The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Since Update 1.02 the X2011 only makes 535km/h, at 1.01 it was 580km/h.

So, the lap time on Route X increased by 15 seconds.

Why do they always change the physics? :confused:

PD must have likely altered the aerodynamics. Some users were complaining of the pre-patch aerodynamics giving the over-tuned Mira and FIT RS cars unrealistically high top speeds, even given their upgraded power/weight ratios.
Well I still respect your opion regardless of your language, but as things go it's a love and hate relationship thats why some of us continuing to return to the site, maybe to see if in the slightest hope that a new update that fixed it all etc. As for bashing the other games thats your opinion for all I know they think your a childish punk in your midlife crisis thinking your on a fast & the furest movie showing up all the clowns on how to drive a car, but I can't say much im 43 with 4 kids and loving life bruh! But bare in mind this is a bitching & whining thread after all so don't take it so personal, just because my opinion is saying GT6 stinks to the 9th power but in reality but behind every joke or tease there's some sense of truth to it, you love the I hate it just hoping PD is hearing all this and make it right, yeah everyone wants to hear good things and not the bad, sorry bro I call them lime I see them, im just glad you are tickled pink with flowers of a smelly heavenly sent and getting your moneys worth May all your cars drift, spin, turn, at will, maybe you can pretend your Lotus Esprit has James Bond gadgets to help you win a race as for me I just hope my game stops freezing after the last update after racing the championship races & have to keep redoing the same races over and over, love peace and hair Grease bruh!
I dont think I like PD anymore. $49.99 FOR 7 million credits. Kaz should be embarrassed and should issue an apology. If not Im certainly done with the GT series. Scumbag of scumbag EA lets you unlock all 50 NFS Rivals cars instantly for $9.99. Try unlocking all the super car caliber NFS models in GT6 for $49.99. Yeah right.

It was one thing PD to make a dated game, but now to fleece gamers like this is unacceptable. Project CARS cant come soon enough.
And lets not for get the cars like the Swimmwagon or how ever u spell it, it has 24 hp can own it for a small fee of $600.000 and and some change, lol were am I supposed drive or race that thing? I hav'nt seen any swamp tracks, logs, or mud bogging hills to go climb in, what am I to do take it to a rally track and WATCH it putter breaking the all time slowest track time on it, why not line up some skylines and let me monster truck crush them, heck the have like Forty of them in the game, just like the Jay Leno Tank car, can't race the thing half the time but they want 2 mill. Or something like that for it Ha Haaaaaa!! boy how the creativity has lost its luster I don't know if thier on drugs or dawg food, it's all greed and their gt academy crap they are doing, for got about what got them there us the gamers the fans.

GT6 sold more in 2 days, than Forza 5 sold in 3 weeks

So when does Forza start taking over the podium?
Ha Haaaaaa! Yes but of course it did give it time gt cronie, Rome wasn't built in a day, but when the time comes you will be having your own copy of Forza, a new ruler will arise and your Babylon will fall with it's 15 yrs of ruler ship, they can't rely on thier GT name much longer with the crap thier displaying know what im saying Ling Dingle?
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Ha Haaaaaa! Yes but of course it did give it time gt cronie, Rome wasn't built in a day, but when the time comes you will be having your own copy of Forza, a new ruler will arise and your Babylon will fall with it's 15 yrs of ruler ship, they can't rely on thier GT name much longer with the crap thier displaying know what im saying Ling Dingle?

If Forza released on PS3 or PS4, then I might pick it up secondhand. Only if they increased the track list though
If Forza released on PS3 or PS4, then I might pick it up secondhand. Only if they increased the track list though
Like I said you will own one regardless, because if you are a TRUE racer you will seek the true challenge of a racing game, and believe me it's heading to the other side, the gt pond is running out of fish amigo, & let me be clear I LOVE GT, im thier biggest fan, but likely anything else when it disappoints we all move on.

whats a "bruh"?
Term of bro or brother.
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Wow! Bye one impressed, forza with its little 4 yrs in the making how it stands to the 15 yr. GIANT, lots to brag there buddy, if I were you i'd hide that or better yet dete it.

