but, I don't know how they ended up being so distasteful of GTS, considering there isn't anything that bad about the game, to me at least.

They don't even want GT to improve, they'd rather it just end and PD close their doors. I just can't agree with that.

Well it is the Epic Crying/Whining thread, and he said he was done - and he went out with an EPIC bang, double middle-fingers to PD :lol::lol::lol:

It's interesting though because he said he loves GT; and GTS looks to be so very much GT. I'm just interested in seeing how long it take to see his avatar in a GT thread again.
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Well it is the Epic Crying/Whining thread, and he said he was done - and he went out with an EPIC band, double middle-fingers to PD :lol::lol::lol:

It's interesting though because he said he loves GT; and GTS looks to be so very much GT. I'm just interested in seeing how long it take to see his avatar in a GT thread again.
I know it's the Epic Crying/Whining thread but I at least expected flaws and then ways to improve on those flaws. That particular comment botheres me so much, even though it shouldn't.
Their two other points about the physics and sound I don't agree with at all. Everything else that they said seemed like somewhat of an over reaction and bashing of PD and GT. I mean, they said the game is "staining the GT legacy" and said that they were "disgusted". I know that's just their opinion but, I don't know how they ended up being so distasteful of GTS, considering there isn't anything that bad about the game, to me at least.

They don't even want GT to improve, they'd rather it just end and PD close their doors. I just can't agree with that.
I think you just need to accept for many people that is how they feel, especially in such a thread. What's the biggest problem with GTS as you see it?
I think you just need to accept for many people that is how they feel, especially in such a thread. What's the biggest problem with GTS as you see it?
My biggest problem with GTS is the offline mode. It just seems to be a lot of events with no real substance considering they're teaching you how to race(which isn't a bad idea in of itself). If it had actual races, championships etc I wouldn't have a problem. But that's not the case. If online was free with the PS4, I wouldn't have that much of a problem either, but online isn't free anymore so I'm out of luck. But in saying that, there are other features and general improvements to the game that draw me to this game, even if I don't have a PS4 of my own.