The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
They need to be a little smarter about the car/track choices for sport mode. I just can't run that race on Blue Moon with that super slow car again. What a horrid race setup that is! If you're going to run those crummy cars at least choose a small track where there is some fun to have. But that super slow car on a boring tri-ovel??? Yuck!!
So after my paddy when I broke the disc I came to my senses went to the shop got another gt sport and carried on with the licences as I still cannot figure out how to go racing (help please), I have watched the two videos and after I press race I go to a room with a car in it and that's where I get stuck pressed everything and no joy.
I got gold eventually on 29 and 30 and 31 so came 32 no chance silver is all I can do and so I moved on 33 34 gold now 35 willow springs with the vile viper I have had turned the Traction Control from 1-5 makes no difference only off makes it crazy. So first bend no problem a tad of brake then hit it on the left apex then straight to the next bend stay hard right and slow down or it is off the track now the dodgy bit ease off throttle and feed around the inside line as to not fly off the track on the left then full throttle to the line. Now if I increase my speed by 1mph I can not get it leave the last bend true what is the answer? I have tried over 100 times easily and I am coming to the conclusion it is going to be another one where silver is the answer.
I have watched the video on how to do it if I follow that it's either fail or bronze :confused::confused::confused:
So after my paddy when I broke the disc I came to my senses went to the shop got another gt sport and carried on with the licences as I still cannot figure out how to go racing (help please), I have watched the two videos and after I press race I go to a room with a car in it and that's where I get stuck pressed everything and no joy.
I got gold eventually on 29 and 30 and 31 so came 32 no chance silver is all I can do and so I moved on 33 34 gold now 35 willow springs with the vile viper I have had turned the Traction Control from 1-5 makes no difference only off makes it crazy. So first bend no problem a tad of brake then hit it on the left apex then straight to the next bend stay hard right and slow down or it is off the track now the dodgy bit ease off throttle and feed around the inside line as to not fly off the track on the left then full throttle to the line. Now if I increase my speed by 1mph I can not get it leave the last bend true what is the answer? I have tried over 100 times easily and I am coming to the conclusion it is going to be another one where silver is the answer.
I have watched the video on how to do it if I follow that it's either fail or bronze :confused::confused::confused:
Do you have PlayStation Plus? Have you tried going into Sport mode for daily races or Lobby?

32 I found so far has the biggest time % margin you can get Gold by out of the ones I've done, over a second it is possible to beat it by. Need to keep flat right, then left trying to end up as wide as possible to open the high speed chicane, start lifting and turn left, once you get towards that apex and hit it, start powering out and aiming for the right inside barrier so you get as close to it without hitting it. You should be able to take it flat then straighten out steering. There is no need to use traction control.

For 35, try and brake less, trail brake into apex for left then start powering out gently and try and keep car straight / a bit towards the right, then brake slightly and turn into the right and try and hit that apex being patient until you make it and gradually power out and avoid breaking traction, full throttle only when you know you won't go wide. This was the last event I did yesterday, video below if it helps. You can see throttle and braking inputs as well as minimum speed through the corners and even steering on the replay cockpit view. Important to go with the flow, be patient and let the car do the work for you.

Not exactly gt sport related, but a local store has started selling the t300rs gt edition with the manual gear shifter thrown in free of charge. Like, DAMN. I bought in too early but how would I have known eh.
They need to be a little smarter about the car/track choices for sport mode. I just can't run that race on Blue Moon with that super slow car again. What a horrid race setup that is! If you're going to run those crummy cars at least choose a small track where there is some fun to have. But that super slow car on a boring tri-ovel??? Yuck!!

That has been one of my favorite Sport races so far...
Not exactly gt sport related, but a local store has started selling the t300rs gt edition with the manual gear shifter thrown in free of charge. Like, DAMN. I bought in too early but how would I have known eh.
Did you buy it with a credit card? Mine has a policy of price matching anything that goes on special after I have purchased it using the credit card. I'm not sure how that would effect a value add deal like the one you mentioned.

That's cool, glad you liked it. Not trying to crap on others fun, I just prefer something other than 3 banked turns and driving in a forever straight line. Almost fell asleep by the last lap lol
The reason it would be fun for some and not for others is because it is a draft race with a momentum car. With the right group of drivers this type of race should see great battles and great strategy. Unlike the oval races with a faster car the way this race should play out should be more reminiscent of real life oval racing. The problem is if for whatever reason you end up not racing in a pack it would become very boring.
Why did they put more transmission whine in the Audi TT Cup’s sound mix???? Argh

Oops I have the Fully Customizable Transmission
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Those that wanted it changed to daily, may I say that you probably aren't trying hard enough because there is a universe of material in each event where several hours per week spent on each by even the very, very good drivers who know what they are doing is minimal.