It's a good thing you aren't me then. But I'll still wash my hands, just in case.
Honestly, reading all these comments make me regret buying GT6 a little bit, a tad feeling of buyers remorse.

I do know that I'm shelling out some cash for PS4 when the 2nd generation comes out, so GT7 has to be amazing. Dropping review scores and low turnouts for sales isn't great.

You can tell from my posts that I am a moderate when it comes to GT, some aspects I defend, some I disagree and urge change with. I enjoy GT6 but it lacks that magic, that spark when a truly incredible game that comes along and changes us, like the original Gran Turismo.

I just have a bit of trouble when it comes to any issue not just GT when people blind themselves due to loyalty, yes loyalty sells games and gives a consistent consumer base, but loyalty does not make a game better.

GT6 came out, it was good, but it was expected, a good game delivers what we want, a truly great game that we can appreciate is one that delivers what we wanted, plus it gives us what we didn't even know we wanted, it makes us appreciate things that we never liked, it changes our perspectives, it makes us not even consider buying any competitors. GT6 is not this level as of now.

All in all, I enjoy the game, but I am disappointed in their overall direction, sort of like a I like the player but hate the team perspective.
GT6 sold more in 2 days, than Forza 5 sold in 3 weeks

So when does Forza start taking over the podium?

Remind me what the relative install base for Xbox One and PS3 are? There's what, maybe a couple of million Xbones out there now? Versus what, 80 million odd PS3s?

There's absolutely no way you can compare sales numbers between the two. Every single Xbox One owner would have to buy multiple copies to keep up with what the GT6 sales will probably reach in the next month or two. I mean, FM5 is a good game but it's not THAT good.
bare in mind this is a bitching & whining thread after all
Yes it is.

What it isn't is a "post full of random drivel typed as a colossal run-on sentence" thread. Here, bolded, is the only part of that post that was actually whining/crying about GT6:
Well I still respect your opion regardless of your language, but as things go it's a love and hate relationship thats why some of us continuing to return to the site, maybe to see if in the slightest hope that a new update popped saying that fixed it all etc. As for bashing the other games thats your opinion for all I know they think your a childish punk named Flash in your midlife crisis thinking your on a fast & the furious movie showing up all the clowns on how to drive a car in a circle, but I can't say much im 43 with 4 kids and loving life bruh! But bare in mind this is a bitching & whining thread after all so don't take it so personal, just because my opinion is saying GT6 stinks to the 9th power but in reality behind every joke or tease there's some sense of truth to it, you love the game I hate it right now! just hoping PD is hearing all this and make it right, yeah everyone wants to hear good things and not the bad, sorry bro I call them like I see them, im just glad you are tickled pink with flowers of a smelly heavenly sent and getting your moneys worth May all your cars drift, spin, turn, at will, maybe you can pretend your Lotus Esprit has James Bond gadgets to help you win a race as for me I just hope my game stops freezing after the last update after racing the championship races & have to keep redoing the same races over and over, love peace and hair Grease bruh!
The rest of it is just a wall of inanity.

Nor, for that matter, is it a "relentlessly double-posting thread" - I've cleared up ten of them from you in the last three pages - and that says nothing of the shotgun approach you have to capital letters and grammar.

Start posting as a GTPlanet member, not a general internet commentator.
Remind me what the relative install base for Xbox One and PS3 are? There's what, maybe a couple of million Xbones out there now? Versus what, 80 million odd PS3s?

There's absolutely no way you can compare sales numbers between the two. Every single Xbox One owner would have to buy multiple copies to keep up with what the GT6 sales will probably reach in the next month or two. I mean, FM5 is a good game but it's not THAT good.
Remind me what the relative install base for Xbox One and PS3 are? There's what, maybe a couple of million Xbones out there now? Versus what, 80 million odd PS3s?

There's absolutely no way you can compare sales numbers between the two. Every single Xbox One owner would have to buy multiple copies to keep up with what the GT6 sales will probably reach in the next month or two. I mean, FM5 is a good game but it's not THAT good.
you have to be realistic PlayStation has been out longer then Xbox of course it had sold more games consoles etc. It has a larger fan base I have all thier consles, as for Forza no it's a good game not great but it will be just seems to me is that one is on the rise and the other is falling down is all im saying.
wasnt this basically what the hacks did to ruin gt5? however if it were realistic, it would be a good idea. no 100000hp fiats. there would hafta be a line drawn somewhere
I can't say about all the problems in Forza 5, but the amount of stuff it let's you do with your car blows Gran Turismo away.

