The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
i just have that question for now: when you play with the cockpit view: why can't you see the steering wheel turn more than 180° or so and the driver move the hands like he used to do in ... GT4. i hate to turn my wheel from lock to lock just to see on the screen the same thing isn't happening ( when i drive road cars ) ...
it can be a real detail to many but i think it helps getting closer to reality.
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-Qualify 7+ seconds ahead of everyone else
-because it's the Tokyo track P2 gets ahead due to draft
-brakes far earlier than needed
-get penalty for bump
-go to the side to let them through
-different person bumps me and spins me out
-go down from P1 to P12 in two corners
-try to make up time
-far faster than everyone else on track
-they constantly swerve and punt me into wall multiple times
These races are the worst 3 PD has ever done this far.
@Johnnypenso, I don't recall saying his opinion was wrong and mine was right, simply that he was clearly out to slam GTS with a completely unbalanced reflection of the game. You off to get his tea ready now or something?!

@rono_thomas, I guess it largely depends what you want out of a racer, and I take on board what you're saying. I'm more of a "pick up and play" racer, and in that sense Gran Turismo suits me perfectly. As for the quote from your missus, without wanting to sound derogatory to women of the world (I am in that group after all!) but a partner who isn't as close to the games as we are says "looks just the same", it doesn't really mean much!
Most of your post is negating his opinion of the game and telling him he's wrong. So yes, you did yell him you were right and he was wrong.
Sums it all up really - you were passing judgement on something you hadn't even played yet, so were clearly determined to spew hate on the game regardless. Bland as hell you say? Hmmm...OK, I guess the 4K HDR sunset views are totally bland and PS3-like...yeah whatever. Is it perfect? No, but is it one on the most realistic looking racers on any platform? Yep, unless you like artificially bright and vivid colours that pop on screen but look nothing like the outside world. Not to say other games don't look good, of course they do, and with their own merits, but to slam the game by saying that practically everything is wrong with it just screams of a fanboy.

You don't need to have played the game to comment on its car and track selection when we have the relevant information available to us via official confirmation. Same goes for missing features. In fact, none of the criticism I brought up in my first post require hands on with the game. My 2nd post, if nothing else, represented me giving the game a final chance to prove worthwhile through how it plays, despite its many glaring omissions in features and content.

And I don't think I was being unfair in my verdict of the actual gameplay, which I refrained from commenting on in my first post specifically because I had not yet played the game. I make it clear that any comment I have regarding the feel of the driving is of limited value as I've long been absent from the sim genre and am now using a controller.

Perhaps you ought to try actually challenging the arguments put fourth with counter arguments, instead of simply writing people off as fanboys. Not really sure what franchise I am supposed to be a fanboy for either. Certainly not Project Cars... The graphics comparison to Driveclub makes sense to me, as it is the best looking racing game I know of.

HDR will, if done right, no doubt help GT Sports visual presentation, but that doesn't help those of us without 4K tv's. And yes, what I experienced in terms of graphics was little more than an upgraded ps3 game. I could live with that if the rest of the package was good, but it just isn't. How a racing game running at 60fps can somehow fail to represent the sensation of speed entirely, while Driveclub, which runs at 30fps, does it fairly well, is beyond me.
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So GTS is less than a week away from release now. People have always called Gran Turismo a Playstation seller, but I’m just not seeing GTS living up to that. For anyone that doesn’t have a PS4 already, they would have buy one, the game itself, possibly a wheel (I would need to buy a CronusMAX just to get my CSW V2 to work), and PS+ to get the most out of the game. All of this for what? A racing game with limited single player content, no car customization outside of the livery editor, and a rather lacking car and track list. I just don't see this game having any lasting value to anyone outside of the most diehard Gran Turismo fans like on this website. Not to mention this will be the only current generation GT game for who knows how long. Even though GT5 and GT6 are my least favorite games in the series, I’ll admit that they were at least worth getting a PS3 for thanks to their sheer amount of content and having a single player campaign with actual races and championships.

And now on top of all this, this latest news about how people are losing their progress in the demo and how the game can only be saved online is quite concerning. The reception of this game is going to be very interesting to say the least.
So, last mission available, was in the first place, last lap aaaand ran out of fuel. After one hour of being focused. Ran out out of fuel!! I hate myself. FFS!
The game is officially out. I think it's the right place, so:
-no rain;
-missing features at launch like the custom sticker uploader and the mobile app;
My biggest criticism: no clear schedule, plan about the implementation of rain, DLCs, offline races...
The game is fun but I find the silence about rain almost dishonest from Poly.
The game is fun but I find the silence about rain almost dishonest from Poly.