I mean, why have more than one car and one track anyway? It's not like anyone actually achieves mastery of even a single car/track combination, so having more than that is a waste of time and resources. The game should have one car, one track, and the online should be a single event held only on that one car and track. Amirite?
Limited tracks have me totally bored after one week. Very disappointing after such a long wait.
Still scores better than Forza, there I was bored after a weekend. :)

Honestly I think gamers nowadays are way too spoiled, there are so many games out there, each of them offers some positives and negatives. And we are just looking for all the positives combined into 1 ultra hyper super perfect game. It's sadly just never going to happen. Settle in with the game you like the most and try to ignore it's shortcomings.

Having that said I absolutely agree with you there are not enough tracks in the game though, but it is what it is. If you keep focusing on the negative you better stop playing since it won't be good for you. I have that problem with Forza, with it's focus on young kids I really start hating the game, I want it to be more serious. And serious does not mean simulator, I find GT:Sport a very serious game (the menu music, scapes, attention to detail etc all contribute to that but in my book GT:S certainly isn't a sim).
It looks like races have changed finally from weekly to daily after a lot of complaints. Not a good move at all for the more experienced drivers wanting to get more from it.

Those that wanted it changed to daily, may I say that you probably aren't trying hard enough because there is a universe of material in each event where several hours per week spent on each by even the very, very good drivers who know what they are doing is minimal.


Not everyone takes racing games this seriously. Sorry.

Besides, I’m sure the real competition is going to be in the FIA events.
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I mean, why have more than one car and one track anyway? It's not like anyone actually achieves mastery of even a single car/track combination, so having more than that is a waste of time and resources. The game should have one car, one track, and the online should be a single event held only on that one car and track. Amirite?

I don't think so, but funnily enough, for a Sport mode event, that is quite a good idea if the whole combo was right, but I think a month would be enough if you take into consideration that someone who likes it spends an hour every other other evening on it.

So if a car and track combo was to your liking, how long would it be until you got bored of it?

Not everyone takes racing games this seriously. Sorry.

Besides, I’m sure the real competition is going to be in the FIA events.

I think they do considering the amount of complaining I see and there seemed to be many that were serious and unhappy enough to voice their opinion that events were too long being weekly. I take my free time seriously, so any time I spend on GT, I want it to be productive trying stuff out and practicing which takes many hours because I want to have good, close, competitive races because close competition is fun and productive.

PS:- Given that the Nur. Gr3 event had at least a few races running simultaneously today, I'd imagine we'll see events for both those wanting them daily or weekly soon.
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I don't think so, but funnily enough, for a Sport mode event, that is quite a good idea if the whole combo was right, but I think a month would be enough if you take into consideration that someone who likes it spends an hour every other other evening on it.

So if a car and track combo was to your liking, how long would it be until you got bored of it?

I think the thing you're missing is that there's more than one person playing the game. The perfect car and track could be good for anything up to a few weeks, but my perfect car and track isn't going to be the same as yours. That's why these games offer variety, so that everyone has a decent chance of finding something they like.

And some people just prefer variety over the same old thing. They're not after becoming the fastest, they just want the experience. Which is fine. We need those players because otherwise it gets real tough to fill up the grids.

Personally I think changing the races weekly is the right idea, but they need more than three at a time. Really, there should be one for every single class of cars in the game. That way if people want to browse and try lots of different things they can, but also if someone wants to focus on a single event it's around long enough to be worthwhile. That's how iRacing does it, and it works pretty well even though their player base is probably at least an order of magnitude below GTS's.

I think they do considering the amount of complaining I see and there seemed to be many that were serious and unhappy enough to voice their opinion that events were too long being weekly.