Holy crap.....:( That whole video (in my opinion) shows that their graphics/ideas are SOOOOO far ahead of GranTurismo. :indiff:
I never really got into the "hacking" thing on GT5, my old brain isn't up with all the glitch things guys do.

If I'm allowed to ellaborate, GT5/6 has lost it. :dunce:
I recall years ago, prior to the release of GT5 even, that we would get "FULL customization" for cars.
Do NOT ask me where I saw that, I have tried many times to re-find it, all without success. :boggled:
In the midst of it all, it claimed we would be able to download/buy online body kits, aftermarket parts for all the popular tuning Companies. :confused:
My honest guess is, this should/must have all been in relation to Forza. They have it all. :banghead:
We instead (GT6) get stuck with the SAME BORING Generic rear wings, maybe 2 options for front spoilers, and a list of GENERIC Wheels that absolutely SUCKS!! And they can't be widened.. 🤬 you PD.

I have tried my best NOT to follow the whole Forza train, instead training my mind to follow Sony/PD. :indiff:
Now I really do not know any more, seeing this video has me in two minds.....
So far, the whole rolling starts thing and the AI has me totally underwhelmed in GT6.
It just doesn't have the spark to drive me.
3 weeks in and I'm @ 43% completion, but I feel like I've gotten no where. :ill:
Maybe it's time for a change?????
Cheers :cheers:
I always wondered why Gran Turismo never had an "AutoVista" function in the game. They brag about 1200 cars in every advertisement you see, why would you not want us to see the vehicles. If anything, making the 200-400 premiums an AutoVista function would make sense. PD puts so much time and effort to make a realistic interior, why would you not want to show it off, to see it?

In terms of customization on a scale such as making a full blown street sweeper, I won't expect too much in terms of cosmetics or engine swaps. My goodness, by the time PD implements a drivetrain or powertrain swap system, I would have enough money to do it IRL.

I would lean more on Forza 5 and buy an XB1 if it was not for the looming MT throughout the whole game, and the overall view of credits being hard to make. Now if Forza and PD collaborated (like saying North and South Korea gave up and hugged) with PD doing the suspension and driving engine, and Forza doing everything else, that game would literally destroy the foundations of racing and create a whole new one. It would compete against blockbuster games like COD and BF and annihilate them.

Seems to me that maybe the PS3 is deterring the game a bit, I mean my PS3 asked me to stop playing and let it take a breather when I played GT6, it is demanding.

What I don't understand is, why does PD have to be so stubborn and hardnosed in their approach? There is no shame to looking at other companies and implement concepts that made them great, copyrighting is not a big issue when it comes to racing games, cars are universal, if NFS had body kits and all this jazz, with Forza making it even more popular, whats the issue?

The more I talk about this, the more I get upset and disappointed with PD. 140 Employees, their public relations department must have 1 worker, and he/she must be overpaid because it seems like they don't really listen to their consumers. Most of us here are more like "we don't like this game, there are so many issues with it" but we still play it, because unless we have an XB1 and Forza, there isn't really much we can do. What PD needs to do is to relate more, to lean more on the community, I get it that they throw out cars and all this stuff here and there, what we need is bigger steps, bigger jumps such as that livery editor (phalluses? who cares, play offline or switch lobbies) or customization, something to show that PD actually gives a rats about the community and its players.

In summary for those who don't like reading, PD should care more about the community and implement functions, ideas, concepts over just more cars, and that I'm not expecting too much change from them at this junction in time.

TBH I'd rather play a game with 10 cars that allows me 100's of customization options over 1200 cars and 6 standard spoilers.
PD must have likely altered the aerodynamics. Some users were complaining of the pre-patch aerodynamics giving the over-tuned Mira and FIT RS cars unrealistically high top speeds, even given their upgraded power/weight ratios.

Yeah, but why have they changed almost all cars then? :(

I really hate it when I build setups for several hours and then they get useless after an update.