I don't get this. They never said there would be rain IIRC, so why expect it? Do you really think it would've been wise for them to market the game as having no rain?
Today is the day I would have bought this game - one day ahead of official release in the UK. I did that for GT5P, GT5 and GT6. I'll pick this up in a sale, Maybe.
I don't get this. They never said there would be rain IIRC, so why expect it? Do you really think it would've been wise for them to market the game as having no rain?
They said no dynamic TOD/weather. For the casual GT player, I guess a weather feature is a reasonable expectation after GT5 and GT6. Even more in 2017 when all racing games have it. As long as they don't have a clear schedule for missing features and DLCs, my respect for Poly is very low from customer point of view. All they need to say is something like "the rain feature is not ready and will be available for free in the update [instert a date].
i disliked the beta, really depressing as a GT fan..... is driving with X/square broken? or is it my DS4 controller? no longer a variable analogue signal, just 0% or 100% throttle/brake, impossible to drive without traction control... L2/R2 for throttle/brake is not for me, grew up playing GT with X/square i aint changing now.
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i disliked the beta, really depressing as a GT fan..... is driving with X/square broken? or is it my DS4 controller? no longer a variable analogue signal, just 0% or 100% throttle/brake, impossible to drive without traction control... L2/R2 for throttle/brake is not for me, grew up playing GT with X/square i aint changing now.

That’s the way all the DS4 are.
i disliked the beta, really depressing as a GT fan..... is driving with X/square broken? or is it my DS4 controller? no longer a variable analogue signal, just 0% or 100% throttle/brake, impossible to drive without traction control... L2/R2 for throttle/brake is not for me, grew up playing GT with X/square i aint changing now.
Digital only buttons mate. The triggers or the analogue stick are your only choices unless there's another option in motion controls.
This article was published on May 20, 2016

It would be nice to have a more up to date confirmation on rather Weather will be in GTS or not.

Its PD we're taking about here and i seriously doubt this plans are still the same over a year later.

The game was originally intended to release later that same year. I think it's reasonable to expect that if the feature was planned for a game that was to be released the same year, it probably wouldn't be cut after the game was delayed for another 12 months. Or that at least the developers might mention it.

But you're right, this is the videogame industry which has some of the most dodgy marketing of all. I'm not surprised that they changed plans or didn't mention it, but I remain ever hopeful that Kaz will stop spouting pipe dreams and actually level with some of his fans about the reality of what they can expect from one of his products. There may be initial disappointment, but I think that long term it builds more value for the brand to be honest rather than lead people astray by omission.
This article was published on May 20, 2016

It would be nice to have a more up to date confirmation on rather Weather will be in GTS or not.

Its PD we're taking about here and i seriously doubt this plans are still the same over a year later.
Remember he more recently said that GTS would have all the features of previous games and more? Obviously dynamic weather was specifically excluded from that generalization which is fine, but there are quite enough missing features to make that statement untrue.
There's rain in one of the missions. Wipers turn on automatically. It will probably come to rest of the game in some update...
There's rain in one of the missions. Wipers turn on automatically. It will probably come to rest of the game in some update...
Source? At this point there is CLEAR evidence that rain is not in the game. So if you find anything please do share.
Marcolah streamed it on Youtube. Specifically showed it because viewers asked for it. There was light rain and the track was wet.
Need to vent again.

I was just thinking of how easy it would have been to implement a basic career mode and it frustrates me that PD didn’t do it.

Coming up with a career mode isn’t hard. Everything you need to make it is already in the game: the cars, the tracks, the AI. Even with this game’s small amount of cars, it isn’t difficult. So all of the cars are divided into classes, right? Why not just make a series of races/events for each class? Start us at N100 and let us work up to Gr. X. Throw a few spec races in there for good measure or something. It doesn’t have to detract from Sport Mode either. I’m not asking for something that’s the same scale and depth of GT4’s single player. It would just be a a more engaging way to earn credits and mileage than mission challenges and driving lessons and another place where you can use the cars you earn.

I really hope Kaz keeps his word about adding more offline content in the future, because I don’t see how GTS is going to be successful in the long run once this honeymoon phase is over. Making an online focused racing game on consoles is unprecedented and this has the potential to flop harder than a pancake.
Need to vent again.

I was just thinking of how easy it would have been to implement a basic career mode and it frustrates me that PD didn’t do it.