Let's be honest, the game is pretty light on content. We're getting to the point that a lot of people have finished what there is of single player content, so they're left with online. With only three races, it's pretty easy to get frustrated and bored if either none of those take your fancy or you're the sort of player that prefers to run a different race every night instead of repeating the same one.
Let's be honest, the game is pretty light on content. We're getting to the point that a lot of people have finished what there is of single player content, so they're left with online. With only three races, it's pretty easy to get frustrated and bored if either none of those take your fancy or you're the sort of player that prefers to run a different race every night instead of repeating the same one.
This is where I am at. I've golded everything there is to gold and so I'm left with Sport mode. One race is usually an oval of some type which is just completely pointless in my opinion. So at the moment that leaves me with Kyoto and Nurburgring. Nurb race is once an hour and Kyoto every 20 mins. That get's boring very quickly. We need more variety and more frequent races. There should be races starting every 5 minutes. Surely if GTS is the success we keep hearing there are going to be hundreds of thousands playing at all times so player numbers shouldn't be an issue. I don't think there is however.
PD should have a section to list how many people signed up for the race, so we can know when is the high SOF ( more players signing up , so more points for leveling DR )

I know your first response was initially a joke, but my first reaction to all this being changed from 'weekly' to 'daily' (actually bi-weekly) did take into account all three classes as well, so of course I realised there was more than one player. I thought seeing the three classes from the start was good, but lumping all events together with varying degrees of scope in the same schedule was silly IMO. I can only assume there was a big drop-off in server usage which influenced the change for everybody. I haven't a clue how they structure the events for it be compatible with their servers, but I would hope they precisely monitor all events so that we'll see something everyone is happy with in the future soon.

Bit even if they do update the sport mode events regularly with lots of stuff, it's not going to be long before many will be bored of the whole thing at this rate given the "limited" content.
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Also, let me sell gift cars instead of deleting them. This game already gifts you way too many cars imo, I'd rather just get a bonus amount of CR or something.
Seems everyone is completely ignoring the Lobby mode still -_- .

The Test Seasons start Nov 4th for me, Signed for Alfa, Manufacturers Cup.

Until then, I do the odd Sport race and use Lobby, look for "Clean" in the title and crack on. GT-Sport isn't only Sport mode.
Why did they put a cup car in with GT3 cars? Because it's PDI. Does it have push 2 pass modelled in the cup car?

It’s in the Gr.4 category. No P2P but I love that car and it sounds so good without the custom transmission. At least, I can do one make races at the Nords with it. I’m glad it’s in GT Sport
Do you have PlayStation Plus? Have you tried going into Sport mode for daily races or Lobby?

32 I found so far has the biggest time % margin you can get Gold by out of the ones I've done, over a second it is possible to beat it by. Need to keep flat right, then left trying to end up as wide as possible to open the high speed chicane, start lifting and turn left, once you get towards that apex and hit it, start powering out and aiming for the right inside barrier so you get as close to it without hitting it. You should be able to take it flat then straighten out steering. There is no need to use traction control.

For 35, try and brake less, trail brake into apex for left then start powering out gently and try and keep car straight / a bit towards the right, then brake slightly and turn into the right and try and hit that apex being patient until you make it and gradually power out and avoid breaking traction, full throttle only when you know you won't go wide. This was the last event I did yesterday, video below if it helps. You can see throttle and braking inputs as well as minimum speed through the corners and even steering on the replay cockpit view. Important to go with the flow, be patient and let the car do the work for you.

No I don't think I do have playstation plus (I am not very good with ps4 my son sorts the setting up for me) on 32 I can start off go straight take the right then left at full throttle no need to lift then in to the straight then brake and swing left in to the apex then flick right to clear the next one then full throttle to the line. I found steering sensitivity and turned it up one now I have achieved 17.492 so getting closer.
Thanks for the video on 35 I will try it later when I have conquered 32.
- Merc AMG GT-S road car's exhaust sound is too weak but its transmission whine is too loud. Can barely hear the exhaust, even on chase cam.

- Aston Martin Vulcan needs to be re-adjusted and re-classified. Dammit PD, it's not a road car :irked: Give it racing slicks, increase downforce for both front and back, and put it in the Gr.X category. Please? :bowdown:
So after my struggles I finally golded 32 and 35 with help from people here I thank you.
Now I am on 36 with the sls I have driven one of these in real life and found it the worse car I have ever driven handling straight from a lop sided hovercraft they are that bad. Way to much power and the differential from an Austin Cambridge. It's a Mercedes I expected nothing less lol.
So any way I have TC tried on every setting and abs down to 1 from 5 then 4 then 3 then 2 . I brake where it tells me and feed the car in sweet to the apexes and all I can achieve is just and I mean just bronze 24.697. Where am I going wrong? If I brake a fraction later I run wide and lose time or off the track I can't see how to get any closer to the apex kerbs without it slowing me down. I lose a bit of time as when I hit accelerate after the second bend to go down the straight the car seems to not want to go seems to be sluggish like I am in 5th instead of 2nd takes an age to get from 55 to 65 mph If I gear down anymore the car twitches all over the place and I lose time.
Help again please. And no answers of it's because you are rubbish (I know this already) :)