In GT5 they started that crap at update 2.08 or something.

That's really disturbing.
I always wondered why Gran Turismo never had an "AutoVista" function in the game. They brag about 1200 cars in every advertisement you see, why would you not want us to see the vehicles. If anything, making the 200-400 premiums an AutoVista function would make sense. PD puts so much time and effort to make a realistic interior, why would you not want to show it off, to see it?

In terms of customization on a scale such as making a full blown street sweeper, I won't expect too much in terms of cosmetics or engine swaps. My goodness, by the time PD implements a drivetrain or powertrain swap system, I would have enough money to do it IRL.

I would lean more on Forza 5 and buy an XB1 if it was not for the looming MT throughout the whole game, and the overall view of credits being hard to make. Now if Forza and PD collaborated (like saying North and South Korea gave up and hugged) with PD doing the suspension and driving engine, and Forza doing everything else, that game would literally destroy the foundations of racing and create a whole new one. It would compete against blockbuster games like COD and BF and annihilate them.

Seems to me that maybe the PS3 is deterring the game a bit, I mean my PS3 asked me to stop playing and let it take a breather when I played GT6, it is demanding.

What I don't understand is, why does PD have to be so stubborn and hardnosed in their approach? There is no shame to looking at other companies and implement concepts that made them great, copyrighting is not a big issue when it comes to racing games, cars are universal, if NFS had body kits and all this jazz, with Forza making it even more popular, whats the issue?

The more I talk about this, the more I get upset and disappointed with PD. 140 Employees, their public relations department must have 1 worker, and he/she must be overpaid because it seems like they don't really listen to their consumers. Most of us here are more like "we don't like this game, there are so many issues with it" but we still play it, because unless we have an XB1 and Forza, there isn't really much we can do. What PD needs to do is to relate more, to lean more on the community, I get it that they throw out cars and all this stuff here and there, what we need is bigger steps, bigger jumps such as that livery editor (phalluses? who cares, play offline or switch lobbies) or customization, something to show that PD actually gives a rats about the community and its players.

In summary for those who don't like reading, PD should care more about the community and implement functions, ideas, concepts over just more cars, and that I'm not expecting too much change from them at this junction in time.

TBH I'd rather play a game with 10 cars that allows me 100's of customization options over 1200 cars and 6 standard spoilers.
Only if their concepts are nothing like the "drive on the moon" concept and other gimmicks that were added on GT6, right? Seriously, their head designer MUST live on the moon, for he cannot see what the GT community really wants.
Only if their concepts are nothing like the "drive on the moon" concept and other gimmicks that were added on GT6, right? Seriously, their head designer MUST live on the moon, for he cannot see what the GT community really wants.

As a longtime FM player (2-4 ,and I spend 600+ hours only on #4) I'd say that "Autovista" is the last feature I needed/wanted in Forza. They could spend time and resources on dynamic day/night or something more important for racing than interiors.But that's my subjective opinion.
As a longtime FM player (2-4 ,and I spend 600+ hours only on #4) I'd say that "Autovista" is the last feature I needed/wanted in Forza. They could spend time and resources on dynamic day/night or something more important for racing than interiors.But that's my subjective opinion.
I see your point. But "Autovista" is, at least, a feature related to cars and car enthusiasts, in opposition to "drive on the moon", which has no relation whatsoever to 'the real driving simulator' and the passion for cars.
Just a couple of small issues for me.

Firstly, the garage view is awful. No way to properly look at your car unless you select it and go back a couple of screens. It was a lot better in GT5. Also related to the garage, when you sort the view (by PP for example) the next time you go into your garage, you have to re-sort your view again.

Secondly, where the hell have the people gone from Eiger short course? The track looks deserted now there's no crowd trackside.
Secondly, where the hell have the people gone from Eiger short course? The track looks deserted now there's no crowd trackside.
Some threw themselves of the mountain in anticipation of another series of chase the rabbit races. Some went down to the valley to visit a car dealership to discover cars made after 2004. The others went to see the Forza races a bit further north in the Bernese Alps.
I see your point. But "Autovista" is, at least, a feature related to cars and car enthusiasts, in opposition to "drive on the moon", which has no relation whatsoever to 'the real driving simulator' and the passion for cars.

