The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Doesn't matter for the purposes of your point. Don't get to say "well, that was only one market" as if that changes things when your point is that PD should have taken advantage of the next system instead of releasing it for one that is about to be replaced.

PS2 hit in March, and only didn't have a worldwide launch because of massive production shortages at the time. GT2 released in December of the previous year on the older system, not taking advantage of any of the benefits that would have come from just making it a PS2 game (and there were many games that released around that time where that criticism was leveled, so it isn't a new idea. Driver 2 off the top of my head had that pointed at it too). That was a period of 3 months before the next system hit amongst launch hype was so large that it killed sales of every other system on the market without shifting a single unit; and if you want to make the argument about what the PS4 could do over the PS3 being a reason people won't buy GT6, PD were showing off GT2000 on the PS2 months before GT2 had even come out!

Hard to make these comparisons when things are so different now then they were back then. The competition is different, they were releasing consoles at different times, GT1 wasn't a let down etc etc. But thats an exhausting argument.

How does SMS make pCARS with $6 million and a team a fraction of the size of PD or T10?

You tell me


At this point making fun of GT6 is like making fun of Rossie O'Donnell. Too easy. The interior shadows have gone from a jaggy line to a low res smeary blob. Shadows from scenery and trackside objects have gone from 16bit era jaggies to 32 bit era jaggies. I guess that deserves a pinky applause

Reviewers are going to slam the visuals in this game so hard. Look how the framerate jutters

Collision physics. Still from 1998AD.

Looks like every track will have time change. That gets a index finger applause even though more if not all GT5 tracks should have had it.

And the AI still brakes way too early. And Im tired of looking at this lifeless video.

Kazunori Yamauchi
"The level of precision we've achieved [in GT5] is actually more suited to the next generation of machines."


“The detail that goes into a premium model [has] gone beyond the level of the current PlayStation."


Yet they make another game on PS3 hardware with PS4 at the doorstep.

Polyphony Digital so deserves every criticism thats going to be thrown at them when they release this thing. Especially with their devious DLC plan which is intentionally withholding content from the disc.

And theres still people who think the trailers are real untouched ingame graphics
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...Polyphony Digital so deserves every criticism thats going to be thrown at them when they release this thing. Especially with their devious DLC plan which is intentionally withholding content from the disc...
Once again, you don't know this, it's pure supposition based upon what some other devs have done in the past - not all devs are the same.

Wait until actual info comes down or incontrovertible evidence is found, otherwise it all sounds like more unfounded petulance.

GT6 is dumb, period.

I thought the idea of making a new iteration was for new features...PD has waltzed right into left field. I will be buying an Xbox One and Forza 5 and making new friends.

And you worked all of that out without seeing the game - impressive! I'm sure MS will be happy you're coming their way.
Once again, you don't know this, it's pure supposition based upon what some other devs have done in the past - not all devs are the same.

Wait until actual info comes down or incontrovertible evidence is found, otherwise it all sounds like more unfounded petulance.

Yes and no. We know that there's a limited amount of new tracks, and we know what most of them are.

We know that they have put GT4 quality track assets in GT5 (and by extension 6) in the form of Trial Mountain, Deep Forest and Grand Valley.

We know they have a plan to release track DLC every month.

We know it takes them two years to finish a premium track.

Either they've got a whole lot of premium tracks queued up to be finished at one month intervals after release, or they're going to dump old content on us as DLC. Which could have been on the disc.

I agree that we need to wait and see, but it's not looking terribly promising at this point.
My signature describes how i feel about all the whiners etc.

I know how you feel man. Sheesh it's just a jungle on this site. :lol:

Add: ... But at the end they'll buy GT6 anyway.

Excatly that's why I'm laughing at them. :lol: They're talk talk but when they see the cheese on the mouse trap, they go for it and SNAP! They get caught because they know they go for it, and that's excatly what they'll do to GT6.

They're gonna buy it, watch and you'll see. 👍
I...Excatly that's why I'm laughing at them. :lol: They're talk talk but when they see the cheese on the mouse trap, they go for it and SNAP! They get caught because they know they go for it, and that's excatly what they'll do to GT6.

They're gonna buy it, watch and you'll see. 👍
And then they'll moan some more, blaming everyone but themselves for about three years; haunting GTP like badly scripted ghosts...