Coming up with a career mode isn’t hard. Everything you need to make it is already in the game: the cars, the tracks, the AI. Even with this game’s small amount of cars, it isn’t difficult. So all of the cars are divided into classes, right? Why not just make a series of races/events for each class? Start us at N100 and let us work up to Gr. X. Throw a few spec races in there for good measure or something. It doesn’t have to detract from Sport Mode either. I’m not asking for something that’s the same scale and depth of GT4’s single player. It would just be a a more engaging way to earn credits and mileage than mission challenges and driving lessons and another place where you can use the cars you earn.

I really hope Kaz keeps his word about adding more offline content in the future, because I don’t see how GTS is going to be successful in the long run once this honeymoon phase is over. Making an online focused racing game on consoles is unprecedented and this has the potential to flop harder than a pancake.

I agree with you fully however I am surprised by your naïveté. We are in a world where DLC is the new standard. GT6 was the last of a dying breed as far as games are concerned. You had everything given to you, because you paid for it. You know...thats how games use to work. It was great right?

Well guess what... in 2017 you can forget it bub. That in my opinion is the truth behind why GTS is no longer GT"#". I don't think its anymore complicated than that. Its called $$$$$ and we were spoiled with GT1 through GT6. Times have changed, especially with the PS4. This is how all of the next gen console games have been released. So Kaz just joined the party. I would not be surprised to see the following be released in the next year:

- GTR Vintage Pack
- American Muscle Pack #1 - 10 ( They have a video of a damn Dodge Challenger but not a Challenger itself. This is how you know!)
- JDM FR Pack #1-6
- JDM MR Pack
- Hot Hatch Pack
- Euro Pack #1 - 6
- Italian Supercar Pack
- MR Supercar Pack #1-6
- and so on...all for 8.99 each!

I bet Kaz just has the rest of the 400+ GTS cars just sitting on his 2 TB flash drive right now just waiting to release them as DLC. Thats another few hundred out of our pockets right there. that I've put some hair back on your chest and brought you back to reality I will say that yes, I miss Career Mode and the cars as well. xD !
**** polyphony, **** Sony and especially **** you Kaz you pretentious, overblown self absorbed d******.

If I seem unhappy with wasting my $119 Aud on this disaster then you are right.

Sport mode is a ******* cesspool of arrogant selfish c**** and the SR does nothing to fix this.
I agree with you fully however I am surprised by your naïveté. We are in a world where DLC is the new standard. GT6 was the last of a dying breed as far as games are concerned. You had everything given to you, because you paid for it. You know...thats how games use to work. It was great right?

Well guess what... in 2017 you can forget it bub. That in my opinion is the truth behind why GTS is no longer GT"#". I don't think its anymore complicated than that. Its called $$$$$ and we were spoiled with GT1 through GT6. Times have changed, especially with the PS4. This is how all of the next gen console games have been released. So Kaz just joined the party. I would not be surprised to see the following be released in the next year:

- GTR Vintage Pack
- American Muscle Pack #1 - 10 ( They have a video of a damn Dodge Challenger but not a Challenger itself. This is how you know!)
- JDM FR Pack #1-6
- JDM MR Pack
- Hot Hatch Pack
- Euro Pack #1 - 6
- Italian Supercar Pack
- MR Supercar Pack #1-6
- and so on...all for 8.99 each!

I bet Kaz just has the rest of the 400+ GTS cars just sitting on his 2 TB flash drive right now just waiting to release them as DLC. Thats another few hundred out of our pockets right there. that I've put some hair back on your chest and brought you back to reality I will say that yes, I miss Career Mode and the cars as well. xD !

I’m sure it’s about money in the grand scheme of things. I didn’t want to sound cynical though.

However, I defenitely have doubts about Kaz’s claim that there will eventually be 500 cars in the game. But you’ve already got some people who are using that to defend GT Sport’s lack on content when nothing has even happened yet, and even going as far as saying that it will all be free. That’s being too optimistic to say the least.
Biggest complaint? I can’t use my steering wheels shifter. I have a Logitech g29 with shifter add on. And the game doesn’t recognize it half the time. Sometimes it works great and I’m as happy as can be. But most times. You kick the clutch to shift and it just throws the car in neutral. And you can’t just clutch and shift like you would if you misshifted. You have to hit the paddle shifters and hope that it decides to let you use the regular shifter again. No big deal, just use the paddles right? Well first off I paid extra money for a shifter and shifter mount to my playseat. And secondly, when shifting with the paddles, the shifts are sooooooooooooo slow. It’s unbearable. So... so far? I want to love it. But what’s the point of having a nice seat and wheel set up if you can’t even use it.