:D this could be very debatable > watching interiors vs driving on the moon >>> watching vs driving ? To me driving is more important than shine in a game that got "motorsport" in title. I get the point and I am not against vista. But It was halfassed monkey in FM4 (30cars) and is the same in FM5 (not all cars are fully explorable???) . For me It is mainly excuse for not doing things that matters (2me) regarding racing. Longer races, pit stops... ...
:D this could be very debatable > watching interiors vs driving on the moon >>> watching vs driving ? To me driving is more important than shine. But , I get the point and I am not against vista. But It was halfassed monkey in FM4 (30cars) and is the same in FM5 (not all cars are fully explorable???) . For me It is mainly excuse for not doing things that matters (2me) regarding racing. Longer races, pit stops... ...
Alright, but can you tell me how is racing in Forza? I haven't played Forza yet, and is concensus among GT players that "racing" in GT is a complete disappointment, to the point of some players be claiming that GT is a driving game, not a racing game.
I would lean more on Forza 5 and buy an XB1 if it was not for the looming MT throughout the whole game, and the overall view of credits being hard to make.
Credits aren't hard to make in Forza. In two weeks I've made over three million credits from racing alone, enough to buy any car in the game. I don't think microtransactions are shoved in your face either. Just avoid the Y button and play normally.

Alright, but can you tell me how is racing in Forza? I haven't played Forza yet, and is concensus among GT players that "racing" in GT is a complete disappointment, to the point of some players be claiming that GT is a driving game, not a racing game.
Single player racing is more exciting than ever in the game with the "cloud" sourced AI based on your friends' driving style. No two AI opponents are the same.

does forza 5 support g27 driving wheel ?
As far as I know no Xbox has ever supported Logitech driving wheels sadly as the underlying protocol they use is different.

You guys should maybe hit up the Forza v GT thread with questions like this to avoid taking this one off topic.
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Alright, but can you tell me how is racing in Forza? I haven't played Forza yet, and is concensus among GT players that "racing" in GT is a complete disappointment, to the point of some players be claiming that GT is a driving game, not a racing game.

Well I partially agree with that, but I mean the box itself says "The Real Driving Simulator" not Racing Simulator, but there were very few times that I felt the pressure, almost a tad bit of adrenaline from racing a competitive race with the AI, but those times were few and far in between. So I admit, GT can make me feel pressure from racing if you are in a close race, especially with a wheel setup, but they don't have enough races that make you feel that way.

If you want me to go on a tangent on the AI, I will do so based off of my observation and the views of GTP members that I have read.

GT's AI has for the most part been a limp noodle. By that I mean, the AI has no personality, no character, nothing at all. Racing drivers have character, each have their own style, some drive very close to the edge, others brake really late, some trail brake early. GT made their AI more or less moving traffic cones. They don't respond to change, they don't respond to anything besides following that invisible driving line. Adaptation is non existent, drive close, try to overtake, bump them, the AI resorts to- wait for it- nothing.

Post 1.02 I have been hearing reports that the AI is a bit more aggressive, they will actively try to retake the lead if you approach them. I have tested this several times, different cars, different tracks, single player, and career. This is only true if you try to overtake first place, and this whole "aggressive" behavior is only distance affected, meaning the closer that you are, the AI becomes aggressive, but pull away, the AI suddenly resorts to "limp noodle syndrome", they become the original, horrible AI that they are and they slack off, they follow the driving line, they give up, even if there 7 laps to go, they don't even care anymore.

No, no, no. PD needs a more dynamic, explosive AI. One that actively challenges you like real race car drivers. For example, Ayrton Senna was prolificly known for his superb ability in the wet. Other drivers had to factor this in and attempt to adjust to overtake him, if GT6 had the same AI, maybe we noticed that a certain driver would drive extremely close to the track corners and attack the apex at brutal speeds occasionally bumping other drivers, we would have to adjust and be more mindful if that particular AI's aggressiveness.

Now I'm not saying PD implement a whole new AI system, I mean I'd appreciate it, but take some steps, give the AI more character, show to me that they aren't just blind traffic cones following a line on the track.