...We know it takes them two years to finish a premium track...
By that logic, Bathurst and Silverstone shouldn't be in GT6 - it was only last year they scanned them.

I do agree that waiting is the best policy.
AI still very slow, that is not a race.
It's more like a slalom until you get 2nd place, then it become chase the rabbit.

Exactly like GT5.
My signature describes how i feel about all the whiners etc.
I can't say what I think about people like you on my signature.
By that logic, Bathurst and Silverstone shouldn't be in GT6 - it was only last year they scanned them.

Sorry, I re-read that and it does give sort of the wrong impression.

PD have said two years in the past, and the assumption is that it's two man years. Somehow I sort of doubt they've got twenty four modellers pumping out a track a month (and logistics would probably get in the way of that).

Anyway, I guess the point is that it's a non-trivial amount of time. I'd be surprised if the amount of real time to finish a new track was under six months, from start to finish.
I can't wait to buy GT6 for the PS3...used.

That's actually not a bad idea.

Also, love how the GT defenders are coming into a whining thread to complain. The irony is too much. If you're supposedly sick of seeing people complain about GT, then what on earth are you doing in here?
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That's actually not a bad idea.

Also, love how the GT defenders are coming into a whining thread to complain. The irony is too much.

You should (well, you shouldn't) read the comments section on the latest news post.
I haven't read through this whole thread but I assume it's the top 5 complaints repeated in rapid succession ... I think the actual underlying problem that leads whiners to unconsciously lash out at PD, aren't the issues themselves, but the fact there isn't really anything comparable to scale of GT. As such, it has lead a certain bunch of people on GTPlanet to the horrendous addiction of bashing PD with the same old used ammunition.

Oh and I want real sound to make it into GT. It currently blows pretty bad.
A perfect online experience with lots of unique races with flawless matchmaking. GT5 is often a headache..
and I will probably want even more accurate physics after GT6.

Other than that I'm just happy GT is heading into the right direction of becoming the go-to racing sim with universal acceptance by professionals in motorsport and all car enthusiasts.
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That's actually not a bad idea.

Also, love how the GT defenders are coming into a whining thread to complain. The irony is too much.

You should (well, you shouldn't) read the comments section on the latest news post.

Just popped my head in to have a quick look at this thread, and then did as Samus mentioned. Seems the biggest complainers are the supposed anti-complainers themselves. :lol:

Certainly some knickers in a twist around here.
Yes and no. We know that there's a limited amount of new tracks, and we know what most of them are.

We know that they have put GT4 quality track assets in GT5 (and by extension 6) in the form of Trial Mountain, Deep Forest and Grand Valley.

We know they have a plan to release track DLC every month.

We know it takes them two years to finish a premium track.

Either they've got a whole lot of premium tracks queued up to be finished at one month intervals after release, or they're going to dump old content on us as DLC. Which could have been on the disc.

I agree that we need to wait and see, but it's not looking terribly promising at this point.

In this business you need long range planning, so it wouldn't surprise me if they had several tracks in the can ready to go right now. Even if Silverstone and Bathurst were ready last year for example, there's no way I'd release them on GT5 either, it just doesn't make good business sense to do so. Sucks for fans, but good for PD.

Upgrading some past tracks to premium status would be fine with me and I don't think it takes nearly as much work as a brand new, real life track. My guess is that real life tracks will the meat of some DLC's whereas older tracks refurbished, will tag along with premium car or other releases like scenery.
...If you're supposedly sick of seeing people complain about GT, then what on earth are you doing in here?
A fair point. Personally I was amused by the title, expecting it to be commentary on examples of epic whining - so irony is definitely flavour of the month.

I seem to have got stuck here though - so time to do something about that and get on with other things instead, which would be wisest as I doubt any of the whiners are actually listening.

...then did as Samus mentioned. Seems the biggest complainers are the supposed anti-complainers themselves. :lol:

Certainly some knickers in a twist around here.
That would be comments or complaints about the complainers - the way you said it, sounds like the anti-complainers are the ones complaining about GT6.

Anyway, like I said, enough of this malarky. I'll see those of you who are still sane once the game comes out.
I will play the demo and read the reviews and then I will decide if I want to spend money on this. All the speculating, hyping, whining, trolling, wish-listing and rumour-mongering is so pointless at the moment I don't want to waste my time and energy on it.
'Earth: Looks like every track will have time change. That gets a index finger applause even though more if not all GT5 tracks should have had it.'

Ah come on Dude if this is true then that is a massive leap in quality! Standing ovation to me! I just hope this coding can transfer to PS4. Imagine if we start over from scratch again for next gen like GT5:nervous:
I know how you feel man. Sheesh it's just a jungle on this site. :lol:

Excatly that's why I'm laughing at them. :lol: They're talk talk but when they see the cheese on the mouse trap, they go for it and SNAP! They get caught because they know they go for it, and that's excatly what they'll do to GT6.

They're gonna buy it, watch and you'll see. 👍

what's wrong with complaining about a game that you buy eventually exactly?
And then they'll moan some more, blaming everyone but themselves for about three years; haunting GTP like badly scripted ghosts...

I know right? :lol:

what's wrong with complaining about a game that you buy eventually exactly?

It's great when you share constructive criticisms to a game you love and want improved, but when you ask for too much and even type up aggressive posts, what does it tell you? Go read the latest news and you'll know what I mean...

Anyways this is a whining and crying thread, I want to see crying and whining. :lol:
I love how people with legitimate complaints about the GT series are labeled as criers and whiners. I get that some people do get out of hand, but most of you are lumping everyone into the same category.

Where's the "Apologists Guide to GT" post? They're just as bad on the other side of the spectrum.
I know right? :lol:

It's great when you share constructive criticisms to a game you love and want improved, but when you ask for too much and even type up aggressive posts, what does it tell you? Go read the latest news and you'll know what I mean...

Anyways this is a whining and crying thread, I want to see crying and whining. :lol:

I'm whining about the people whining about the whiners :lol:

I understand your point though,but some decisions PD make sure are head scratching
I can't say what I think about people like you on my signature.
There are plenty of other avenues to say what you think, go hard out while i grab the popcorn. :)

Also, love how the GT defenders are coming into a whining thread to complain. The irony is too much. If you're supposedly sick of seeing people complain about GT, then what on earth are you doing in here?
I only came in here as its the most likely topic where i'll find less complainers about the game. 👍

And my 'beef' with all the complainers is the fact i've never seen so much complaining, moaning and whining about any other game ever, even other GT games. And i'm not just talking about GTPlanet either, its all over the net.

Personally i think PD are doing a great job for just 150 staff, and yes i know the games aren't perfect, but going on and on and on and on and on about it in every single topic on forums probably isn't the best way to get something done about it/get noticed.
And it is this, and only this, that made me want GT6 on PS4 so bad. Keep the graphics the way they are, just give me 60fps.
As if you could notice this by watching at a 30fps video. :indiff:
The only reasons that i can think of for GT6 on PS3, is that either in PD are utterly stupid or utterly greedy.
Either PD is trying to milk every single cent from GT series by releasing it 2 times for PS3 & PS4 + the DLC.
Or they are so dead stupid that they think that their customers are equally stupid and are willing to give 60-70 euros for GT6 on PS3 and will continue to through money for DLC every month ( << by their claims) to a dead console...and later on will do it again for PS4.

About been hard to import it to PS4, now that is a joke.
IMO they have it ready and running on PS4 long time ago.

What i really cant understand is how sony let this happen...
They could easily push back 1-2 months DriveClub and have GT6 ready to be bundled with PS4.
The only reasons that i can think of for GT6 on PS3, is that either in PD are utterly stupid or utterly greedy.
Either PD is trying to milk every single cent from GT series by releasing it 2 times for PS3 & PS4 + the DLC.
Or they are so dead stupid that they think that their customers are equally stupid and are willing to give 60-70 euros for GT6 on PS3 and will continue to through money for DLC every month ( << by their claims) to a dead console...and later on will do it again for PS4.

About been hard to import it to PS4, now that is a joke.
IMO they have it ready and running on PS4 long time ago.

What i really cant understand is how sony let this happen...
They could easily push back 1-2 months DriveClub and have GT6 ready to be bundled with PS4.

I wasn't aware that Sony actually announced it for PS4. That's the only explanation for half of the things said in this post.